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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

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Continued from >>481432

Updates since the start of the last thread:
The (largely civilian) Palestinian death toll has now passed 39,000. With over 10,000 missing, it's expected that current estimates are lower than the actual death toll, and excess deaths have been estimated by The Lancet to plausibly be upwards of 186,000.

Reports in the Israeli press confirmed that the IDF implemented a 'mass Hannibal Directive' on October 7th, knowingly and purposefully killing many of its civilians and turning the Gaza border into an 'extermination zone' to prevent hostages from being taken alive.

The US Congress invited Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu to speak. Tens of thousands demonstrated in DC, blockaded roads, and pulled mischief at the Watergate Hotel, but apparently failed to arrest Netanyahu for war crimes. Many were met with pepper spray and tear gas. At least 96 congress members boycotted the speech. Ahead of the visit, the Center for Constitutional Rights called for the DOJ to investigate Netanyahu for genocide, war crimes, and torture as required by US law. Simultaneous demonstrations occurred in other parts of the US and Canada.

A deal for a "national unity government" between the Palestinian factions Fatah and Hamas was brokered in Beijing.

The International Court of Justice issued an advisory opinion on the legal status of Israel's occupation of Palestinian territories, as requested in 2022. It found that Israel is committing the crime of apartheid, its occupation is illegal, and its activity in Gaza & the West Bank has continued to constitute a de facto occupation even after the IDF ostensibly withdrew in the '00s. It also confirmed that supporting Israeli apartheid and illegal occupation is illegal.

Yemeni Houthi attacks on shipping, in solidarity with Gaza, have continued, nearly shutting down the Israeli port of Eilat. A Yemeni drone struck a building near the US embassy branch office in Tel Aviv on July 19th. This was followed by direct Israeli airstrikes on the Yemeni port of Hodeidah.

Demonstrators have continued to blockade and damage arms factories manufacturing weapons for Israel in the UK.

The Center for Constitutional Rights appealed the jurisdictional dismissal of the genocide complicity lawsuit against President Joe Biden; the appellate argument was scheduled for June 10th, and was rejected.

More countries recognized Palestinian statehood, with Ireland, Spain, Norway, Armenia, and Slovenia being the latest.

Hamas agreed to another ceasefire agreement. Following this, Israel refused, and the US tried to blame Hamas. The US then came up with a ceasefire proposal similar to the one Hamas had already agreed to, claimed it was an Israeli proposal (despite Israeli leaders denying their agreement to basic aspects), and proposed it at the UN Security Council after having vetoed or abstained on almost all of the previous proposals. This US-backed proposal passed at the UNSC, but like the previous proposal for a temporary ceasefire for Ramadan, Israel ignored it.

Starvation deaths have continued to increase in Gaza amid Israel's imposed famine.

Israel killed 90+ people in an Israeli-declared safe zone in al-Mawasi and claimed afterwards that they were trying to kill one Qassam Brigades commander. In Nuseirat, at least 276 were killed and 698 injured in the IDF's June Nuseirat refugee camp massacre.

The US stated that the Biden Pier had been decommissioned.

The UK and Germany tried to block the ICC from issuing arrest warrants for Netanyahu & Israeli defense minister Yoav Gallant. The UK is allegedly going to withdraw its frivolous objection.

The UK resumed funding for UNRWA.

Israel shelled more UN facilities in Gaza.

Hezbollah released drone footage from deep within Israeli territory.

Israeli security minister Itamar Ben-Gvir advocated delaying any more hostage deals until Trump's election.

The US gov't continued shipping weapons to Israel, in violation of US law.

The DOJ launched an investigation into the UAW in a possible political retaliation for the union backing a ceasefire.

The Israeli war cabinet dissolved following Netanyahu's refusal to provide a clear Gaza plan. The Israeli supreme court ruled that ultra-orthodox Jews, many of whom are religiously opposed to Zionism, are no longer exempt from conscription, causing political upheaval.

