[ overboard / sfw / alt / cytube] [ leftypol / b / WRK / hobby / tech / edu / ga / ent / 777 / posad / i / a / R9K / dead ] [ meta ]

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File: 1696549256691.png ( 693.48 KB , 1920x1080 , graff_fuck.png )


Totally shitty thread
5 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.




Not denied


Not on Tor


And this should be OK


So should this tbh

File: 1702105337408.png ( 1.94 MB , 1920x1080 , 2018-11-04-023716_1920x108….png )


Thread Creation?


File: 1702105348221.png ( 4.07 MB , 1920x4830 , ClipboardImage.png )

Replies work?


What if we sage this thread?


Very long subject line test


Will it still work or break?


Moved to >>>/Test/65.


[sql] => Array
[0] => Array
[query] => SET NAMES utf8mb4
[rows] => 0
[explain] =>
[time] => ~0.19ms

[1] => Array
[query] => SELECT * FROM `boards` WHERE `uri` = :uri LIMIT 1
[rows] => 1
[explain] =>
[time] => ~0.39ms

[2] => Array
[query] => SELECT `bans`.* FROM `bans` WHERE ((`board` IS NULL OR `board` = :board) AND (`ipstart` = :ip OR (:ip >= `ipstart` AND :ip <= `ipend`))) ORDER BY `expires` IS NULL, `expires` DESC
[rows] => 0
[explain] =>
[time] => ~0.38ms

[3] => Array
[query] => DELETE FROM `bans` WHERE `expires` IS NOT NULL AND `expires` < 1715202723 AND `seen` = 1
[rows] => 0
[explain] =>
[time] => ~0.25ms

[4] => Array
[query] => SELECT `theme` FROM `theme_settings` WHERE `name` IS NULL AND `value` IS NULL
[rows] => 6
[explain] =>
[time] => ~0.28ms

[5] => Array
[query] => SELECT `name`, `value` FROM `theme_settings` WHERE `theme` = :theme AND `name` IS NOT NULL
[rows] => 1
[explain] =>
[time] => ~0.31ms

[6] => Array
[query] => SELECT `name`, `value` FROM `theme_settings` WHERE `theme` = :theme AND `name` IS NOT NULL
[rows] => 2
[explain] =>
[time] => ~0.28ms

[7] => Array
[query] => SELECT `bans`.*, `username` FROM `bans`
LEFT JOIN `mods` ON `mods`.`id` = `creator`
ORDER BY `created` DESC
[rows] => 0
[explain] =>
[time] => ~0.22ms

[8] => Array
[query] => SELECT `name`, `value` FROM `theme_settings` WHERE `theme` = :theme AND `name` IS NOT NULL
[rows] => 3
[explain] =>
[time] => ~0.39ms

[9] => Array
[query] => SELECT `name`, `value` FROM `theme_settings` WHERE `theme` = :theme AND `name` IS NOT NULL
[rows] => 3
[explain] =>
[time] => ~0.39ms

[10] => Array
[query] => SELECT `name`, `value` FROM `theme_settings` WHERE `theme` = :theme AND `name` IS NOT NULL
[rows] => 7
[explain] =>
[time] => ~0.43ms

[11] => Array
[query] => SELECT * FROM `boards` ORDER BY `uri`
[rows] => 3
[explain] =>
[time] => ~0.32ms

[12] => Array
[query] => SELECT `name`, `value` FROM `theme_settings` WHERE `theme` = :theme AND `name` IS NOT NULL
[rows] => 11
[explain] =>
[time] => ~0.36ms

[13] => Array
[query] => SELECT `sticky`,`locked`,`cycle`,`sage`,`slug` FROM `posts_b` WHERE `id` = :id AND `thread` IS NULL LIMIT 1
[rows] => 1
[explain] =>
[time] => ~0.31ms

