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 No.5577[View All]

First Incel News General archived here:
136 posts and 58 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.




what internet search history of men doesnt have porn?
Even guys whom get pussy watch porn.


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think this guy is a sex haver or not?


are normies copying our culture?


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Not necessarily a bad idea but it should only apply to women, otherwise it would just turn into an incel tax.


>bachelors are worthless for not fertilising their cumshots.

Of course once again, breederism wins again with advancing potential family dysfunction.


Nah. Bachelor tax should be abolished.
Its selfish.
Family planning is one o the few things people willfully choose and yet they get all the free sympathy for their own dysfunction


this is y i dont support the 1 party system


Birthrates in the U.S. reach historic low

"The U.S. birthrate has generally fallen below replacement level — the fertility level needed for one generation to replace itself — since 1971.

According to the CDC, just under 3.6 million babies were born in 2023, compared with almost 3.7 million in 2022.

The report also highlighted a continuing decrease in teen birthrates, and it noted a marginal uptick in caesarean deliveries. The birthrate for those ages 15 to 19 reached record lows in 2023, according to the provisional data, but that represents only a 3 percent decrease from 2022.

A sustained decrease in birthrates can have far-reaching effects on various aspects of society, including the economy, health-care systems and family structures.

Julia Strasser, director of the Jacobs Institute of Women’s Health and an assistant research professor of health policy and management at George Washington University, said that although experts have not pinpointed a single cause for this decline, factors such as student loan debt, high housing costs and economic uncertainty are thought to influence younger generations’ decisions to delay or forgo having children.

Strasser added that recent court rulings on birth control, fertility treatments and women’s reproductive health also could have an effect on birthrates.

"States with abortion bans already have some of the worst maternal health outcomes and poverty rates in the U.S., both of which are key factors in determining the birthrate,” she said. “If there is an increase in births in these states but a decrease in births in states that protect abortion, what we’re seeing is likely to reflect growing disparities in terms of maternal health and social safety net.”



I am glad less chikdre are being bon especially in Yankeeland.

Who the hell wats to put up with obnoxious nanny state laws?
Not being allowed to walk anywhere by yourself as a kid?
You cannot have a part time job to buy your luxury items?
Sexuality is stigmatised?
Vocational classes are non existent?


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Time to visit Russia


Russian women would eat a western incel alive. It would be like putting a chihuahua in the wolf enclosure.


>t. bitter roastie
If you date some gold digging Muscovite sure, but there are plenty of country and poor Russian women that at humble and almost anything is better than dating a Russian man.


This isn't the 19th century, Russian peasant women have access to social media and the internet. They are vapid and materialistic too, the majority aren't even religious anymore.


You're too idealist. All the propaganda in the world can't change your material conditions.
Plenty of Russian women especially outside of cities are very eligible and are starved for male affection. Which is why you'll regularly see once drug addict dating several beautiful women.


I think the idealist here is you


>They are vapid and materialistic too, the majority aren't even religious anymore.
Latin America Is the world's most vapid and materialistic region


If what you are saying were true no Russian man would ever get married because they're all dirt poor. And yet they never struggle to get wives.


>Evidence That Our Names Physically Change Our Faces Over Time
wtf, is this real?


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its over


Thoughts on videos like this?


going on a date Saturday wish me luck fags


I honestly hate them and never bother watching. Maybe I'm not normie enough.




>India JFL


Would a women-led government do eugenics?


We already have a women-led government and they are currently doing eugenics.


>they are currently doing eugenics.
Funny you say this, disabled foids probably reproduce more than most normie men.


Thoughts on sexual mutual aid?


Thats because those diabled femoids were probably young, high-functioning, and pretty enough to be considered worthy.


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just lost my virginity to an Asian chick from my uni. AMA


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Thoughts on decommodified prostitution?


Leftoid retard babble


Prostitutes will just choose to only provide their "divine" sex services to Chad, because what incentive will there be to provide it for Incels? None. Being nice isn't enough, because they can just say that you're creepy or have a bad aura or whatever. The fact is that you can only get sex as an Incel in a capitalist society, because at least there is a financial incentive at that point for women to have sex with sub 5s who they hate.

I'd go as far as to say that the status quo before the sexual revolution was the best for Incels. Women might have not all been virgins before marriage at that time, but at least you could delude yourself into thinking it was fine because it was sanctioned by God and that your wife had repented for her sins. You could betabuxx in peace.


These moms’ sperm donor sued them to get parental rights. They just won a court victory.


tiktok about bodycounts:
>man: something about morality and pureness
<woman: what's a good bodycount?
>man: one
<woman: what's your bodycount?
>man: 86
(something something bodycount of sex havers, something something comparing average people to the richest people on the planet, something something untouchable caste celibate men)


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Acrually, the status quo before the sexual revolution was worse for incels.

Back in the old days, of arranged marriages, men were selected for their looks and parentage.


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Wow, actual self-awareness

>I feel so bad for him, she straight up denied him & their relationship at first


that passerby giving a salutation in the background is cute


He's balding, it's over for truckerhatcels


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>men my age that try to approach me
>and i have to actively withhold the urge to spit on them
is this what awaits us?


>Shiny round foreheads

God I wanna cum on those things so bad


Why is it that anything has male bodies being involved is always considered gay?

Porn has to involve both male and female.
If you think male porn stars are gay just because men are the consumers then youre ignorant.


>its another "male workers in glam industries are gay" accusation


t.undercover homo


Just admit you're gay Anon, it's <current year> no one will judge you.

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