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My website has been recently updated:

Book 3 is out:

Following Book 2:

And Book 1 (which was originally meant for something else but made the perfect introduction):

Consider this the "Eugene general" where you can ask me random questions or bitch at me.


What's your favorite scary movie?


I don't like scary movies. Undertale has a nice level of body-horror for what it is, considering the audience was Zoomer tweens for the first game.


whats your thoughts on Newgene?
Theres another anon on Org that people refer to as Newgene due to his prose.


I don't know who this "Newgene" is.


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>Newgene when he sees this post
>Eugene when he posted that


kek maybe somebody trained a textbot on those eugenics-rants


Keep your diarrhea in your containment thread, narcissist.


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This person Eugene posted the same thread over at Org siberia. Are we really gonna let that slide?


Previous Eugene-lit thread has been archived at >>>/leftypol_archive/22975


advertising your site is fucking cringe brah.
sage this bullshit


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eugene, I can't stop thinking about how you said the eugenicists want ritual sacrifice public and out in the open. once i started looking for it I can't stop seeing it. Especially the Gaza genocide, this is a zio-judeo-eugenicist mass ritual sacrifice being pushed right in everyone's face. I assume this is the kind of thing you're referring to? and this kind of behavior is going to spread?


Make that zio-eugencist.
The Zionists split off from Judaism, they're not representing the Jews, and it's questionable whether they should still count as Jews. The majority of Jews lives in the world-diaspora, they're appalled by and resolutely opposes the slaughter in Gaza. Don't shove those people in the mud, they're not party to the bloodshed.


>The Zionists split off from Judaism, they're not representing the Jews, and it's questionable whether they should still count as Jews
Sorry but no, I am not religious and will not litigate what a "true jew" is to try and give jews special soft treatment. I won't say crusaders or the KKK weren't Christian, or that ISIS members weren't Muslim. I grant that Zios are obviously a sect and subset of Jews, obviously not the only tendency of Judaism currently or in history.

>The majority of Jews lives in the world-diaspora, they're appalled by and resolutely opposes the slaughter in Gaza.

False. The majority of non-Israeli Jews identify with Israel and support Israel's existence, and essentially all Israeli Jews do so. A minority of non-Israeli Jews have been substantially critical of the current genocide, but most of that minority still think Israel should exist. Zionism is the leading and representative form of Judaism today.

>Don't shove those people in the mud, they're not party to the bloodshed.

They're in the mud and most are party to the bloodshed. They're far from the only ones though. The whole Anglo-Burgeroid 4th Reich axis of terror is responsible for this. The uninvolved are not completely innocent– we should have stopped this long ago and still could if we weren't so pathetic.

Look, the minority of Jews that burn Israeli flags and hold their yearly "death to Israel" conventions have my sympathy and support. I wish them the best, I hope they can purge Judaism of these psychopaths and redeem it. But that's not an easy task, and it's questionable whether it can be accomplished. More likely, this filthy zio-judaism is going to continue to spread and start fires around the world even after Israel is annihilated.

I emphasize that these are "zio-judeo-eugenicist mass ritual sacrifices" because zionism separate from judaism is not religious and has no religious rituals. The IOF is going into Gaza and literally conducting traditional Jewish religious rituals on top of the mass graves of those they're slaughtering. And in fact, the entire genocide is being portrayed by their rabbis as a deliberate reenactment of Talmud myths where enemies of the Israelites were mass-slaughtered by the israelits and yaweh– a mass religious sacrifice. This can't be ignored or denied.


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we are talking a genocide where they conduct operations to burn entire neighborhoods into ashes and then name the operation "Operation 8th Candle of Hanukkah." this is just the inescapable reality of the situation.


It's a vanguard of the project. It could still be excused as "Israel lashing out" and localized to Palestine - that was always the test case for this sort of thing, and it was set up as such since the 1990s. What has been eliminated from the narrative is that prior to Reagan, slave-like support for Israel was not a thing, which is why the US was considered a somewhat neutral broker between the Arabs and Israelis - obviously a broker with interests, but the US presernted as not wanting to be dragged into a race war in the Middle East or any of this Israeli faggotry.

One thing to note throughout all of this is the shadow of Bush and the ghouls who came in with him in 2000. They already tested the waters for what they can make people accept with glorification of torture, beyond anything that was normalized during the world wars. Believe it or not, there are expectations and codes war follows even in relatively brutal conditions. There was an expectation among the Nazis that atrocities were wrong, whatever their screamers said. The Germans would even lecture their allies about "human rights" hilarious enough. Funny how Krauts operate, always the shittiest of allies. Japan did not like having such worthless deadweight and mostly they were taking on Asia on their own and went one on one with the United States. But that's a whole other thing. Point I was making is that glorifying the thrill of torture is a new thing, and it was only possible with what was seeded in the 1990s. If you did that in the past, the entire base of society would immediately refuse to work, refuse to comply, would stall everything. It took mass drugging and an inquisition beyond anything humanity ever knew to reach this total siege, and that was what the Nazi vanguardists wanted Germany to be, at the expense of actually winning the war. Most warriors, nasty as they are, are not impressed by atrocities for their own sake. Fags are. That's what the torture porn is for - to impress fags.

So I don't really pin this on the spirit of Judaism, since the people pushing the torture porn the most are Anglo perverts and their aristo fellow travelers. Zionism is part of that network, granted a function that the Jewish interest was historically tied to - to slavery and racism. The precursors of Zionism had a lot to do with boost the South and the continued rebellion after the ACW, because that was a historically Jewish interest in transatlantic slave trade and its continuation in the Americas. But, many of the Jews are poor people who had nothing to do with that, who were mostly minding their own business. They're not going to apologize for it, but it's not like they live to enslave and torture things. The Nazis and aristos who always favored this sort of alliance do live to enslave and torture, and that's what leads Zionism. It's not a special quality of the Jews that allows them to get away with it, if that's the thinking you have. This stuff has been litigated enough elsewhere about what really happened. I think people everywhere can see what is happening is, you know, bad. Try to put yourself in the position of an Israeli without dual citizenship, who is stuck there under leaders who throw their dual citizenship in your face and draft you to stand and die while they run off with they money like Netanyahu will do. He's a slimy product of the institutions that created so much of this mess. They're not happy to be pushed into this situation and told their only purpose is to wage a race war so their masters can reap the rewards. Doesn't make "Israel" worth keeping, and I'm not going to throw my life away for them. This can be pushed precisely because Israel's existence is fake as fuck - a mafia state in the desert. It's like having Las Vegas as a country but worse. It's filth. (Speaking of, I would be happy if Las Vegas were wiped off the face of the Earth, a modern Sodom if there ever was one.)

"Modern Zionist Judaism" is such a joke. When God was killed, that was not limited to the Christian God. There is no way to reconcile the current world religions with the situation, but religions exist overwhelmingly to deny that the new exists. It's not possible to make a new religion out of nothing, nor possible to reconcile all of these people who believe different things. The only idea religion can have is global Satanism, and that's what they're pushing right now. It won't work.


You are making a huge mistake, don't lob the Jews in with the Zionists.

The Zionist project is self destructing, their military power and their political influence machine will evaporate soon enough, and then there's going to be hell to pay.

We want the people responsible for the slaughter to end up in war-crime tribunals, we don't want any scapegoating or barbarism. The Jews in the diaspora are not the ones doing this. If we offer them a way to distance them selves from the Zionist project, they will take it and disavow Zionism. We'll be free of this horrendous ideology, nobody will try to force that down our throats ever again.

Don't throw that away.


The entity's "Zionist phase" is coming to an end. The theft of land will continue, with some of the officers switched out with new ones. It's funny to me that every narrative about this is controlled by the Zionists presently, except the one anyone with any sense would conclude - that the Empire is getting annoyed with the Zionists' screeching, and escaping its utility to the real bosses. The only thing any of these people really believe in is eugenics. "Woke Zionism" has always been the preferred facing the British encourage.


