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Talk about how to live with anorexia/bulimia and make people not notice.
Post thinspiration, restrictive diets, what you eat in a day, extreme workouts, etc.

The following links may be outdated:


Low Calorie Food & Drinks List:


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No woman browses here and any man here should be doing steroids


This is a very unfortunate thing to see tbh


This is the future that commusocialists want.
Oh fuck how I do~


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Wait, so sissy hypnosers haven't invented anything new? My gay is ruined.


Saving the to DM to w*men who call me an incel online.


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where can I get such an auschwitz victim girl?


File: 1692299381346.jpeg ( 11.57 KB , 474x266 , th-1984741470.jpeg )

>If i can't be the pretty one, I want to be the skinny one


based thread


Hint: Socialism is when no food.


Only for women. Men have access to public outdoor gyms and lose social credit if that aren't rocking a pump 3 days out of the week.


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Why is this a thread? You genuinely have an ED?


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body hate


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File: 1692845849099-4.mp4 ( 1.44 MB , 718x1280 , FMcmLOIkx-orFY5Q.mp4 )

black thinspo


Why isn't the contents of this thread taught in schools? Why do theeeey want you to be fat?


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locals just don't understand






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>Why is this a thread?
cus it's hot as fuck?

what are you, a landwhale?


that rebecca girl is so fkn dreamy

skinny black mestizo girls are the best


how's everyone's diets going?


Why are fat women so disgusting?


usually i just look at child models 4 thinspo but this will work!


Is it really that hard to just eat as much as you need and eat healthy? That's how you stay a healthy weight. You don't need to starve yourself to avoid becoming fat.

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