Attacks on US bases in Iraq over US support of the genocide in Gaza have resumed following a previous Iranian-encouraged pause.

And much, much more!
236 posts and 65 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


>Just listen to yourself you can't start "hunting down" jews that would make you literally hitler.
Nobody said anything about hunting Jews. Besides insinuating that Jews need a license to blackmail politicians is antisemitic. Jews are normal people, they have no use for that.

>You're also forgetting that israel is an ethnostate, US citizens who are jewish have a loyalty to israel

2 problems with that.

1. Political projects to build ethno-states are just a type of organized violence with escalating brutality that eventually self-destructs. To the extend that Israel can be recognized as a state, it has to be the non-ethnocentric parts.

2. Jews live in an international diaspora. Zionists are sometimes former Jews or people with Jewish heritage, but given the historic context of the holocaust, you can't really link Jews to the genocidal project of the Zionists, that's just not fair. The majority of the global Jewish community has distanced it self from that. Especially now, you'd risk stirring up antisemitism by saying Israel is somehow linked to Jews.

>that a US citizen who has a russian great-great grand mother doesn't have to russia.

No that's not a fair comparison, Russia is not trying to be an ethno-state. Their Slavic-civilization thing (or whatever it's called now) does have the aspiration to be universal, it's not a racist project.

>That means israel can get agents into high level government positions much easier than any other country.

Your argument make sense, but only if you accept some of those ethno-centric premises. Which i don't. And from my viewpoint you are saying that essentially it's possible to browbeat the US state machinery into compliance. How can it be so powerful while also being kind of a push-over at the same time ?

>What workers are you talking about.

Initially the US empire only extracted super-profits from workers in the periphery, but eventually the empire came home and began subjecting the imperial core to imperial methods also.

>If the argument is that they need a strong military to defend dollar supremacy then wasting that military strength with an endless string of expensive, pointless wars in the middle east directly undermines that argument. The US military is so weak now that countries are openly selling oil for yuan and talking about a brics currency.

Nothing you said contradicts what I said. You are correct the US has been wasting it's military resources on pointless wars, and also yes the Dollar hegemony is slowly evaporating away as a result.

>You're still just taking it for granted that there are "super-profits".

Because there would be very high levels of inflation in the US if there wasn't.

>How far back do we have to go? What "imperial loot" did we get from vietnam? What "imperial loot" did we get from korea? Maybe there was imperial loot in the 1600s when the british empire found a silver mine guarded by savages with spears.

The US-empire lost badly in Vietnam, so they didn't get anything out of that. But the Korea-war gave the US-empire a vassal state in RoK (South-Korea) which they use to this day to prod the Chinese.

>But as far as the US empire goes every war since WW2 has been a scam to siphon money from american citizens to the military industrial complex. That's why the fact that america has lost every single one of those wars doesn't deter them.

I agree with that, US-empire is stealing from US-the-country too. I'm not saying the rest of the world is the only one getting shafted. Regular US citizens are getting fleeced and subjected to suffering on behalf of this thing too.


Graphic footage from an Israeli strike targeting the home of the Hanawi family in northern Gaza Strip.


A Palestinian father mourns his daughter after an attack on the tents of displaced people in Mawasi Khan Younis, in the southern Gaza Strip.


Will be live at 7PM EST


>Nobody said anything about hunting Jews.
>if some other country tried to send people that blackmail US politicians these people would get hunted down mercilessly
>why isn't this happening to Israel
The way you're having a panic over this is exactly my point by the way. Once jews are involved then suddenly the rules change don't they.

>insinuating that is antisemitic

Are you seriously trying to score rhetorical points by throwing out the antisemitic smear when in your last post you tried to claim it has no power over people.

>Political projects to build ethno-states are just a type of organized violence with escalating brutality that eventually self-destructs.

What's your point, you think israel is not an ethno-state or you think it's not self-destructing right now?

>you can't really link Jews to the genocidal project of the Zionists

I said some american born jews are loyal to israel. You are trying to counter that with not all jews support israel which doesn't make sense.