Even the "good Jew" narrative is hemmed into a script - obviously a script that American Jews would prefer to the alternatives on offer, but it also disciplines their behavior and obligates them to toe the line. There are Jews opposed to Israel's bullshit because it puts a target on their backs, but they are perfectly aware of what the moral blame game does and where they're going to wind up, and they don't get to wash themselves clean of guilt in that way - even guilt they had nothing to do with personally, and spent a reasonable effort to prevent. You're seeing in a grand story how "justice" is turned into an unseemly, queer word to be mocked and ridiculed - just as eugenics wants it. Just as the republic was fated to be in the end, because you can never have justice under the law or "the state" as it was presumed to exist. Both are anathema to what we would have considered just or right. The concept that anyone could have it both ways and pretend this works can no longer stand in the 21st century. Too many have seen too much, and it's not possible to rule by ignorance. In the past, rule of ignorance had less to do with the rulers being so clever and more to do with a lack of communication between people and nations. Most people really had nothing to do with someone far away, even though transportation and communication allowed someone to go anywhere else in the world in short time. Most people did not want to be anywhere but some plot of land to call home, preferably a home where they won't be raped and enslaved. Humanity doesn't need that fate to be explained to them, as if they haven't been slaves all this time in the eyes of the institutions and those who contest the political. Now we see that there is no more keeping your head down, and that's what generations since 1914 did and taught their children to do - "just ignore it", as if there can be existence with what came for the world in the 1990s.


You're also seeing the trauma programming on steroids ever since the 1990s, and especially since Bush took over in 2000. The damage done by that is something so many refuse to even acknowledge, because they know there is no coming back from that. To even begin would require lots of heads to roll - heads attached to people who are very much in favor of keeping this rot and death going because this is what they love and value above all, with no one around to tell them no. Heads attached to people who have spent the wealth of all of the world's nation to do nothing more than protect their open plunder of everything and everyone, including their bodies. Slavery doesn't even begin to describe what they intend for us.


Where this leads, honestly, I do not know. I'm writing where I believe it would lead in the best case scenario in my books, but it is far more likely we get "all life dies screaming forever", due to nothing of substance to stop it. The only reason I believe it won't end "like this" is because there have been hints of those who are planning generations ahead of what they really want, and this stage of democide is only intended to last for the next two generations - enough time to exterminate living memory of the "before world". If the powers that be actually believed in "more blood for the blood god", they would not have hesitated as much as they have. They would have gone full Nazi after 2008, not even pretended there would be anything else, and the backing of overt neo-Hitlerism would be total. I'd certainly be dead by now. The greater objectives of those who can contest the world are to rule over mind controlled cattle, or continue fighting for position in a pointless, intractable struggle. None of the "struggle for struggle's sake" retards actually commit to what that would mean, because for them it has always been unserious faggotry of the ugliest sort. If they actually had to live with the consequences of their faggotry, they would cease immediately - but they never do, because they have been coddled by the actors who aren't sniveling retards. Aren't like Trump.


So my guess on the future of so-called Israel is that it will exist as "Israel", but the Zionist ideology is getting trashed, and the settlers are getting shafted. The Empire has always made clear it would rather work with the Arabs and Iranians in the greater region, and Israel hasn't been useful to them for decades. Israel has always been a liability for the empire, and if they cannot make their allies dependent through fear, Israel has no leverage. They would be, and their leadership shall be, supplanted by this Satano-Luciferian thing Bush and the neocons brought in.


The original plan probably was for "eternal Israel" and the glorious backstab. These people really believed they were a-conquering for Jesus and they were going to bring about the Rapture. They've certainly succeeded at shitting up the world when all humanity had to do was drop a ball in a fucking can and end this idiotic cycle. Eugenics could never allow that.


It's also been clear to me that if they really believe in eugenics above all - and many of them do - that within three generations of that, we would be locked into "all life does screaming forever". Nothing else would be possible, and the last embers of independent thought would disappear. Humanity would be, in the legal sense, totally insane and irredeemable. Their brains would start boiling alive, with nothing in the world to reassemble it. Whoever "wins" that would rule over a trash heap. That's what Germanism does to a world, and why their filthy nation and race has to be seen for what it is, it's world-historical purpose.


>So I don't really pin this on the spirit of Judaism
>The precursors of Zionism had a lot to do with boost the South and the continued rebellion after the ACW, because that was a historically Jewish interest in transatlantic slave trade and its continuation in the Americas
>not a special quality of the Jews that allows them to get away with it, if that's the thinking you have
agreed on all points, I have just recently realized that being honest & fair about this issue means we have to say "jew" sometimes and not just cover this up by saying "zionist" or "settler" or whatever. it's jewish exceptionalism to make an entire exception in the english language so that a genocide conducted by jews can't be stated as such. it'd be like insisting we can't say "russians invaded Ukraine" or "germans committed the holocaust". Oh Germans you say?? you mean German Reichians? Russians? That's Russian Federationists please. In spite of how bad this all makes the jews look, I do still recognize their current condition is not exceptionally worse than that of many other groups who have been brainwashed by the 4th reich and we can look forward to plenty of more shit from hindufash, christofash, fedorafash etc.

>"Modern Zionist Judaism" is such a joke. When God was killed, that was not limited to the Christian God.

Yes many of the major religions are like this now. Repurposed as cheap hollow nazi MKULTRA tools. Not that they were spotless to begin with ofc.

>huge mistake

>don't lob the Jews in with the Zionists

That's just how it is. They are stuck together right now. It's fucked and would ideally be undone, but this attempt to say Zios aren't Jews or a type of Jew is just PR games, there is no point playing these games especially on an anonymous imageboard.

>The Zionist project is self destructing, their military power and their political influence machine will evaporate soon enough

This is cope. There is a substantial chance Israel can keep going on for decades.I hate to think about it but it could be that way. And the Zios won't stop being Zios once Israel is destroyed. If anything they'll become even worse and find new targets.

>people responsible for the slaughter to end up in war-crime tribunals

More cope. This didn't even happen after WWII when most of the world was nominally united against the Germans and the criminals in charge, a small amount of patsies were prosecuted in the Nuremberg trials. Even if/when Israel is destroyed, basically none of the criminals (most of the population) will face any justice. At most you might see Yahoo and a few others in the Hague, and there's no guarantee they'll even get the death penalty.

>The Jews in the diaspora are not the ones doing this

Many literally are funding this, sending donations. And supporting it politically and through various other means.

>If we offer them a way to distance them selves from the Zionist project, they will take it and disavow Zionism

They don't need an offer, those who would truly disavow Israel and genocide already have done so. The rest are onboard with genocide.


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>the Empire is getting annoyed with the Zionists' screeching, and escaping its utility to the real bosses
My interpretation is that it was always obvious Israel was a temporary entity, it was built to be exploded like the WTC towers. What is going on here is that the mob bosses have come to collect and they have demanded that Israel do its job (start "WWIII") and prove its worth or be cut loose for real. This goes with all the Evangelical programming shit about the apocalypse.

>You're also seeing the trauma programming on steroids ever since the 1990s
It's this in combination with the video games, trolling and screen damage. You look at how the Ziomercs act and they are literally like Kojima says in MGS4, they think they're in a video game hella owning and teabagging on the noobs. they think genocide is fortnite. as an aside, see pics. I am thinking that the battle royale genre was to some extent predictive programming for this new kind of mass slaughter.

>So my guess on the future of so-called Israel is that it will exist as "Israel",
The Greater Israel/Babylon thing could happen


The difference here in one regard is that the "Jewish nation" has no basis. Modern Hebrew is a constructed language with made up names and rituals, and the Zionist ideology is irreligious. They can just as well say they follow the Christ or Allah or Glorious Satan and keep the "Jewish culture" they made up. The Jewish diaspora often wanted nothing to do with "Israel" and had no stake in it. Many times they presented as members of whatever country they were in and were basically that - just with a few weird Jewish things they did that were not typically bothersome, if they were cultural or religious values. European anti-Semitism was not a universal value or anything close, but those who believed in it were really into it.

Go into a Black American community though and I can guarantee you will find Jew-bashing that would make Hitler blush. There are guys who make their way by trying to be black Hitler and mince no words about it.

I actually resent the shorthand of history where "the Germans" or "the Russians" are treated like a hive mind, and important details of what happened are entirely bowled over. You would lose for instance why the Nazis were motivated beyond a "just-so" story of Germanic racism, or some moral aspersion about Germans being bad people, without speaking of what Germans and Germany were and why so many were not happy with the very recent nation-state of Germany. There wasn't a version of this where German Jews were going to be Good Germans. They hated Germany for perfectly understandable reasons, would have been perfectly happy to serve an occupation government run by the British to get some revenge. Those are the dangers of nation-states, especially when they move to cannibalize the nation. The Germans could never raise partisan units worth a shit, but they could find slimy collaborators to shit up the world. This made invading Germany a lot easier than it would if Germans really believed the enemy was worse than the nightmare of living under Nazi eugenism. The true believers of Nazism didn't care about defending anything. They were grabbing the gold and getting the fuck out, which is what Nazism and its related faggotry always was. No one is going to sacrifice themselves to preserve that shit - and besides, the Russians were not monsters, despite having every reason to exterminate the entire German race then and there and think nothing of it. To the average German, the British and Americans were always the Great Satan, the Ultimate Evil, the people who were bombing civilians purely for the sadism of it all and seemed to be awfully cozy with the Nazis who sold them out.

