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>Hates children

>Thinks babies are parasites
>Hates white people even though they make up 90% of their group
>Hates humanity's progress
>Hates when fertility rates increase
>Thinks the world is overpopulated, thinks people need to die.

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 No.138676[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

This thread was on .org when it split from bunkerchan, and it seemed to help. Lots of people just check and see nothing they want to respond to, well you have to respond to this (it says so in the subject field) so you will always make at least one post when you visit.
Consider it the random thread of /b/, the most random of all spork wielding penguins of doom
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>why even do a revolution? there is no point to anything anyway
>t. glowie posing as nihilist


What's the explanation for England and Wales' Trades Union Congress and Dutch farmers supporting the EU?


English trade unions were the main opposition to joining the EU/EEC, with some unions such as the RMT supporting Brexit in 2016. As for why they switched their position, I don't know the exact reasoning but there was a general shift to pro-europeanism in the British left during the Kinnock and Blair years. I guess as the old guard of trade union leaders died out they were replaced by younger, more liberal types.

Brexit was something that was promoted by the right in the UK, although the far-left broadly supported it. In the Netherlands neither the far-right nor far-left support leaving the EU, so I doubt centrist farmers unions would take that position.


Thinking on how I one day want to come to Brazil


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I didn't watch it but what is HasanAbi saying about Kamala ?

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How would a stateless, classless and moneyless society benefit incels? The 2 most popular copes are porn and prostitutes, but in a society where one doesn't need money, what's the incentive for women to make porn or become prostitutes? They can obtain all the sex they want for free anyway, and they're certainly not going to show themselves off to incels. So how would incels cope under socialism or communism?
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>Vast majority of postboomer proles are unskilled laborers due to overpromotion of white collar jobs.
The vast majority of postboomer proles that you know are middle class brats who wasted daddy's money on an impractical university degree and now mad at "capitalism" because they can't afford the same standard of living they had while growing up.

>How neoliberalism is damaging your mental health
<not one mention of SSRIs or pharmaceutical corporations exploiting the fuck out of your "mental health".
You want to eat the rich but all you eat is their propaganda.



Most of those "middle class brats" didnt go to gender studoes.
They went to STEM.
They had to juggle part time jovs, school, and crummy apartmemts.

Amd now?
Its normalised to soemd your twenties amd thirties as brokies with no trade skills.


>They went to STEM.
And what if I told you theoretical physics is just as useless as gender studies.

You are not a victim of "capitalism" you got scammed by the university racket and the socialist government policies that keep it alive.


>"socialism" is when colleges lend out loans

Yea ok bud


>"socialism" is when colleges lend out loans
Socialism is when then government uses tax money to guarantee those loans. Nobody is lending out $100,000 of their own money to 18 year olds so they can get a gender studies degree. Like everything the government does it is a scam to redirect taxes into private hands (not yours though).

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I want Liz Trueanon to shrink my penis 😳
I want her to say "BUH BYE" as it turns into a little dicklet 😳
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Thanks. I'll have to let it sink in. Tweets are saying she hates Islam so idk


Under Islam she would be stoned to death so that is kinda understandable tbf


What does any of this even mean


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All women are normies.
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you sound stressed


Why is your shading algo so unstable?


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>honey I'm home! my heckin coding job was hard today! I was having problems with my array loops! anyways, hehe, are you ready to make love to my boipussy?


Too bad.


All men are minorities.

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Tolerance weakens countries as it creates a lack of unity and productivity.

I especially hate the idea of going to a part of a city where no one speaks English. People can't work together, if there's an emergency people couldn't help very well and so on. The more isolated pockets we have in a country the less it's the same country anymore.
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As I stated, in the US it was designed to create what was called a "superculture" in the 1700s.

The point was to get the smartest and most creative people from all over the world to move to the US.

In political science there's something called "Brain Drain" which is where all the smart people in a 3rd world type country will move to a place like the US instead of staying in their country.

So, it's not about "tolerance" which means accepting weirdoes, crazy people, sinister people, cultures that act against your culture, etc it's about collecting a massive and diverse talent pool to make the country invincible.