>No that's not a fair comparison, Russia is not trying to be an ethno-state.

It's not supposed to be a comparison. You asked why is israel getting away with this when other countries can't. Part of the answer is because israel is an ethno-state and other countries aren't.

>Your argument make sense, but only if you accept some of those ethno-centric premises. Which i don't.

On what basis do you reject it? You don't think there are rich and powerful jews in america who are fanatically pro-israel? If you flip the chessboard around think about how jews have always faced persecution throughout history not to mention the holocaust which was an extremely traumatic event. How would that not make them paranoid. The concept of a jewish homeland where any jew anywhere in the world can return to and be protected is a powerful appeal.

>Initially the US empire only extracted super-profits from workers in the periphery

What periphery? What people? What year? This is starting to sound like something you want to be true rather than something that is true.

>Nothing you said contradicts what I said.

1. the US military exists to protect the dollar
2. every US military action in the passed 80 years has don't nothing to protect the dollar and only weakened the empire as a result
Has every US leader for the passed 80 years been an incompetent retard or are you wrong about point 1.? My point is that the US military exists only to scam US tax payers.

>Because there would be very high levels of inflation in the US if there wasn't.

The dollar has lost 90% of it's purchasing power since 1971. How much higher do you want this inflation to be?

>the Korea-war gave the US-empire a vassal state in RoK (South-Korea) which they use to this day to prod the Chinese.

So there has been no other "imperial loot" for the past 70 years?

>I'm not saying the rest of the world is the only one getting shafted.

The rest of the world is getting "shafted" because every fiat currency is stacked ontop of the dollar. So the US passes their debt onto other countries by inflating the dollar and then other countries pass their debt off onto their own people by inflating their local currency. So everyone outside the US get fucked twice by inflation.

That has nothing to do with the US maintaining a military presence in the middle east though. If there was no iraq war or afghanistan war or no israel then the US would still control the world reserve currency. If the US still had their 2001 military strength there probably wouldn't even be a war in ukraine right now. There is simply no argument to be made that israel is vital, or even beneficial, to US prosperity.


ICC prosecutor seeks to confirm death of Hamas leader Deif

Prosecutors at the International Criminal Court (ICC) are looking into the reported death of Hamas military leader Mohammed Deif and will withdraw their case against him if they can confirm it, legal filings made public show.

Deif, 58, was believed to be one of the masterminds of the October 7, 2023 assault on southern Israel which triggered the Gaza war, and since then directed Hamas military operations against Israeli forces.

Israel said he was killed in an Israeli air attack on Gaza’s southern city of Khan Younis on July 13. Hamas has neither confirmed nor denied that.

“The prosecution will withdraw its [arrest warrant] application against Deif if sufficient and reliable information confirms his death,” said the legal document.

Last Friday, the ICC announced it had terminated proceedings against Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh, who was assassinated in Iran on July 31. The ICC is currently weighing a request for arrest warrants against Israeli and Hamas leaders made earlier this year.

ICC chief prosecutor Karim Khan is also seeking warrants for the arrest of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his Defence Minister Yoav Gallant for alleged war crimes and crimes against humanity during Israel’s Gaza offensive.

Palestinians take new seat at UN General Assembly

The Palestinian envoy to the United Nations, Riyad Mansour, took his place on Tuesday at a table marked “State of Palestine” between Sri Lanka and Sudan.

In May, an overwhelming majority of the General Assembly asserted that Palestine deserved full membership, a move that has been blocked by the United States.

“This is not merely a procedural matter. This is a historic moment for us,” said Egyptian Ambassador Osama Mahmoud Abdelkhalek Mahmoud.

During the resolution’s adoption, Israel denounced the move.

“Any decision and or action that improves the status of the Palestinians, either in the UN General Assembly or bilaterally, is currently a reward … for terrorism in general and the Hamas terrorists in particular,” said Jonathan Miller, Israel’s deputy ambassador to the UN.