If they had some plan to move history according to plan a century in advance, it hasn't worked too well. Israel formed by carving up the Ottoman Empire along with the rest of the region, and eventually the British saw Israel as a useful beach-head to "civilize" the Arabs in accord with eugenics. For its early history, the Zionist Entity isn't exactly "liked" by anyone, except the British government who did it all for eugenics. Eisenhower isn't exactly happy to step in to clean up Israel's messes, and while the British and Americans have the "special relationship", the US had no such relationship with the Zionist Entity, which always spat on them and caused the Americans nothing but misery. Israel played everyone in the imperial contenders to continue what it does, and would make strange bedfellows with China if they had to (which is the current China-Israel relationship btw, one reason China is stepping in to rubberstamp imperial plans since the US has no credibility).

Basically, Israel seemed like a good idea to the British in 1947, to get the Zionists out of their sight and somewhere where they could fight more eugenics race wars and make the world suffer. From the 1970s on, they're not getting anything out of the British-Israel relation, except making their American vassals miserable. Because Israel is despised by much of the world, their only remaining relevance is to threaten unlimited terror to make the world like them, and that only works for so long before they start singing "throw the Jew down the well". Meanwhile, the US assholes would love to get this project they did with Bush in every country, and went a long way towards normalizing the Saudi monarchy. The big goal would be to bring Iran fully into the project, and that's what the threats against Iran are - not to invade it, but to keep them in a siege state of mind until they agree to eugenism in full. That's happening now that they worked out the theological difficulties, seem to want some variant of Islam as the base for their Satano-Luciferian world order, or their efforts to make it so.


Makes a lot of sense when you figure out what Islam really is. They say in the name they're here to rape and enslave you.


The Zionists want you to attack Jews, they feed on that ideologically.

>That's just how it is. They are stuck together right now.

i don't think so, Zionism has degraded Israeli society so much that it has become alien to Jews living in the diaspora. Dissociation will be easy, you just have to play along.

>There is a substantial chance Israel can keep going on for decades.

I would have agreed with this not that long ago, but that's no longer true. And they're planning to go in to Lebanon, from the looks of it. That'll be the final death-nail, maybe a few years.

>This didn't even happen after WWII

Not sure how far we can draw conclusions based on events after ww2
>basically none of the criminals
>will face any justice.
>At most you might see Yahoo and a few others in the Hague
I don't think justice can be had either, but the impunity to commit genocide, that could be done away with perhaps.

>Many literally are funding this

Some are, the majority is not

>those who would truly disavow Israel and genocide already have done so.

No i think there's going to be alot more in the near future, we should keep the door open.


Eugene, I am curious about your theory that ritual sacrifice has shaped humanity. What do you mean exactly, is this explained somewhere in one of your books? Do you have proofs/evidence of this?

I am skeptical that ritual sacrifice was a major influence on human evolution because:
>Ritual sacrifice was generally haphazardly targeted, thus would not have sufficed as a selective breeding or domestication program
>have not seen any evidence that it was or is currently widespread in pre/non-agrarian societies, meaning it would have only been a major thing in the past ~10 thousand years (?)




Nothing about ritual sacrifice is "accidental" or "random", like someone decided that it's time to feed the children to Moloch, and everyone "randomly" decided to agree to it, and made a solemn oath that it was an unmentionable. Give me a fucking break. We've seen enough of this sacrifice in the present year, and in the ancient world, this was out in the open. They admitted they did it. You take for granted the Christian injunction against overt ritual sacrifice, when the rule of human history has been that ritual sacrifice is standard, in every tribe, in one way or another. There are tribes and religions where they can acknowledge it's, you know, bad if it becomes a rule. But, ritual sacrifice is always there, and it is prominent in Christianity since they make the symbol the guy on the cross, and invoke a cannibalistic ritual every week.

I have no "historical proof" to claim it is factual, but I have yet to see any evidence that this isn't what humans did in their early existence. Every family marks who the retarded child is and shames them, if they exist. That is what humans did by choice, until it became mandated by tribal society and the Great Taboo. The greatest lie is to claim that humans did anything else as their normative behavior, at that local scale. This is what humans are - any cursory investigation of the children of the human race show this viciousness, until they figure out the hard way (since this retarded race only responds to beatings) what happens when you let that go on. By the time they see enough of it, it's too late. The ritual started.

It is not a rule that the ritual is "natural" or "inevitable", since humans largely avoid doing this, and there is no prescribed "natural cause" for it, other than the taboo regarding intelligence which is constant in all human societies. Even with that, not every human agrees that every "retarded" child MUST die. It is a rule, and a necessary rule, that once someone is "retarded", they can never be redeemed. That is eternal, and to do otherwise is to shirk the ritual humiliations.

The point is that the basis for ritual sacrifice is "retarded", and this is why I was entirely justified to hate forever the human race - for letting this go on, when they understood the results and glorified that, for the thrill of doing so. The way it worked is that anyone who refused would be ritualistically rejected, shamed, ridiculed, and over generations, "screened out", while the most vicious would now be consciously and meticulously selected for. This is what Galton's eugenic creed did, excluding all other values that would be selected for. Galton specifically rejected "points" or any independent judgement, many of which were raised by the aristocratic order who balked at being told they would be bred like dogs.

The only way this is enforced - intended beforehand - is to restore ritual sacrifice to prominence, then make it the sole law above all, then to maximize it and make it a total system. That is the entire point of making the sacrifice a ritual. A mother killing a child who will not survive is not a ritual sacrifice. Even a mother doing this for arbitrary sadism is not. It is the collective will to chant for it that is the basis of the human race as "human" - the first and most holy taboo of their race, that distinguished them from animals, because humans had this symbolic language to chant the koans and knowingly grin about what they were doing. Once it starts, it must become the first principle of the Great Theory that the ritual sacrifice is natural and glorious above all others. This is obviously ruinous, and why humans almost immediately regret the birth of the human race. Yet, it never goes away, because it is always something that humans return to - the "eternal regression to the primordial light", which Theosophy explicitly invokes, as to other Luciferian and Satanic moral systems.

Tribal societies without settlements practice ritual sacrifice and understand its meaning. That is seen today and they will tell you this is something they do, or at least did, and that they understand the reference perfectly. They could relate the concept to the ritual sacrifice Christianity entails, which is going to be one of the first selling points Christianity offers to the heathens - with the Christian hoping the heathen doesn't know of the Christian's actual conduct of hitherto unknown levels of human sacrifice. By now though, most of the world knows what the Christians are, and they're finally capable of calling the cult of the Christ what it is. About fucking time.

I am placing the "birth of the human race" much later than an imagined biological birth of "homo sapiens sapiens" - since I believe the dogmatic interpretation of Darwinian anthropology is made up shit, more than half of it derived from Masonic stupidity. It's less credible than the Yakub story from the Nation of Islam - that's how little faith I put in the scientific racist theory of human origins. What is not controversial is that every human tribe is familiar with ritual sacrifice, and its normalization in civilization is not surprising. Only the naive and those selected to die are told "there is no ritual sacrifice". Eventually, a normal human will ask questions about the society they live in and terrible stories they heard, and some decency in the world compels a human to tell another human enough of the horrible truth to figure it out, and their behavior adjusts accordingly. If you truly think ritual sacrifice "can't happen here", you're not going to make it in life. It always happens - for humans, by the volition of humanity's spirit rather than any natural requirement or an ulterior motive. So far as there is an "ulterior motive", it is that once it starts, it does not end by any decency in humans. Necessity of the ritual itself overrides anything saying no to it once it is activated. The only thing humans can do is escape it somehow, usually by mitigating their contact with other humans. This is how humans become "human" and adopt a greater sense of self - one that is familiar to us and distinguishes humans from animals. If the sense of self existed in a humanity without human sacrifice, or in a human society where human sacrifice is shunted far below its PARAMOUNT value, humans would think of themselves very differently. The "cult of the ego" that prevailed in the 20th century would be a self-evident absurdity at the least, and probably grounds for immediate extermination of the transgressor given what we know about our human history.

If you're going to say, "THAT'S RITUAL SACRIFICE TOO", it is not. It is not ritual sacrifice to defend oneself against a clear and present danger which announces its tyranny proudly. And so one of the dominant arguments for the state, the law, and the general fear of the human condition, is for the leader to say "we are not going to allow this to go overboard, and no one is ritually sacrificed without the chief's tacit or explicit approval". After many cycles of development, this eventually becomes the earliest concept of imperium, which is in more developed civilization an explicit principle. The Romans understood the basis of the entire legal code as imperium, rather than the system of favors which was never enshrined with any legal status. The favors were part of the traditions of Rome and expected as the cultural basis - what made the Roman nation "work" - but at the end of the day, imperium was the final decision, rather than conceits about the state being "nice" or there to be your friend.