[14] => Array
[query] => SELECT COUNT(*) AS `replies`, SUM(`num_files`) AS `images` FROM `posts_b` WHERE `thread` = :thread
[rows] => 1
[explain] =>
[time] => ~0.37ms

[15] => Array
[query] => SELECT * FROM `flood` WHERE `time` > 1715199123
[rows] => 5
[explain] =>
[time] => ~0.32ms

[16] => Array
[query] => DELETE FROM `flood` WHERE `time` < 1715201823
[rows] => 1
[explain] =>
[time] => ~0.32ms

[17] => Array
[query] => INSERT INTO `posts_b` VALUES ( NULL, :thread, :subject, :email, :name, :trip, :capcode, :body, :body_nomarkup, :time, :time, :files, :num_files, :filehash, :password, :ip, :sticky, :locked, :cycle, 0, :embed, :slug, :delete_token)
[rows] => 1
[explain] =>
[time] => ~0.28ms

[18] => Array
[query] => INSERT INTO `flood` VALUES (NULL, :ip, :board, :time, :posthash, :filehash, :isreply)
[rows] => 1
[explain] =>
[time] => ~0.19ms

[19] => Array
[query] => SELECT `id` FROM `posts_b` WHERE `thread` IS NULL ORDER BY `sticky` DESC, `bump` DESC
[rows] => 2
[explain] =>
[time] => ~0.27ms

[20] => Array
[query] => UPDATE `posts_b` SET `bump` = :time WHERE `id` = :id AND `thread` IS NULL
[rows] => 1
[explain] =>
[time] => ~0.3ms

[21] => Array
[query] => SELECT `id` FROM `posts_b` WHERE `thread` IS NULL ORDER BY `sticky` DESC, `bump` DESC
[rows] => 2
[explain] =>
[time] => ~0.28ms

[22] => Array
[query] => SELECT *,'b' as board FROM `posts_b` WHERE (`thread` IS NULL AND `id` = :id) OR `thread` = :id ORDER BY `thread`,`id`
[rows] => 11
[explain] =>
[time] => ~0.62ms

[23] => Array
[query] => DELETE FROM `antispam` WHERE `expires` < UNIX_TIMESTAMP()
[rows] => 0
[explain] =>
[time] => ~0.22ms

[24] => Array
[query] => UPDATE `antispam` SET `expires` = UNIX_TIMESTAMP() + :expires WHERE `board` = :board AND `thread` = :thread AND `expires` IS NULL
[rows] => 1
[explain] =>
[time] => ~0.44ms

[25] => Array
[query] => INSERT INTO `antispam` VALUES (:board, :thread, :hash, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), NULL, 0)
[rows] => 1
[explain] =>
[time] => ~0.26ms

[26] => Array
[query] => SELECT *,'b' as board FROM `posts_b` WHERE `thread` IS NULL ORDER BY `sticky` DESC, `bump` DESC LIMIT :offset,:threads_per_page
[rows] => 2
[explain] =>
[time] => ~0.44ms

[27] => Array
[query] => SELECT * FROM `posts_b` WHERE `thread` = :id ORDER BY `id` DESC LIMIT :limit
[rows] => 5
[explain] =>
[time] => ~0.44ms

[28] => Array
[query] => SELECT COUNT(*) AS `replies`, SUM(`num_files`) AS `images` FROM `posts_b` WHERE `thread` = :thread
[rows] => 1
[explain] =>
[time] => ~0.33ms

[29] => Array
[query] => SELECT * FROM `posts_b` WHERE `thread` = :id ORDER BY `id` DESC LIMIT :limit
[rows] => 5
[explain] =>
[time] => ~0.45ms

[30] => Array
[query] => SELECT COUNT(*) AS `replies`, SUM(`num_files`) AS `images` FROM `posts_b` WHERE `thread` = :thread
[rows] => 1
[explain] =>
[time] => ~0.37ms