‘Our policy is clear’: Canada halts more arms sales to Israel

Canada has suspended some 30 permits for arms shipments to Israel, including a US company’s Canadian subsidiary’s deal with the US government – a rare move.

“Our policy is clear: We will not have any form of arms or parts of arms be sent to Gaza. Period,” Foreign Minister Melanie Joly said.

“How they’re being sent and where they’re being sent is irrelevant,” she continued, alluding to ammunition that was meant to have been produced by a Canadian division of US defence contractor General Dynamics for Israel’s army.

Canada drew the ire of Israeli leaders when it initially announced it would halt new arms shipments to Israel as of January 8.

Pro-Palestinian protests across Canada – at universities, political events and even the Toronto International Film Festival last week – have continued to put pressure on the government to go further.

UN: Shots fired as vaccination convoy held up by Israeli army

A UN convoy carrying workers for polio vaccination in Gaza was held at gunpoint at an Israeli military checkpoint with shots fired and vehicles rammed by a bulldozer.

Stephane Dujarric, spokesman for UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, called Monday’s incident “the latest example of the unacceptable dangers and impediment that humanitarian personnel in Gaza are experiencing” by Israeli forces.

“The situation escalated very quickly with soldiers pointing their weapons directly towards our personnel in the convoy, the UN vehicles were encircled by Israeli forces, and shots were fired,” Dujarric said.

“One bulldozer dropped debris on the first vehicle while Israeli soldiers threatened staff, making it impossible for them to safely exit the vehicles.”

Turkey urges Arab League to band together to end war on Gaza

Turkey has called on Arab and Muslim states to work together to try to end Israel’s devastating war.

Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan is the first to attend the gathering of Arab states since President Recep Tayyip Erdogan attended in 2011. Turkey later fell out with many member countries.

“We cannot accept that Palestinian lives, Arab lives and Muslim lives matter less than others,” Fidan said. “Our ranks must be watertight.”

More than 41,000 Palestinians have been killed in Gaza – mostly women and children – since Israel’s war began in October. The war has caused vast destruction and displaced about 90 percent of Gaza’s population of 2.3 million, often multiple times.

US Muslim group blasts Biden’s failure to call family of American killed by Israel

The Council of American Islamic Relations denounced US President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris for double standards after the killing of American citizen Aysenur Ezgi Eygi, 26, by Israeli forces.

“President Biden and Vice President Harris’ failure to call the family of an American citizen murdered by an Israeli sniper is deeply disturbing and disappointing, especially given that both of them quickly contacted the family of an Israeli-American killed by Hamas,” said CAIR’s Deputy Executive Director Edward Ahmed Mitchell.

“It is long past time for the Biden administration to start treating all American families as equally worthy of respect and all human beings, including the people of Gaza and the West Bank, as equally worthy of life.”

Israeli court to hear petition seeking permission for lawmakers to visit Palestinian prisoners

The Israeli Supreme Court will hear a petition filed on behalf of a member of the Knesset, Ahmad Tibi, to allow lawmakers to visit Palestinians held in Israeli prisons, the legal rights group Adalah says.

The petition calls for an immediate halt to a policy enforced by National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir and the Israel Prison Service, which has prevented Tibi from meeting with prisoners for more than a year.

Tibi and Adalah requested a court order to allow him to visit detainees, including prominent Palestinian political leader Marwan Barghouti, who has been in prison since 2002.

The petition argues the policy discriminates against Tibi because during the same period Ben-Gvir permitted lawmakers from the ruling coalition to visit Jewish security prisoners.



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>The way you're having a panic over this is exactly my point by the way. Once jews are involved then suddenly the rules change don't they.
I'm trying to win political arguments, i have to frame my political argumentation with the reality in mind that there is a Zionist propaganda machine that pretends to speak for the Jews while they make false accusations of antisemitism. (which technically is a type of antisemitism)
The secret police on the other hand does not have to play debate club, if they wanted to purge the Zionist lobby for doing foreign interference, they could, there is so much of evidence for that.