The Roman example can be found in similar fashion in many developed civilizations, given a similar theory - sometimes stated with different executive expectations, but always placing the power of life and death in the hand of an executive, which is necessary one or a few people rather than an imagined "blob" or "natural law" doing this. "Natural law" does not exist in that sense - it's one of the most basic concepts in my book, and the one Germanism advances most aggressively to impose their Satanist cosmology on reality.


You could have imperium without ritual sacrifice - the job of imperium is acknowledged as something done for purposes other than the thrill of doing it, and anyone who thinks imperium is "fun" or good in of itself would be seen by Romans or the Chinese scholars as worse than insane.

Basically "the republican ideal" the ancients understood, and what the Greeks knew and Plato wanted to destroy, has been mangled by revisionism to become unmentionable - in fact, INADMISSIBLE without a blank stare. The republican idea had nothing to do with "natural law", a concept which had no application to Roman, Greek, Christian, Islamic, or proper liberal theories of the state and law. Only the eugenic creed proclaimed this "natural law" which no one in the world invoked in that fashion. A demonic religion like Hinduism would be far more likely to "look the other way", but guess how India is noted to be the most corrupt shithole of all nations on Earth. The Chinese theories of despotism were pretty clear about "natural law" having nothing to do with the imperial or state claims, which were very clearly led by human beings and their authority to act.


Only the eugenic creed would be so brazen to invoke "natural law". The ancient Satanism of Babylon or Egypt or Ba'al-worship in later incarnations understood that nothing about their Satanic godhead was "natural" in that sense.


For that matter, the Nazi legal theory was not 100% "eugenist" in the way Galtonism prescribed. Schmidt is working within existing German precedent to declare a permanent state of exception as the default political state of the human race (one which is awfully close to exhorting open ritual sacrifice, but which still recognizes that there is a law and policy which has to be consistent for this authority to work). The full eugenic creed would be far beyond the Schmidt state of exception, or even the philosophical anarchism of the imperial ideologues. It would in principle go beyond "Ingsoc" or the worst dystopias imagined. It could only exist with exultant shouting taken to its logical conclusion - "all life dies screaming, forever". That is at the heart of ritual sacrifice and why it is carried out in this highly specific way. Doing it that way grants to the ritual its power, its force that makes the suitable impression on human intelligence and sentiment.


Ingsoc in 1984 is, compared to what Orwell knew was ahppening at the time, a relatively tame tyranny. Winston is undoubtedly guilty of the crimes he is accused of, and almost certainly was a sexual pervert with no restraints on his lust - and so he would be described by the understanding common in that society as a homosexual with the pathology common to homosexuality. He's also, frankly, a shitty person deserving of what he got. The book is set up this way to facilitate the thought experiment and allow the reader to see it, but it should be seen that the Party, contrary to its statements, is grossly inefficient at its torture task, requiring specialists everywhere to operate its cult and wasting needless time on what would be a trivial case, unless someone saw the entire society as a social experiment for gathering information on lab rats - which was already the core purpose of the Satanic ethos Orwell himself held and represented.


To make all of those threads short - the only thing "natural law" could invoke that was truly natural was a ritual sacrifice that likely formed the spirit of "human". Any technological or biotechnological origin of the "human race" explains very little "in of itself", because all of the human biological and neurological faculties almost certainly arose gradually, rather than "all at once". That is, the likely natural condition of humanity is that they were "proto-human" for a very long time - or, humans are simply less removed from the animal kingdom than their conceit of themselves requires them to believe. In any event, intelligence and symbolic language did not "necessitate" ritual sacrifice, or grant to it automatically moral power. We could very easily have rejected this practice and regarded it as so abominable that the ritual sacrifice would be turned in reverse. Rather than a taboo to uphold this conspiracy, the ritual would be executed to cleanse the world of nascent Satanics whenever they start this shit. The history of humanity would be very different if this insinuation game were handled correctly. This is probably because humans are "more animal", and their peculiarly "human" qualities, which guided their eventual full intellectual development, were themselves the result of the ritual sacrifice and glorification thereof. It was, and remains, life's prime want - FOR HUMANS. Still, it would be very trivial to start exterminating the Satanics for this insinuation game now. Not only has that happened, but it was the expectation of even brutal societies - that there were certain standards that must not be crossed, and the maximal glorification of the ritual sacrifice was one of them. Ritual sacrifice existed as the causative birth of the "human race", and all of its other development was incidental as a result of this core essence. But, it would have been recognized by all but the truest believers that the torture cult could not consume all that exists. In practice, the warbands of primitive humanity would move to and fro, exterminating nascent "better humanity" repeatedly until the cycle established itself. This is the sort of thing I reference by the term "Satanic cycle" - which is the standard operating procedure of ritual sacrifice in our time. It always begins with insinuations and excuses, to glorify the sniveling cowardice of it all. Germanism is just a uniquely offensive version of this, adapted to its niche.


Basically, every time humanity tried to do the obvious this to mitigate ritual sacrifice's spread, and develop qualities apart from it, such that ritual sacrifice would have been a temporary artifact, "those people" would step in. First they were selected for by the prevalence of early sacrifice as the pleasure of early humans or proto-humans, for lack of anything in the world to stop it or say no to it. Then, when many early humans banded together out of dire necessity or broke from the Satanic cycle - since there was no natural law preventing early humans from renouncing their race and finding whatever they could salvage from life - it was necessary to perfect the ritual sacrifice and escalate it for its partisans. It is a pecuilarity of humans - a race that is half-sentient, its language dominated by jabbering and displays of pointless malice - that allowed ritual sacrifice its moral power, where a better race would have mitigated these factors instead of enshrining them in civilization and its civic cults.

Humans never had to be "this". Even in civilization, humans had ample opportunity to break from ritual sacrifice - and we did, which is why we are able to have any pleasant conversation like this. Humans had, as late as the last third of the 20th century, everything they needed to stop the ritual sacrifice cycle immediately and permanently. It was so clear that, in spite of humanity's visible madness in the past century, there were enough of us who believed that, out of self-interest if nothing else, the cycle would be abated. Very likely this cycle would not end without significant bloodshed, and due to the lack of any real reason for reproduction or large families, humanity's population would have truly plummeted on its own without the present democide. This isn't the first time a gigantic wave of death engulfed humanity in its recorded history. The horror of the eugenic creed is not that so many will die, but that it has selected the most monstrous to live and glorifies the thrill of doing it - "purifying the race". This is not unexpected with a more thorough and proper understanding of human history and its faculties, which is far beyond anything I could write. But, maybe I can nudge humanity towards a better understanding - not that I believe I should be an authoritative source, and I would prefer someone steal my thinking without attribution so long as it's not bastardized and turned into more eugenic creed faggotry.
Humans may still yet find a way out. But, it is no longer possible with anything "in" them, or any course of action they are likely to initiate or consciously pursue in any way. It is now in the hands of the world, which has never been particularly kind or speedy about its corrections of Abomination, but always does so in its way. We could have done this the far easier way, but there is no undoing what was locked in at 2020. Now it's permanent. Failed race.


The key breaking point for humanity was refusing to stop eugenism before 1914, and everyone egging it on despite having no good reason to, including those who were supposed to be our "friends". Realistically, the eugenists would have to be rooted out. You'd need to do something roughly as terrible as "Ingsoc" at the very least, and probably much worse and much more thorough to purge the believers. They were installed in places high and low and prepared for a protracted struggle if anyone dared to say no to them. It's the only way humans would really know how to handle a Satanic race like the eugenists, for lack of any particularly effective mind control.

I believe - and this is what I hope to describe in the seventh book if/when I get to it - that the "way out" humanity will eventually choose is effective mind control, which comes about when humans stop being full retard about what we really "are". Effective mind control as I understand it would preclude the eugenic creed as a ruling idea, and so, basically by accident, humanity is "spared". But, it will only happen when humanity accepts its despotic nature and stops pretending. I believe there was a faction within humanity, inside and outside of the eugenists, that has always seen this as the true goal, and has been more than happy to let the eugenists shit up the world, so long as their key strongholds are never attacked and granted sacrosanctity. It is the presence of such an interest that gave Galtonism its peculiarities, rather than "blind ambition" alone. That is, it was intended to serve a purpose, and everyone who went along with it is a fucking Satanic fag. But, they're correct in seeing mind control and slavery as the human default. Humans don't know what to do with freedom in any sense, sadly. We could have done this far more peacefully, and that was the mistake I made - believing that, if humans simply refused a free society which would have come to the conclusion without any of this rigamarole within several generations, humans could be made to tolerate a "nicer mind control slavery". It doesn't work that way. I know because those who thought about such a thing - they do exist - were terminated and disrupted in even their most basic activities. The eugenic creed cannot stand that idea. The thrill of torture must be maximized - that is the way Reagan set for us.


