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/b/ - Siberia

"We need an imageboard of action to fight for OC making posters."
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 No.138676[View All]

This thread was on .org when it split from bunkerchan, and it seemed to help. Lots of people just check and see nothing they want to respond to, well you have to respond to this (it says so in the subject field) so you will always make at least one post when you visit.
Consider it the random thread of /b/, the most random of all spork wielding penguins of doom
476 posts and 381 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.



How dis whole thread get moved here?


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kek jannies


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i like hambaga


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is Bernie our guy again?


tfw everyone forgot about Afghanistan


>there's people who weren't alive during certain happenings


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>people born after 9/11 can now die


No, he's voted repeated to throw money at the Ukraine proxy war for two years now. He can go fuck himself.


Are you an NPC if you eat at regular times?


Why is there no female Hasanabi / Hasan Piker?


They all have penises




They are transformers


>tfw someone took your clean laundry out the dryer and put it in a dirty basket
fucking retards


>not keeping an eye on your shit in a public laundromat
uygha just set a timer


I was taking a walk and misjudged when I would be back


I just want muscle girl streamer who is also leftist


Darn I wonder what they thought of/ what happened


colord tv… colored people.. its all connected


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>skibidi toilet character


Based αs.


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What would you do if you called an Uber and these two pulled up?


tfw i photoshopped myself as one of the heads of communism


Put your trip on Eugene


Why is Brazil so based?


>watching normie podcast
>"4chan is pretty much Reddit"
even normies know..


>why even do a revolution? there is no point to anything anyway
>t. glowie posing as nihilist


What's the explanation for England and Wales' Trades Union Congress and Dutch farmers supporting the EU?


English trade unions were the main opposition to joining the EU/EEC, with some unions such as the RMT supporting Brexit in 2016. As for why they switched their position, I don't know the exact reasoning but there was a general shift to pro-europeanism in the British left during the Kinnock and Blair years. I guess as the old guard of trade union leaders died out they were replaced by younger, more liberal types.

Brexit was something that was promoted by the right in the UK, although the far-left broadly supported it. In the Netherlands neither the far-right nor far-left support leaving the EU, so I doubt centrist farmers unions would take that position.


Thinking on how I one day want to come to Brazil


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I didn't watch it but what is HasanAbi saying about Kamala ?


>profile picture is Killmonger from Black Panther
>tells you to vote Kamala/Dems
so much for stuff


If the assassination attempt succeeded, who would've replaced Trump for Republicans nominee or whatever?


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Found this. The heck?


>when you find an old shitpost that you didn't post and it holds up, drawing laughter from you
feels good




Do people realize Steam is DRM? When Steam came out I didn't even understand why you have to run it to run the fucking game. And people put up with this shit for some reason.


Well uh, I bought a bunch of stuff on Steam because it was on sale. But I do have a GOG account and bought stuff there too, but not as much for some reason (some games aren't even on there yet?)



Khirbat en-Nahas is a large-scale copper-mining site excavated by archaeologist Thomas Levy in what is now southern Jordan. The scale of tenth-century mining on the site is regarded as evidence of a strong, centralized 10th century BC Edomite kingdom."

Centralized? PogChamp


Finally killed the fly terrorizing me in my apartment for the last week. I thought it would die by itself but I had to hunt that fucker down with a rolled up commie newspaper.


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Should Leftists start advocating for abolishing Amber Alert?


>t. owner of a grey hyundai santa fe SUV


Tf am I getting all these alerts for? Watch yo own dam keeds!!!


This site is developing its own culture.


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Kids should pay their mothers for meals.


Then youd have to give them wage labor to pay mom for meals.
But then youd say thats child abuse


Then they should be paid for going to school


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commies can't argue against pic related

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