>Are you seriously trying to score rhetorical points by throwing out the antisemitic smear when in your last post you tried to claim it has no power over people.

It wasn't directed at you, sorry if you felt attacked. I'm always shadow boxing against a particularly outrageous ultra-zionist TV-pundid i once saw. I'm always trying to define antisemitism in such a way to undermine everything he said to manufacture consent for violence against Palestinians.

>What's your point, you think israel is not an ethno-state or you think it's not self-destructing right now?

Isreal is trying to become an ethno-state (as in having killed or displaced all the Palestinians, and reached some retarded notion of purity-bullshit) and that is causing it to self-destruct. It'll never complete it's quest to become an a "fully realized ethno-state". It'll just degenerate into more obscene brutality until something gives.

>I said some american born jews are loyal to israel. You are trying to counter that with not all jews support israel which doesn't make sense.

I'm going to dispute that the blood and soil shit can really be Jewish. What sets Jewish culture, religion or whatever apart is the hole deal with the diaspora, which is not tied to a single place. So the phenomenon that makes some people excuse the Zionist horrors probably is not related to Jewishness.

>You asked why is israel getting away with this when other countries can't. Part of the answer is because israel is an ethno-state and other countries aren't.

OK lets assume this is true, what's making an ethno-state so much more effective at manipulating other governments ? Also take into account that Isreal's gotten less competent at doing stuff, as time goes on and the amount of Zionist madness increased.

>On what basis do you reject it?

It's just the default position, not believing things until there is evidence to support it. There is no evidence for the ethno-shit.
>You don't think there are rich and powerful jews in america who are fanatically pro-israel?
Yeah I'm gonna assume it's because they got rich off it ?
>If you flip the chessboard around think about how jews have always faced persecution throughout history not to mention the holocaust which was an extremely traumatic event.
The historic lessons from the holocaust is what convinced me to oppose Zionist ideology.
>The concept of a jewish homeland where any jew anywhere in the world can return to and be protected is a powerful appeal.
Israel is considerably less safe for Jews than the US or Europe.
>What periphery? What people? What year?
Ok US imperialism began when the US took over from the British empire, sometime in the 1950s. Maybe the Panama crisis, that's usually considered the end of the British empire. The core of the empire is the US and it's client states, like most of Europe, Japan, Canada, Australia etc. The periphery is most of the world minus the powers that are strong enough to resist US hard-power. Within the core some people get the benefits of empire, some neither gain nor loose, and some that loose out. From the 1970s onwards, the people that benefit from empire get fewer, and they switch over into the second group who neither gain nor loose. In the early 2000s the group of people who loose out, begin to dramatically rise, and now it's about 90% of the population. In the periphery everybody looses because of empire, except for a small faction of comprador elites.

>The dollar has lost 90% of it's purchasing power since 1971. How much higher do you want this inflation to be?

This is not that much, consider that low levels of inflation will still have a significant compound effect over the time-span of over half a century. Also your number is likely inaccurate, if you bought a decent (for the time) computer in the 70s it cost more than what many people would make in a lifetime. Today it's much cheaper. Higher levels of inflation would be a lot worse.

>The rest of the world is getting "shafted" because every fiat currency is stacked ontop of the dollar. So the US passes their debt onto other countries by inflating the dollar and then other countries pass their debt off onto their own people by inflating their local currency. So everyone outside the US get fucked twice by inflation.

I would say close enough, tho there's some countries whose currency reacts differently.

>That has nothing to do with the US maintaining a military presence in the middle east though. If there was no iraq war or afghanistan war or no israel then the US would still control the world reserve currency.

I'm guessing this could be true (the Iraq and Afghanistan wars were lost), but it's really hard to imagine how alternative time-lines play out. If you remove Israel from the time-line I'm guessing Iran would already be the local hegemon and I don't really know to what extent the US could have projected imperial power in that scenario. I guess it kinda depends on the relation between the two, but probably less.
>If the US still had their 2001 military strength there probably wouldn't even be a war in ukraine right now.
This is nonsense, the US was never strong enough to match Russian power-projection in Ukraine.
>There is simply no argument to be made that israel is vital, or even beneficial, to US prosperity.
Israel has never been beneficial to prosperity in the US, true, but we're talking about Israel being beneficial for imperial power, that's not the same as prosperity.