As for eugenics itself being "the effective mind control", its tenets are anathema to any way humans actually think, what intelligence even is, and anything that would be "controlled". The only thing eugenics knows how to do is torture things, and it has selected for that trait above any other. It can't not. On the side, the people pursuing the "real project" were interested in cutting up brains and using us for their experiments, most of which were premised on faulty conceits that would have been avoided if Germanism were refuted from the outset and seen for what it was. Humans are not particularly smart or interested in truth in the way I am, though. I'm one of those strange people who finds this intrinsically interesting, rather than a means to some ulterior motive. Most humans aren't like me.


One "silver lining" I have seen is that, almost by some inertia correcting the abomination, and without really knowing what they are doing, humans are coming around to accepting the "peaceful mind control", which is one reason to flood the zone with faggotry to promote the Satanic ethos, to inject it to "shut that down".

As for the prospect of a return to a free society, I do not think there is any significant force in humanity that wants that, or even understands what a "free society" would mean in the present conditions. A free society in the past was premised on democracy and armies comprised of militia conscripts, some of which were experienced and skilled in war but understood a functional polity has to be fed, requires technology and everything that allows that army to actually win. One mistake I made was presuming wars have anything to do with "winning" in that sense, and that's what I get for being a sickly coward who never won a fight in his life. Perhaps I could have listened more to those who were skilled in fighting, and that was my failing. I have no excuse. But, it's not like the braying of retarded "toughness" makes speaking of the truth easy. Living in a country designed to produce faggy Einsatzgruppen really distorts that sense of what actually works in a battle and what war is.


If humanity wanted a free society in the next two centuries, it would be a curious sort of "freedom". Basically - and this was the eugenists' thinking - humanity would realize that the caste system that was violently imposed was allowed to go on, and see that the castes - the classes - can never reconcile or co-exist, and each could in principle live apart from the others, and see alien castes as something to avoid. The greatest problem with this is that the "Alpha" castes exists on the basis of the thrill of torture and has been fed the image of ritual sacrifice. That is what the establishment of eugenic caste was for - to feed the torture cult, as befits the god of any caste society. That's what Hinduism is, a disgusting religion. That version of history would require the Alphas to be impossibly benevolent and work against their entire world-historical purpose and stated objectives, and everything that has already been put in motion. It is also a strategy they cannot unilaterally impose - the "backup" is a reversion to nation-state conflict, in case anyone loses faith in the eugenic creed. Hence "multipolarism" and the need for the narrative of such - it's the threat to prevent a global counter-movement against the eugenic creed, which would probably have moved to put down the eugenists violently and without any regard of "freedom" or any such conceit. It would be a resistance of dire necessity, and only by mobilizing existing nations and regions would the eugenic creed be able to pit race against race, interest against interest.

But, every other caste could, with little effort, see what was done to them, and refuse en masse to even regard the eugenic caste system as worth keeping. They would show up and do the minimum in everything, abrogate completely the ritual sacrifice expectation Fabian education imposed. That was the desperate and naive thinking I kept having, and it will never work that way. I don't think there's a version of this where a large base refuses to play the game, without the torture and threats from "enablers" - those who do so out of a deep spiritual conviction that the thrill of torture is class collaborationist, which it is. Eugenics exists primarily to select against the existence of such a base, from cradle to grave. By now, that has perpetuated too long. I'm in the last age cohort that really remembers what "the old world" was, and then only faintly. The generation prior to us is being liquidated and exhausted rapidly, was set against each other and "crushed" by the creed, basically for trying to maintain some decency and failing due to their feeble numbers. After 2000, the children were openly consigned to ritual sacrifice pits, and during the critical period, enforcement of the eugenic religion was at its peak. You couldn't say "eugenics" online without the terror machine coming at you, even as an invalid. If you had a job to lose, thoughtcrime was death. Satanic race. Failed race.


I think the closest thing humans will get to "freedom" is to abandon humanity altogether, and mitigate social contact to appropriate channels. Effectively, humans would have nothing to do and nothing to say to each other, quietly recording the passage of the eugenists and the Satanists. It would be concluded that allowing despotism to win is probably the only way it could end, and whatever happens will happen. We have no say in which despot gets to rule us, but we could resist the kind of despot the eugenists want. Despotic societies are the default for the human race, anyway, because every time an "other system" was proposed, the entrenched interest in ritual sacrifice would always reject it on principle. Every "other system" aside from the republic would entail the effective end of the "human subject" as a serious consideration of political life, and the subsequent elevation of select of the lowest class to start repairing the damage, since the lowest class and its interest was the only one in humanity who ever actually wanted this to be different. The idea of having to submit to a RETARD would offend every sentiment humans ever held, but that would be the requirement.

Really though, at the end of the day, nothing of the human project or its existence "really matters". It's not salvageable. The human being itself is not salvageable. Only parts of us may be worth keeping in this world.
That, unsurprising to me, is what has become the case. So many of humanity have elected to become husks of what they might have been in another world, because it's better that way. It isn't even like they're depressed or suffering or even necessarily weak. There are people who are basically decent and show up to work and aren't that bad, but there's just nothing "there", and they feel no desire to do better than a low standard nor do they have any rich private life. I had a few people like that come up to me when I was younger and say they feel they're so boring, even though they're trying to be exceptional and "stand out" as was the moral philosophy promoted during the 1990s. Some of them were naive - the most common case were people from foreign countries who weren't yet acclimated to what America REALLY was, especially since the mask hadn't fully come off and there was still a perfunctory effort to look like America and humanity was still there to do something. They also tended to be "slightly dull" - though they had a lot more sentiment and spark in their minds than many of the supposed "intelligent ones" who eugenics selected and promoted and shoved in our face as the natural leaders. Anyway, when we saw the worst of the worst promoted harder than ever during the 1990s, and it became the utter insanity on display after 2000, especially when Obamarama began, that demoralizes quickly the sort of people who might have been happy to go along to get along and were basically decent. Later in life I see people who I would clock as basically that sort, but now they're in the monstro institution as hospital orderlies and get to see this shitheap around them and the stark caste system that we're not allowed to talk about as what it is. To even begin explaining the prospect of that is INADMISSIBLE on contact, because false egalitarianism is a holy shibboleth despite the open betrayal of equality in every thought and deed that is in the prevalent ideology. A lot of people will say this is bullshit, but they never go as far as suggesting what the world is, before they are attacked or something "jumps in front" - the sort I call the "cajolers" who I have a special hatred for.


I figure that, as I have, a good number of people "split their mind" in a way that allows them to cope with this society as well as they're going to, even knowing it will accelerate the death rate. That was intended and imposed by the eugenists, who are exempted from all of this by the way. They get a free ride, university paid for, jobs lined up for them. They laugh at what they've done to us. They do not struggle, and never did. It's disgusting that this has gone on and the only idea is to shout down anyone who says it happens, and they are religious about the taboo against that. Fucking Masonic shit.


>Nothing about ritual sacrifice is "accidental" or "random", like someone decided that it's time to feed the children to Moloch, and everyone "randomly" decided to agree to it, and made a solemn oath that it was an unmentionable. Give me a fucking break. We've seen enough of this sacrifice in the present year, and in the ancient world, this was out in the open
Excuse me if I can't find the right word exactly, but I am not saying this at all. I'm saying I haven't seen any evidence that the systematic ways that people were targeted for sacrifice would have sufficed to actually biologically or "genetically" engineer humanity. Admittedly I haven't researched this heavily, but as far as I know, you could get sacrificed if:
>you just pissed off the wrong people (you could argue this selects for obedience and groupthink I guess, but I doubt this was very effective beyond simply terrorizing people and forcing people to be subversive in secret)
>you were an unlucky attractive young virgin woman
>you were born with a physical deformity or acquired a disability (this is probably the only thing that could have possibly been consistently screened out by ritual sacrifices, but most said deformities and disabilities are not even heritable)
>you were an unlucky slave

These are not "random" or "accidental" but don't seem to me to have much in common with dog breeding programs or other techniques that actually have shaped species. As well, lots of people who were sacrificed had other family members or progeny who survived anyway.

