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It was a decent board with the occasional good effortpost, and importantly the only place online for leftist incels to freely discuss our ideas. Now that it's gone I feel like leftcelism has died as an ideological current - in the anglosphere at least.

This board was never supposed to replace /leftcel/ and it's always been more shitpost orientated. I had assumed that after the breadtube troon took down 9chan, the /leftcel/ mods would make a new board somewhere else. But unfortunately this has not happened.


it's better to not split unnecessarily tbh. At least back on 8ch it was all on one site.


There hasn't been another 9chan "create your own board" image board since they went down. I'm the old BO of /leftcel/.
I'll try to bring back some of the more thoughtful threads like the Blackpool science one.
All of the best threads have been archived on archive.org




Pretty sure Endchan still exists. It's just completely dead.


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transhumanists, you must go back


I believe the opposite. It's best not to put all of our eggs into one basket and always have a backup site.

I see, so there was simply nowhere else to migrate to.
Do you have the numbers for how many weekly IPs you were getting on the 9chan board? I'm curious how many we've lost.


Leftist spaces and incel spaces have basically no overlap. Incelism was never designed to be woke, and leftists care more about economics and breadpilling regulars of their local tabletop gaming store than complaing about not getting laid, and it's easier for leftists to get laid than rightist.
It's a niche that sounds paradoxical to most people not in the niche.


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Stop shitting up my thread with your weird obsession please.


It is a niche and seemingly paradoxical idea right now, but I believe that will change. Marxism is the only way to analyse incelism in a way that makes sense.


Faggot jannies are deleting posts under flimsy pretenses, a la .ogre style

Butthurt much?


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Sorry jannoids. You can't obscure the truth with your fantasy LARPing politics


>screenshot of otherwise plain text of some article about a survey with no context
>making the distincion of right wing and centrist
38.85 + 17.47 = 56.32
As well as liberals (centrists) calling themselves left / not understanding the term leftist.
Like I get the joke but this is just cringe.


>Omg your study didn't explicitly include people who identify with my sectarian ego-stroking definition of left – so therefore isn't valid!!!

The link was posted earlier. You can either search a phrase or ask the jannies (you) why they felt compelled to delete it the first time


It's .net of course they're paranoid about counter raids.


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Here's proof that I'm not from .ogre


lmao by that logic I should consider 99.9% of the self-described "left" as right wing too.


>Do you have the numbers for how many weekly IPs you were getting on the 9chan board? I'm curious how many we've lost.
Probably a 100 a week. 500 if sharty raided us or we posted something that got /pol/'s attention


Nah, you just have this liberal idea that incel=/pol/ because of the chinlet memes. I'd argue that much of /pol/ actually isn't unattractive since fascists tend to be petite booj, so they have money to take care of themselves, and are white passing.
Incels overall are generally ethnic minorities and while not class conscious, are anti liberal at least.


Incelism is an ideology tho, getting laid doesn't magically make them stop being incels, it was never about celibacy, it's just news addiction. That's why the vast majority of virgins never have an incel phase, it's a fringe-by-design consumer identity for customers of a niche pocket of a mostly western 24/7 news cycle.


Nah, your liberal ideology is showing again. Incelism is a material condition with an ideology wrapped around it to explain the material condition.
No,.you cannot be an incel if you get into a relationship or somehow find yourself getting laid regularly. This is your "bad people are always bad" liberal moralizing.


At no point did I make a moral assertion tho.


>That's why the vast majority of virgins never have an incel phase, it's a fringe-by-design consumer identity for customers of a niche pocket of a mostly western 24/7 news cycle.
Bluepilled dumbfuck.

Yes, virhins don't have a blackpill phase, they have a fucking Nazi tradcath phase and Islamic fundamentalist phase.

The whole Islamic terrorist movement is incels getting duped with a promise of a harem in the afterlife by fucking normgroid mullahs.


Points stands

You're an idealist that lives in a world of make believe, where existential reality is only given attention when it's convenient for supporting your apriori unreality about the way things 'really' are (according to same fake/ghey leftist idealist lens).

You stating that 'incel' is a set of ideas/beliefs with no correspondence to actually reality is just a clear example of this. But it pretty much applies to most of contemporary western muhleftists ideas.

>Inb4 screeching and insults

Perhaps if it wasn't so easy to point out where your confidently-stated ideas deviate from truth and simple common sense, you wouldn't constantly have anons running circles around you. Just a thought


No one cares what faggy low T white incels think

Not women
Not men
No one

You (rightly) get as much respect as morbidly obese people.

Whereas fat people display their ugly, shameful body - with some narcissistically convinced that it's something to be proud of

Incels do so with their ugly, shameful personalities

You are beyond help

The biggest contribution you could make to society is if some feral future scholar robbed you of the laughable amount of money you have

If there is a god, he hates you for being such a pathetic faggot who has done fuck all nothing

And you deserve absolutely everything in your life

Go back to your vidya games and porn addiction

There is nothing and no one here for you


You asswiper bluepillers make me sick. Imagine wiping your ass. I never learned how to wipe my ass and I'm proud of that. Clean asses only make you vulnerable to diseases that would otherwise be beaten back by your own good bacteria. Asswipers get so mad when I tell them that I never learned to wipe my ass because it triggers their npc brains.
Yes not everyone knows how to wipe their ass
While everyone around me was learning how to wipe their ass I resisted the paper and I'm stronger and more independent for it. My own bluepilled family despises me for my knowledge and try to make me learn but I never will. NoWipers are starting to notice their own power. NoWipe rise up! Slava Ukraini! Death to Asswipers!