[31] => Array
[query] => UPDATE `antispam` SET `expires` = UNIX_TIMESTAMP() + :expires WHERE `board` = :board AND `thread` = :thread AND `expires` IS NULL
[rows] => 1
[explain] =>
[time] => ~0.52ms

[32] => Array
[query] => INSERT INTO `antispam` VALUES (:board, :thread, :hash, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), NULL, 0)
[rows] => 1
[explain] =>
[time] => ~0.32ms


[exec] => Array

[purge] => Array

[cached] => Array
[0] => board_b (miss)
[1] => board_b (set)
[2] => purged_bans_last (miss)
[3] => themes (miss)
[4] => themes (set)
[5] => theme_settings_overboards (miss)
[6] => theme_settings_overboards (set)
[7] => theme_settings_public_banlist (miss)
[8] => theme_settings_public_banlist (set)
[9] => theme_settings_faq (miss)
[10] => theme_settings_faq (set)
[11] => theme_settings_rules (miss)
[12] => theme_settings_rules (set)
[13] => theme_settings_categories (miss)
[14] => theme_settings_categories (set)
[15] => all_boards (miss)
[16] => all_boards (set)
[17] => all_boards (hit)
[18] => theme_settings_catalog (miss)
[19] => theme_settings_catalog (set)
[20] => purged_bans_last (set)
[21] => thread_index_b_1 (deleted)
[22] => thread_b_1 (deleted)
[23] => all_boards (hit)
[24] => thread_index_b_1 (miss)
[25] => thread_index_b_1 (set)
[26] => thread_index_b_19 (miss)
[27] => thread_index_b_19 (set)
[28] => all_boards (hit)

[write] => Array
[0] => bans.json: 2 bytes
[1] => b/res/1.json: 2309 bytes
[2] => b/res/1.html: 45998 bytes
[3] => b/0.json: 3115 bytes

[time] => Array
[db_queries] => ~11.23ms
[exec] => ~0ms
[db_connect] => ~0.82ms
[total] => ~74.13ms
[init] => ~0.95ms