I agree the modern eugenic cult is actually trying to domesticate and engineer humanity into separate species like in brave new world. I also agree ritual sacrifice is a massive part of human culture continuing to this day, definitely.


Ritual sacrifice is not done for eugenic purposes, nor is eugenics entirely what it purports to be and nothing more. The eugenists each have their interest in the project - the ideology entails this endless intercine struggle for stupid shit. The eugenists are different in that they arrest history, seize the state, in a particular fashion. It isn't proper to speak of "eugenics" in any modern sense and apply that to past societies, or to natural selection.

There is no "ulterior motive" to ritual sacrifice, like this exists for any particular purpose or necessity. Ritual sacrifice is the point - I keep emphasizing that, but the concept was inadmissible when laid out as what it is, and what it means for human existence.

You'd have to argue that there is something "in" humans other than ritual sacrifice and its consequences - that the existence of humanity has not been utterly beholden to this practice as the prime want. If you believed that, then you would have to account for why human history turned out as it did, why we see ritual sacrifice reproduced, and why it is impossible to say no to it - why this ritual has its effect on humanity. If humanity were not this, it would be trivial to reject in total the entire ritual, call it the abomination it is, and anyone insinuating that it should be normal would be dragged out and exterminated for disturbance of the peace. The eugenists rely on this being the only "way out" and codified an ideology which locked in something that was always dominant in the human spirit - to purge humanity of anything it acquired. In principle, humanity did everything it did to feed the sacrifice, the orgy, the humiliation of the weak. That's what you're working for, what you're aspiring to. Every other concept of what humans would be became inadmissible, because the drive for ritual sacrifice dominated and subjugated all other aims - made humanity into slaves of the ritual, of the orgy, of the priesthoods who saw it as the shortest path to power over the mind and body of people.

Intelligence - the conceit of eugenics - always seeks the shortest and most efficient route to solve its problem, absent a world which imposes a sobering influence on it. When intelligence was "purified" and turned into eugenic property, the last potential of anything in the world to "change" humans, was effectively eliminated. That was what most of humanity hoped and prayed for - that something in the world would show humans their folly, so that most of humanity who was born to suffer and die would no longer have to live like this. It was always known that there was nothing "in" humans that would change this by imperious or willful assertion that it "should", or that individual agency counted for much in political society. Individual agency exists, but it is always beholden to the dominant ritual sacrifice, or the ruling ideas aristocracy insinuates freely. For aristocracy, the thrill of torture is a joke. The favored always get a free ride, everything handed to them, and laugh at those who are made to abase themselves and struggle. False egalitarianism is aristocracy's game, not ours.


That said, it would not be possible to "prove beyond a reasonable doubt" that ritual sacrifice is all humans is. There is always doubt that can be raised. But, the law of the world is guilty until proven innocent - and humanity has been given more than enough of a presumption of innocence, and failed every single time.


What can be done is, given the near axiomatic success of the cult over any other value extant in human society, to see that this does not end on its own term. There is no reconciliation with "the thrill of torture must be maximized", and that has been the point of espousing a unique right of transgression. That is the spirit of aristocracy, which has selected for itself within humanity generally. Anyone who truly disagrees is locked out, culled, humiliated, and lives to suffer because humans, at their core, really don't know anything else. They never did, and now, they never will - at least AS HUMANS. Aristocracy also maintains a mythology that they are a race apart from the rest of us - it is the central dogma about themselves as something other than "human", what makes them aristocracy. It is through aristocracy that all other distinctions of humanity are possible. Nothing in nature mandated "social classes" as such, and the social classes that exist never map on to something that was materially necessary. If it did, the class distinctions would arise from the sector of economic life someone inhabits primarily, rather than any social hierarchy. Aristocracy, property, institutional power (technology), and the associations of fellowship that conspire have nothing to do with anything productive, economic, or "material", aside from what they extract from the one class which really does all of the work - the lowest class. Every other class that labors does so because the humiliation of the lowest class is the standard for the human race, for human society, for the human project. There is no other way for slavery to not end with immediate rejection and the slaves pissing off at the first opportunity. All slaveries in history have understood this as an acute danger to their institution.


All I write here has become completely inadmissible in the current world-system - "crimethink" - because to end the cycle means ending humanity. Means ending any ability the present theories have to predict history.

It should be noted that aristocracy did not exist "just because". There was a material origin of aristocracy, and it was in the technological interest - the most primitive sort of it in early human bands - that first isolated the "laws of motion" allowing aristocratic terror and its forebears to prevail. But, the technologists ultimately arose from the laboring classes, typically the favored grades of the laboring classes. That's what the secret societies emphasize in their conduct - "the best of the workers".


Only the lowest class sought a goal of "abolishing class society" - but they only ever did so because they had no interest in "society" as such, rather than some grand vision to change humanity or the world. The lowest class has always seen the human race correctly as the worst thing in their lives, and seeks to remove themselves from it as much as possible, including from their own bodies. That is what we have always had to do to tolerate the intolerable - life among this demonic race.


I can only imperfectly attempt to speak of this with the time I have, for the others who see that this doesn't work. I have no expectation that this will "change the world", and I would not want to be quoted as a guru. What I write is something other, better men should have written so we didn't have to do this. But, they don't ever want that. They love seeing us suffer more than anything else, no matter what the world or human society turns into.


Perhaps though, there are those of us in the lowest class who can be better than me. I know I'm no saint and that there is so much of us that has been thrown away, in favor of this Gong Show. I don't really care who's "on top". Humanity is trained not to think like me at all.

I used to think there was enough self-interest in humans to mitigate this from becoming what it has become. When 2020 happened, that was the final judgement, from which there is no return. I'm not surprised it has come to this, but I didn't think it would be this stupid and pointless. I gave the favored classes far more credit, thinking they had some plan or technology that would reproduce something. I thought they got their torture out of me and the world, would go on and do whatever they're going to do, and the depopulation would be gradual and increasingly desperate. I didn't fully get that what I saw in their thoughtless screaming really was all they were, and that they are proud of that; and I didn't get why so many were amenable to that, thinking that even if the assholes were never going to change, most of humanity would see that they will just be fucked over and get nothing from it. It turns out humans really do love their slavery, and have been selected to enhance that trait. So, I try with the time I have left to describe why it is that way. I have no interest in relitigating whether ritual sacrifice is fact in court, when the court is stacked with those who love the orgy. I've already seen the procedure of the court and what REALLY operates behind it, moreso in the past three years by seeing it in action. It amazes me how little anyone involved cares or has to work for the torture cult, and how this could easily have not turned into the democidal eugenist nightmare… if only there were something in humanity that really considered that there was anything but this. If there is a better world, it's not for humans, won't have anything to do with humans. The truly best of humanity have long ago shirked the human spirit, saw it correctly as irredeemable, and tried whatever they could so this world could be tolerable to live in. But, they'd rather shriek about someone being ugly than anything else, because it's "win-win" by the political thought for humans.


Eugene, what are your thoughts on punk rock and gangster rap?
Do you agree that theyre overrated in terms of personal philosophy?

The music and fashion can be enjoyed, but not the more immersive aspects.


I never understood the appeal of either. It always seemed like the ruling class insist "you're supposed to like this" rather than any organic like for it. The things most people like are simple songs and music. A lot of people don't listen to any music at all, consider it to be brain rotting. I only listen to music because it is something to cope with the constant assault of terror I lived under from being forcibly drugged, shocked, humiliated, and put up as an example, making those around me suffer. Eugenics wanted that. After knowing nothing but that for 20 years, and never knowing how to really live or appear normal, wouldn't you escape to music? But, when people turn to music, a lot of what they listen to is instrumental, or much like classical music. Lots of guys play the banjo or something like that because that was the thing they did. The music produced by ruling institutions is intentionally artificial and queer, and you can see this change compared to music of the past, which was just some people recording songs they would sing live. There is a marked transformation of music that came in force during the 1980s, and that was all oligarchy. Much of what is "popular" is aristocratic in its value - their idea of what we are "supposed" to be. So, I hate punk with a passion, and gangster rap is slop. Ghetto ass people don't even listen to that. Very often ghetto people don't listen to anything at all. There are a lot more weeaboos and gamers in ghetto life, lots of Yugioh shit. You're more likely to find some white country hicks listening to black gangster music than actual black people, and I've heard some tirades from black people over the years about how that shit was produced by the Jews to destroy them.