Tolerance doesn't mean that and has never ment that. Words don't just mean what you want them to mean because it is convenient to your political head cannon. Countries are political and economic demensions of capitalism that have coalesced into material reality.
There's literally no reason why you could not extrapolate this to the whole planet. There are always going to be cultures and people that are different than yours and you realize you're basically advocating inbreeding if you are against races and cultures mixing. Especially with the advent of the internet. These ideas are so pase…


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The idea WAS to have people from everywhere come to the US with POSITIVE ideas and we would work together to make what is called a Superculture. That was the words the designer of city hall used.

He meant a place like ancient Greece.

Nowadays, multiculturalism means people living separately in the US and not working together on things. That is terrible.

If you read about the history of Philly City hall it is based on those ideas.

In addition, the founding father wanted to create a new "Athens" and if you go to Washington DC, there's paintings of them all over, dressed as Greeks.

The wigs they wore were supposed to look like ancient Greek hair.

Democracy and slavery are from Athens.
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


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>you're basically advocating inbreeding
I would take any amount of allowed incest between siblings rather than have them hating each other. Westoid family unit was a mistake.


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here is a vague picture of how the Natural Birthing Cloning and Breeding (NBOB) might proceed.
(I don't think it's important enough to post it in the main board)
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white supremacy simp

You know, white skin is fragile.
It ages terribly and is susceptible to cancer.


I don't make the rules, the default human being is already brown, this trend is likely to increase.


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Since this program is paired with socialist transition, where should we advertise this? where should we advertise this first ? i'm thinking Russia and Ukraine ethnic whites would be the ideal group to advertise this. I'm also thinking it would be excellent to adversite this to the Poles so they would stop being such a anticom or at the very least to curb the victim story users and their orgs. since their white a sheet you could very well advertise hardline marxist-communist politics as long as you are (very) loud in promoting the bleaching program. note that you must ALWAYS specify the NATURAL part so they wont be thinking about some human GMO & fake skin type things.


Mixed race of Asian and White: good
Mixed race of Asian and Black: bad

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Steal to read and acquire knowledge.
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People who want to create institutions shoudl be immured in them.


what do you mean, anon? Elaborate.



The American school system is a great example.

Marx said that people would get tired on rich people using everyone and ruining everything. So, as people get more educated, they will not stand for exploitation and develop cooperative activities.

A hundred years ago, little kids were used as machines working in coal mines, factories, etc and they were dying, getting maimed, have no idea how to be a human, etc.

Then, almost all at once, people got tired of it and agreed kids need to have a less stressful life, are innocent, need a chance at education, success, etc AND society should collectively pay for it.

That's what Marx said would happen. There's no need for force.

Probably almost no one in the US is against communist free education for kids.

The idea is that the Industrial Revolution caused a perversion or society and that people will get tired of it and defeat by realizing what is going on.


Capitalism is itself a form of force and violence placed upon the workers. You're correct there is no need for violence or force, but, stealing and theft sure does save me money and make my life easier.


>Then, almost all at once, people got tired of it and agreed kids need to have a less stressful life, are innocent, need a chance at education, success, etc AND society should collectively pay for it.

Well, schools are now sourcesof stress.

Bullying, useless subjects, draconian rules, mass shootings.

Young people of the past six centuries spent more time in school than their ancestors.

And look what happened: zero job prospects, sexlessness, anxiety amd depression.

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for someone who wants to get a gf?


People tend to hang out with and date in their own income range, and poor people still manage to get together, but I imagine you have more options if you aren't actually broke.

I know a guy who is currently behind on rent, isn't tall and still gets laid regularly. He just hits on anything that moves tbqh.


so none?

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Given everything in life revolves around physical & genetic survival, isn't it important that we actually start talking about the importance of achieving equality of outcomes that highly depend on genetic variance? The obvious ones I can think of is reproduction, because ugly physically unattractive men that can't change their appearance are literally treated like scum by society and all political factions.
>get lost incel
no. Given that reproduction is literally the only known way to Life to cheat death, being denied this is as worse as murder. I think I truly believe BIOLENINISM is the only solution to this.


>The obvious ones I can think of is reproduction, because ugly physically unattractive men that can't change their appearance are literally treated like scum by society and all political factions.
Gen X guys were ugly and they had lots of kids.

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