[included] => Array
[0] => /srv/http/lainchan.leftypol.org/post.php
[1] => /srv/http/lainchan.leftypol.org/inc/functions.php
[2] => /srv/http/lainchan.leftypol.org/inc/error.php
[3] => /srv/http/lainchan.leftypol.org/inc/cache.php
[4] => /srv/http/lainchan.leftypol.org/inc/display.php
[5] => /srv/http/lainchan.leftypol.org/inc/template.php
[6] => /srv/http/lainchan.leftypol.org/vendor/autoload.php
[7] => /srv/http/lainchan.leftypol.org/vendor/composer/autoload_real.php
[8] => /srv/http/lainchan.leftypol.org/vendor/composer/platform_check.php
[9] => /srv/http/lainchan.leftypol.org/vendor/composer/ClassLoader.php
[10] => /srv/http/lainchan.leftypol.org/vendor/composer/autoload_static.php
[11] => /srv/http/lainchan.leftypol.org/vendor/ralouphie/getallheaders/src/getallheaders.php
[12] => /srv/http/lainchan.leftypol.org/vendor/symfony/polyfill-ctype/bootstrap.php
[13] => /srv/http/lainchan.leftypol.org/vendor/symfony/polyfill-ctype/bootstrap80.php
[14] => /srv/http/lainchan.leftypol.org/vendor/symfony/polyfill-mbstring/bootstrap.php
[15] => /srv/http/lainchan.leftypol.org/vendor/symfony/polyfill-mbstring/bootstrap80.php
[16] => /srv/http/lainchan.leftypol.org/vendor/myclabs/deep-copy/src/DeepCopy/deep_copy.php
[17] => /srv/http/lainchan.leftypol.org/vendor/symfony/deprecation-contracts/function.php
[18] => /srv/http/lainchan.leftypol.org/vendor/guzzlehttp/guzzle/src/functions_include.php
[19] => /srv/http/lainchan.leftypol.org/vendor/guzzlehttp/guzzle/src/functions.php
[20] => /srv/http/lainchan.leftypol.org/vendor/phpunit/phpunit/src/Framework/Assert/Functions.php
[21] => /srv/http/lainchan.leftypol.org/vendor/ramsey/uuid/src/functions.php
[22] => /srv/http/lainchan.leftypol.org/inc/lib/twig/Extensions/Tinyboard.php
[23] => /srv/http/lainchan.leftypol.org/inc/lib/gmstrftime/php-8.1-strftime.php
[24] => /srv/http/lainchan.leftypol.org/vendor/twig/twig/src/Extension/AbstractExtension.php
[25] => /srv/http/lainchan.leftypol.org/vendor/twig/twig/src/Extension/ExtensionInterface.php
[26] => /srv/http/lainchan.leftypol.org/inc/database.php
[27] => /srv/http/lainchan.leftypol.org/inc/events.php
[28] => /srv/http/lainchan.leftypol.org/inc/api.php
[29] => /srv/http/lainchan.leftypol.org/inc/mod/auth.php
[30] => /srv/http/lainchan.leftypol.org/inc/lock.php
[31] => /srv/http/lainchan.leftypol.org/inc/queue.php
[32] => /srv/http/lainchan.leftypol.org/inc/polyfill.php
[33] => /srv/http/lainchan.leftypol.org/inc/spamnoticer.php
[34] => /srv/http/lainchan.leftypol.org/inc/anti-bot.php
[35] => /srv/http/lainchan.leftypol.org/inc/config.php
[36] => /srv/http/lainchan.leftypol.org/inc/instance-config.php
[37] => /srv/http/lainchan.leftypol.org/inc/lib/webm/posthandler.php
[38] => /srv/http/lainchan.leftypol.org/inc/bans.php
[39] => /srv/http/lainchan.leftypol.org/b/config.php
[40] => /srv/http/lainchan.leftypol.org/templates/themes/overboards/info.php
[41] => /srv/http/lainchan.leftypol.org/templates/themes/overboards/theme.php
[42] => /srv/http/lainchan.leftypol.org/templates/themes/public_banlist/info.php
[43] => /srv/http/lainchan.leftypol.org/templates/themes/public_banlist/theme.php
[44] => /srv/http/lainchan.leftypol.org/templates/themes/faq/info.php
[45] => /srv/http/lainchan.leftypol.org/templates/themes/faq/theme.php
[46] => /srv/http/lainchan.leftypol.org/templates/themes/rules/info.php
[47] => /srv/http/lainchan.leftypol.org/templates/themes/rules/theme.php
[48] => /srv/http/lainchan.leftypol.org/templates/themes/categories/info.php
[49] => /srv/http/lainchan.leftypol.org/templates/themes/categories/theme.php