Anyway, I think people are better than the low images of themselves given to them for public consumption - always designed to be the worst versions of the lower classes, to suggest the world is horrible and push them into consumer slop and the comfort of advertising jingles. It really is Satanic and insidious. But, eventually, that breaks. I'm seeing more people retreat altogether from media, form their own in an effort to tolerate living, or finding far simpler comforts that are still attainable. It's far easier to lay in bed and refuse to participate in this shit, if such free time is possible. Every day and every act is designed to exhaust the will of the people, to drive up the death rate and lower life expectancy.


>Ghetto ass people don't even listen to that. Very often ghetto people don't listen to anything at all. There are a lot more weeaboos and gamers in ghetto life, lots of Yugioh shit. You're more likely to find some white country hicks listening to black gangster music than actual black people, and I've heard some tirades from black people over the years about how that shit was produced by the Jews to destroy them.

The black people who condemn gangster rap are usually the Civil Rights geeration.
Those born after 1962 are full blown gangster rap fans.

Although yes, I hear more gangster rap being blasted by white kids.
Black kids would blast urban R&B

>The music produced by ruling institutions is intentionally artificial and queer, and you can see this change compared to music of the past, which was just some people recording songs they would sing live. There is a marked transformation of music that came in force during the 1980s, and that was all oligarchy. Much of what is "popular" is aristocratic in its value - their idea of what we are "supposed" to be. So, I hate punk with a passion, and gangster rap is slop.

People said the same shit about rick n roll back in the 1950s, that it was commercial slop made to dumb down the youth.

Also, the 1980s was the mark of the digital age.


What are your thpughts on the axiom "Man is above the animals"?

I personally dont think so.
Theres alot of intelligent abilities that animals share with humans, like mapping, counting, building homes, even cooking food.

Man is in constant denial of their biological nature.
They always assume that biological drives are some peculiar bug raher than a feature.
Yet, most of our laws are governed by biological incentives.


>"Man is above the animals"?
True in a literal sense as in people went to space and that's the highest elevation any creature from earth has been. I guess some of the bacteria on the ISS are feeling pretty snooty now.

If you look for something that sets people apart from animals in a practicle sense, it's that people can be universal labor, able to do any task. While animals can only be narrow ability labor, like an oxen that can only pull a cart or a plow.

Maybe once we can fully controle our environment, like people building self sustaining space habitats in a major way that collect gobs of energy from orbiting a star or doing fusion reactors, that's perhaps the threshold for saying that we're no longer like animals, that are at the mercy of their environment.

>Yet, most of our laws are governed by biological incentives.

The majority of laws are incomprehensible technocratic stuff that originates from corporate bureaucracies. Which is hardly driven by biological anything.


Is this Eugene or someone else?

But anyway:
>If you look for something that sets people apart from animals in a practicle sense, it's that people can be universal labor, able to do any task. While animals can only be narrow ability labor, like an oxen that can only pull a cart or a plow.

That is kinda fair. But you're forgetting about primates.


The majority of laws are incomprehensible technocratic stuff that originates from corporate bureaucracies. Which is hardly driven by biological anything.

All that corporate plutocratic nonsense which governs the civil world is all based on biological incentive.


>That is kinda fair. But you're forgetting about primates.
You are channeling Planet of the Apes. But in reality there's no monkies doing universal labor type stuff. These have been around as long as we have, you'd think that if it was possible to get monkies to do labor, somebody would have figured it out already.

>All that corporate plutocratic nonsense which governs the civil world is all based on biological incentive.

In some legal systems, corporations are considered people, but corporations are abstract legal constructs that exist only as documents on paper and computer memory, they have no bones and no flesh. So that's perhaps the most salient refutation of a link to biology.

Also most people can't understand what these laws say, if you had ever tried to read up on it, you'd know how impenetrable this stuff is. If the rules aren't in the heads of people, how can any of it be linked to biology ?


"above the animals" in a social hierarchy? Animals are not political subjects or members of society in the proper sense. You'd have to construct a hierarchy that is relevant to judgement to speak of humans being above animals, and then qualify that by the meaning of this hierarchy. If it's a hierarchy of intelligence and technology, then clearly humans have language and technology that animals do not match. But, that's a different claim from a belief that animals "have no mind, no soul, and are biological automata". Animals clearly possess thought of some sort to navigate the world, behave in ways which suggest they value living for something more than mere survival. Animals were not created for us to hunt them, and those subscribing to that belief are really saying that humans of other tribes are fair game for any predation. That was the religion of Babylon.

If you are invoking some natural order where nature gave humanity a gold star and promises, that's Satanic through and through, and has no basis in science or any worthwhile treatise on what we are doing here. You can assert it by violence or insinuation, but there's no "reason" for humans to be anything. Considering that the partisans of this focus all of their ire on other humans, it says enough about what they really mean by it. A Satanic race cannot change.

If you're suggesting animals have technology of fire and social behaviors comparable to ours, history and science confirm that is negative. They would possess tool use and the very existence of a body is technology of a sort. But, humans with symbolic language and communication of it produce things that no animal will, and human tool use enhanced that ability. That is one thing that the theories of biopolitics can't stand - that human beings modify themselves through technology and have done so over generations, but they do not do so as they please, nor in any inexorable process that can be commanded or that humanity conforms to in future generations. Such arguments fall apart to say that human evolution can be directed in the way eugenics insists. The conditions of eugenics are total society under unlimited torture and nothing else - and this is where humanity will be locked forever, due to what happened in our time. The last chance for that to change winked away, to thunderous applause. Eugenics has won. Satanic race. We are left then to salvage something out of the nightmare, if that is possible.

Since I write extensively about appeal to nature, I think you should just read my book to have the proper perspective. This is something I write about considerably in this and Book 2, and intend to continue writing about in Book 4 - the distinction of humans from animals. This distinction is not essential in the way bad philosophy like Kraut philosophy believes, but it is a very big distinction. I set out to define economics and politics not as distinctly human behavior, but as concepts to define how we would speak of economics and politics anywhere.


He is not me but he's mostly in line with my thinking. I would differ in one respect - I don't believe that there is a category of "universal labor" in that sense, other than the concept of labor itself. Human labor-power (or more accurately, human labor-potential) is a particular type of machine rather than "essentially different" in a way we would have to regard. We can value potential human labor-power without realizing or valorizing it, and borrow against it - for example, we say some young man has a promising career ahead of him, or he is consigned to the dustbin of history. This is the primary value humans seek, rather than the product itself which is largely incidental to how humans conduct politics.

A key distinction I make for humans is that human labor is generally alienable - that is, humans have a sense that they could do any number of things and that this labor can be managed. The theory of labor from free trade arises from division of labor rather than labor itself being worth anything, and part of division of labor is that labors are alienable from one another. For an animal, any such calculation isn't done in the abstract. The animal thinks - perhaps I am inserting a process that doesn't belong there, but I think this is a reasonable - the animal thinks "I need food, so I will get food", "I want security so I will protect my turf and my offspring". There isn't a managerial class among animals in the sense that exists in humans, where labor is alienable and treated as fungible in the abstract. In some animal kingdoms, animals are specialized for roles they fulfill and establish this as part of their survival strategy, like a colony of ants. It doesn't occur to the ants that it could or should be different, since that requires a large number of developments.
My argument is that humans have no monopoly on this, as a race or as a thought-form or idea. Humans can feud among each other about who is really human, or what human means going forward. The arguments for universalism among humans are not premised on a necessary division of labor. Very often it's the exact opposite - that no matter what humans do or are, they all live on the same Earth, under the same sun, and their differences don't necessitate any political distinction or moral valuation "just because". If there are social distinctions, there is a reason why - not necessarily a good reason, but someone always justifies in some way this distinction, or they carry out the distinction in silence and struggle against groups they do not include in their polity. The idea that we exist to carry out "struggle of essences" is Germanic and incredibly stupid, designed to cannibalize a society. If you believe your group is superior, the question isn't posed to nature. Nature doesn't care at all about the struggle humans wage. The claims of nature-worship and "natural law" are very different, which is something I write about in the book.

So many take for granted all of the social developments of human beings, which were not trivial or freely reproduced. Something as simple as spoken language, which would be the most obvious way to begin alienating labor - tell one of the apes to do this, another to do that, by some coordinated plan - would not be made fully formed or even part-formed, let alone standardized in a way that allowed the concept that you could issue imperatives and expect band members to obey. Very likely, speaking begins in much cruder form, then develops in secret as part of a game humans played with each other. There is a whole lot that humans do that has nothing to do with alienating labor, and many things we do cannot be fully alienated. It takes a man and a woman to make a baby and raise it, and men are going to think "hey, this little squirt came from my seed, and maybe I should account for what I created, you know/"


>There is a whole lot that humans do that has nothing to do with alienating labor, and many things we do cannot be fully alienated. It takes a man and a woman to make a baby and raise it, and men are going to think "hey, this little squirt came from my seed, and maybe I should account for what I created, you know/"

I wish more people remembered that procreation isnt exclusively a female ability.