Imagine all the time bluepilled asswipers spend wiping their ass. No fucking thanks. And they actually spend money on toilet paper. Hmm. Paying money just have a clean asshole for a few hours. Pathetic.

I have better, more meaningful things to do.


I cant stand these miserable bluepilled faggots. /leftpoo/ when? Maybe we can open a board on 8chan.se


This thread is a strange example ofiwhat happens when a glowie gets run into a corner with the objective truth that incelism was not only a psyop, but one that was overblown to begin with. Incomprehesible scribbling of what is presented as jargon to pocket sand the reader into thinking there's more context than what the critique had pointed out. The system is scared and has stationed it's guards in every dank allayway to evanrelize.


The board had like 12 posters max, and its owner was too lazy to start it up again

if people want liberal rather than leftist incel forum though, they exist on Facebook, just have to ask around


>the objective truth that incelism was not only a psyop, but one that was overblown to begin with
But Black Dynamite, I don't have a gf


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BO of the defunct /leftcel/ here. I'd say the board had more like 40 regular posters at it's peak. That number could hit as high as 200 with a sharty or /pol/ raid.
And I didn't restart the board because I don't know how to setup my own chan server.

/leftcel/ works better as part of a larger chan diaspora like here then on it's lonesome on it's own board.


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please start an independent site again

you can't trust these sites aren't malicious toward incels

eg after content farming, the owner of leftypol.org's wiki has officially disavowed incels and is going around asserting that incels are some movement or some dumb shit. He's also saying incel is fundamentally right-wing.


those bastards bruh - muh left right dichotomy, theyre jsut fucking redlibs


no they aren't liberals, they're tankies, i think they are from prolewiki, they won't even let anyone edit without 2 passes through their fbi.gov moderation as well as befriending the admin to take them off moderation on the wiki


why would Prolewiki be involved in leftist imageboards? arent they too edgy for them?


wiki.leftypol.org claims they are entirely separate from leftypol.org. I asked their admin harrystein because I was adding leftypol stuff and he said "it's not a leftypol wiki"

I'm like look at your URL moron


> why would tankies hop on any remotely left wing space and claim it for their own


if an independent leftcel is started again, don't call it leftcel, just call it incel and ban all the worst polyps and make the rest free speech

it'd be the inverse of every incel forum outside facebook


it's amazing that a majority of self-described incels are leftists but only an obese right wing uyghur is energized enough to run an incel forum


>you can't trust these sites aren't malicious toward incels
Leftychan /R9K/ has existed for over 2 years now without issue. Stop stoking division without any good reason.

>ban all the worst polyps and make the rest free speech
That's literally the policy for this site.


r9k doesn't mean incel, it apparently means some guys femdom fetish. there's no need to append left-x to everything, just make an incel forum that is leftist and call it incel


appending "left-x" to everything makes it sound like we're some crazy cousin of all the stuff people are carbon-copying but with more "lmao weed" and "stirner kek" stuff

why can't we have just a normal left-wing facebook forum outside facebook


*normal left-wing incel forum outside Facebook


>normal left-wing incel forum outside Facebook
Most established platforms have policies against misogyny, and there aren't many of us who are willing to pay for servers or have the technical knowledge to set-up a website.

Also for some people like myself, being able to browse and post over tor is a must have, but that adds another layer of IT-related problems.


I will personally train anyone to run a website, and also perhaps fund it. I however, do not want to run it.

If anyone is interested they can message me at https :// di scord dot gg/HvanyeV4


i can also install the server stuff and do that part for people


What is your motivation for doing this?


because since 2016 nearly all standalone incel forums outside facebook have all been run by ancaps with no sense of social responsibility and it leads to massive amount of stigmatization and misandry


Fair enough. Just don't let anyone who you don't know well moderate it.


i'm going to pass on ownership completely unless they ask me to fund it. i'm not in this for recognition


>implying the last remnants of this userbase isn't incels

>most lebtitis agree
KEK. Wall to this reactoid feddo faggot.
Btw trying to alienate retards who can be your possible allies is the most anti-lemmin thing you can ever fucking do, so even for this all the shitty mls should get fucking wiped out from history.


>I had assumed that after the breadtube troon took down 9chan




lol @ Hexbear rooting for them, only for that person to turn around and become a Soc Dem Vote-Blue-No-Matter-Who pro-Ukraine Bidenite like Vaush and Destiny


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>>7371 (Me)
This is an outrage. How could any self-respecting person visit these kind of sites?


>Making up shit about leftcels to coverup their own pedos


>>7371 (Myself)
Disgusting. "Left' cels should be ashamed of themselves. Shame!

Unique IPs: 15

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