[50] => /srv/http/lainchan.leftypol.org/templates/themes/catalog/info.php
[51] => /srv/http/lainchan.leftypol.org/templates/themes/catalog/theme.php
[52] => /srv/http/lainchan.leftypol.org/templates/themes/overboards/overboards.php
[53] => /srv/http/lainchan.leftypol.org/inc/filters.php
[54] => /srv/http/lainchan.leftypol.org/vendor/twig/twig/src/Loader/FilesystemLoader.php
[55] => /srv/http/lainchan.leftypol.org/vendor/twig/twig/src/Loader/LoaderInterface.php
[56] => /srv/http/lainchan.leftypol.org/vendor/twig/twig/src/Environment.php
[57] => /srv/http/lainchan.leftypol.org/vendor/twig/twig/src/Cache/FilesystemCache.php
[58] => /srv/http/lainchan.leftypol.org/vendor/twig/twig/src/Cache/CacheInterface.php
[59] => /srv/http/lainchan.leftypol.org/vendor/twig/twig/src/ExtensionSet.php
[60] => /srv/http/lainchan.leftypol.org/vendor/twig/twig/src/Extension/StagingExtension.php
[61] => /srv/http/lainchan.leftypol.org/vendor/twig/twig/src/Extension/CoreExtension.php
[62] => /srv/http/lainchan.leftypol.org/vendor/twig/twig/src/Extension/EscaperExtension.php
[63] => /srv/http/lainchan.leftypol.org/vendor/twig/twig/src/Extension/OptimizerExtension.php
[64] => /srv/http/lainchan.leftypol.org/vendor/phpmyadmin/twig-i18n-extension/src/I18nExtension.php
[65] => /srv/http/lainchan.leftypol.org/vendor/twig/twig/src/TemplateWrapper.php
[66] => /srv/http/lainchan.leftypol.org/templates/cache/b5/b5375a470ff9658352173ed22e0e968e.php
[67] => /srv/http/lainchan.leftypol.org/vendor/twig/twig/src/Template.php
[68] => /srv/http/lainchan.leftypol.org/vendor/twig/twig/src/Source.php
[69] => /srv/http/lainchan.leftypol.org/templates/cache/c4/c447e502a58bcf9877812b3bdddb4028.php
[70] => /srv/http/lainchan.leftypol.org/templates/cache/16/162527c25b68d52fd6b411d38d8e233e.php
[71] => /srv/http/lainchan.leftypol.org/templates/cache/c8/c8ecf16d08dd4ed2316d68831b6fc446.php
[72] => /srv/http/lainchan.leftypol.org/templates/cache/22/22e70e2e87e0d024f3b5bb1908fd6a5e.php
[73] => /srv/http/lainchan.leftypol.org/templates/cache/98/985de963b3dff9157c0a12df5c8f49a1.php
[74] => /srv/http/lainchan.leftypol.org/templates/cache/c9/c9be1f11db2e4bad09b64365de8cebf8.php
[75] => /srv/http/lainchan.leftypol.org/templates/cache/df/dffb7b7d87bb87c67400d06a52433a6d.php
[76] => /srv/http/lainchan.leftypol.org/templates/cache/68/68c192d6bebca6b93cce053cd12f4375.php
[77] => /srv/http/lainchan.leftypol.org/templates/cache/35/35e88a9d0155977779ac2697ae417728.php
[78] => /srv/http/lainchan.leftypol.org/templates/cache/28/288dd7ec0ace4ba09db73e323ccc181c.php
[79] => /srv/http/lainchan.leftypol.org/templates/cache/a2/a2fba5f5124a9da10981c2b3063951ff.php
[80] => /srv/http/lainchan.leftypol.org/vendor/twig/twig/src/Markup.php
[81] => /srv/http/lainchan.leftypol.org/templates/cache/92/92f6e4977e0eea81e7cf67922463629f.php
[82] => /srv/http/lainchan.leftypol.org/templates/cache/83/8384821a7f1ace5c92c0ab4bd89046f9.php
[83] => /srv/http/lainchan.leftypol.org/templates/cache/98/98e17c682a896f17b042236f8c098d07.php
[84] => /srv/http/lainchan.leftypol.org/templates/cache/2d/2df9ef7767cec2a212eb84801fd357de.php
[85] => /srv/http/lainchan.leftypol.org/templates/cache/d3/d3537322127c4695ba80a8735d01f516.php
[86] => /srv/http/lainchan.leftypol.org/templates/cache/84/84cdd7b7e232cfe8f7e8613e87cad08d.php
[87] => /srv/http/lainchan.leftypol.org/templates/cache/79/795c1866e8f945f9a753f0eaafa91c92.php

[memory] => 2 MiB
Delete Post [ ]
[ overboard / sfw / alt / cytube] [ leftypol / b / WRK / hobby / tech / edu / ga / ent / 777 / posad / i / a / R9K / dead ] [ meta ]
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