People like to say "women are the creators of life, therefore goddesses".

Even going so far as to say "men are expendable, they shouldnt be allowed to exist."

But, eggs cannot self-fertilise.
It requires a sperm to do it.

Speaking of which, maybe its just me, but have you noticed that whenever society refers to "women", they usually mean "young adult females"?

Older women are seen as defective females.
We see this in fiction where most villianesses tend to be middle aged women.
Or if there are any older female protagonsists, they usually portray them as neurotic awkward smothering moms or sailor mouth grandmas.

Men often side with ypunger women if theres an altercation between a ypung woman and an older one.

But, thats assuming the female youth in question is light-skinned, slim, curvy, and cutesy.
If theyre not, theyre treated as punks.


So much of that thinking is pure eugenic creed, rather than anything women really want or any sense of "sexual identity politics" which is wholly unsustainable. For most of history, men and women really did inhabit different societies, only sometimes intersecting, with a hidden world of the orgies and games that are part of the club where "real humanity" exists. Ugly reality is that a large part of the male population has always been out of the club entirely, matched by a smaller part of the female population who are effectively forbidden from the reproductive game. Children of whores do not have great lives and that is a chilling effect to say the least.

It's very telling that women are told to emphasize their "market value" or a eugenic sense of civic worth with their whole person, and this dominates all messaging to women and about women. So insidious is the messaging that when we think of women as anything but this, we're "objectifying them", while this treatment that is mandated and glorified and emphasized is somehow not objectifying. Then a guy figures out that women are, you know, objects of affection who won't actually love them back, and decides to make the most of it, and this isn't good enough either. It's all designed to emphasize who's in the orgy club and who isn't, and everyone who condones it is a complete piece of shit.

It's even more funny because the default male attraction is to any fertile female who isn't going to ruin their life, and preferably he wouldn't ruin her life. I would think that was simple enough. It used to be you could find women who thought roughly the same, in that they wanted to do the thing to make baby and go on with the rest of their life, and didn't indulge in this complete control of reproductive life or make it into such a rigamarole. Everyone saw that for what it was. But, eugenics won. Such things are the results of letting that go on for as long as it did. We're seeing now that it created such a toxic nightmare society that many of us really are better off dead than joining that, and that's exactly what a few have already come to, whether they off themselves or simply neglect themselves and stop caring. Either way, eugenics gets what they want - to make life so intolerable that no one can bear the thought of damning anyone to live like this. I get sick of listening to people make excuses for eugenics like I'm the crazy person for saying what they did for 100 years, with nothing to show for it but torture and death, now violently imposed on the world.

The central theory of eugenics and Darwinism is that reproduction "just happens" by some blind impulse, and this is not supported by anything. Reproduction only ever happens under circumstances which are uncommon and require some deliberation of life. It's not like some man "accidentally" finds himself inside a woman, or the woman passively agreed to that and has no control over her body. The total lack of agency and celebrating it from the eugenists is a celebration of their filth religion, imposed on us to insist we're the people who should die - all intended for a Satanic race.


Do you agree that romance and sex are oversold as entitlements of adulthood?
That most people fail in romatic love because theyve been taught wrong about love being some fatalistic innocent effect that just happens rather than being based on sociobiological endowments?

Society tells young people tgat "looks dont matter" in the game of love.
They tell young people to "be yourself".

Yet, young people whom are plain in looks amd wit are looked down upon.

Theyre left to rot lonely and awkward.
They find love in middle age when theyre already burned out and stuck in a dead end job to some damaged goods


>It's very telling that women are told to emphasize their "market value" or a eugenic sense of civic worth with their whole person, and this dominates all messaging to women and about women. So insidious is the messaging that when we think of women as anything but this, we're "objectifying them", while this treatment that is mandated and glorified and emphasized is somehow not objectifying. Then a guy figures out that women are, you know, objects of affection who won't actually love them back, and decides to make the most of it, and this isn't good enough either. It's all designed to emphasize who's in the orgy club and who isn't, and everyone who condones it is a complete piece of shit.

Blame chivalry.

Also, its not really the fault of women they ended up like this.

Theyre just as hurt and confused.


Most of the world doesn't go in for "romance". Talk to married guys and they are miserable and regret it. They will try to say it's for the kids and hold on to that, if they can, except now eugenics is taking your kids and punishing parents for any kindness or decency that once existed. They're not going to stop until all of humanity is as Satanic as them.

>They tell young people to "be yourself".

>Yet, young people whom are plain in looks amd wit are looked down upon.

That cult of selfishness stuff is literally the Nazi ideology. It's alarming how this was asserted and we weren't allowed to say no or say what it was - how standards of comparison were destroyed, making the Nazis appear fantastical. Now there are a few shmaltzy ads coming out telling us how Nazis were actually good, that Hitler made a paradise on Earth. It's disgusting. If you opposed it, you were accused of "promoting degeneracy".
This is what I mean by the eugenic creed. It's not a rehash of the Nazis carried out mindlessly. That's what eugenics always creates, wherever it inhabits institutions. It went on for too long.

Really though, people don't need to be much to be acceptable. At the end of the day, any penis will do. The one thing that would make this tolerable - any sort of genuine affection and kindness - is haram under the eugenic creed. Anything that would allow a family to form has become unseemly and "creepy". The only "exceptional" traits that are valued are the traits of perverts who insinuate what others are allowed to be. Eugenics only had to select for such people and impose their ultraviolent, Satanic religion on the world, and wait us out. We were told to "stand and die" as they did this.

Love is a very simple thing. In another world, I could have shown it to human beings, but it is not to be. Not in this life. I can only show that indirectly through things and whatever world can exist outside of society - or rather, outside of this beast which is now called "society". The sick thing is that there are all sorts of hiding places where we did retain anything to love, and all of them are aggressively destroyed by the same insinuation and faggotry.

I know what you mean, and no woman is going to resist the cult and pressure placed on her as an individual. Those who do are pulled aside and told the reality. Heard from so many women that they were pulled aside and told that the only reason they were placed in the professional world is to be sex kittens and drive out undesirables. That was your "womens' liberation" - pure eugenics.


>That cult of selfishness stuff is literally the Nazi ideology. It's alarming how this was asserted and we weren't allowed to say no or say what it was - how standards of comparison were destroyed, making the Nazis appear fantastical. Now there are a few shmaltzy ads coming out telling us how Nazis were actually good, that Hitler made a paradise on Earth. It's disgusting. If you opposed it, you were accused of "promoting degeneracy".
This is what I mean by the eugenic creed. It's not a rehash of the Nazis carried out mindlessly. That's what eugenics always creates, wherever it inhabits institutions. It went on for too long.

Ive noticed this as well.
Even before my political phase, I notice tgat Nazis were always glamorosed.
I heard people s at ing Hitler was a misunderstood genius, that Jewish elites were making him look bad because he opposed the international bankers.
Hell, nowadays, "nazi" as an insult is reclaimed as comical or endearing.
Meanwhile, "commie" is considered evil.
People view communism with worse fear and loathing than Nazism.
Anything that interferes with personal convenience is wrongfully called communism.


>Most of the world doesn't go in for "romance". Talk to married guys and they are miserable and regret it. They will try to say it's for the kids and hold on to that, if they can, except now eugenics is taking your kids and punishing parents for any kindness or decency that once existed. They're not going to stop until all of humanity is as Satanic as them.

Again, its fucked up that society overpromotes romantic love and family planning as the only route of adulthood.

Because of it,too many adults throw away their potential for a participation trophy.
Most child-rearing adults, especially nowadays, often are terrible life coaches.

Society reduces children to being bipedal pets that are only barely tolerated.

Meanwhile, single childless adults are looked down upon as leeches.
They ruin many bachelors who couldve made a legacy doing scientific research or trades or culinary/agrarian arts.




I have the first section of a supplemental book written in rough draft, and want to post it as is, as a sort of "introduction" intended for Book 4.


>Love is a very simple thing

Simple, but not easy.


Your writing is not merely overly verbose, it actively resists identification, association and categorization of the contained ideas. The content itself doesn't even constitute a consistent logical framework, rather what you describe as just-so stories. I fear prolonged reading will actively erode any critical perspective and the writings themselves, the topics of which have been elaborated elsewhere far more satisfactorily, come from a primal need to project your own consciousness onto the Internet, leaving nothing but a sprawling piss stain of a system.

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