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Family slams Israeli inquiry into US-Turkish activist’s killing

The family of Aysenur Ezgi Eygi has denounced the Israeli military’s preliminary inquiry into the 26-year-old activist’s killing as “wholly inadequate”.

“We are deeply offended by the suggestion that her killing by a trained sniper was in any way unintentional. The disregard shown for human life in the inquiry is appalling,” they said in a statement.

“We reiterate our demand for the US government leaders – President Biden, Vice President Harris, and Secretary of State Blinken – to order an independent investigation into the Israeli military’s deliberate targeting and killing of a US citizen,” they added.

Press freedom group demands ‘immediate entrance’ to Gaza

The Foreign Press Association has denounced Israel’s refusal to allow international journalists into the Gaza Strip and filed a new petition at the Israeli Supreme Court asking for immediate access to the Palestinian enclave.

The FPA, which represents international media groups, said Israel’s behaviour is “shocking” for a country “that professes its commitment to the democratic ideals of a free press”.

“Never before has Israel enforced such a long and strict information blackout,” the FPA said.

The group said it was turning to the Israeli Supreme Court – which upheld the entry ban on security grounds in January – “in hopes to sustain the freedom of the press and democratic fundamental rights”.

It added, “To Israel, we say enough with the excuses. It is time to let us in.”

Slain activist’s partner rejects Biden’s claim that her death was accidental

Hamid Ali criticised the US president for failing to reach out to Eygi’s family following her killing by an Israeli sniper and dismissed his claims that the American-Turkish activist’s death appeared to be an accident.

“For four days, we have waited for President Biden to pick up the phone and do the right thing: To call us, offer his condolences, and let us know that he is ordering an independent investigation of the killing of Aysenur,” Ali said in a statement published by the advocacy group, the Institute for Middle East Understanding.

“She was fatally shot in the head by an Israeli sniper positioned 200 metres away. This was no accident and her killers must be held accountable,” he said.

An Israeli warship has shot at and killed a Palestinian fisherman off the coast of al-Mawasi near Khan Younis in southern Gaza, according to the Quds News Network and the Shehab news agency.

We will bring you more information on this incident when we have it.

Israel offers Yahya Sinwar safe exit in exchange for captives held in Gaza

Gal Hirsch, Israel’s envoy on the captives held in the Gaza Strip, announced the offer for the leader of Hamas in an interview with Bloomberg News in Washington, DC.

“I’m ready to provide safe passage to Sinwar, his family, whoever wants to join him,” Hirsch said. “We want the hostages back. We want demilitarization, de-radicalization of course – a new system that will manage Gaza.”

Hirsch told Bloomberg that he put the offer on the table a day and a half ago, but declined to characterise the response so far.

Sinwar, who Israel claims masterminded the October 7 attacks, became the leader of Hamas after his predecessor, Ismail Haniyeh, was assassinated in the Iranian capital, Tehran. Iran blames Israel for the killing.

Australian police clash with antiwar demonstrators in Melbourne

Australian police have deployed tear gas, rubber bullets and pepper spray during clashes with crowds protesting Israel’s war on Gaza outside a defence exhibition in the city of Melbourne.

The clashes came after thousands of demonstrators chanting pro-Palestine slogans and waving Palestinian flags gathered outside the biennial Land Forces International Land Defence Exposition earlier this morning, according to the ABC and SBS broadcasters.

Protesters tried to shut down the event, by throwing eggs and water at delegates in a bid to prevent them from entering the event, SBS reported. Some protesters were seen throwing horse manure at mounted police while others set fire to dustbins in the area, according to the ABC.

Police arrested several people as they moved to contain the protest, according to ABC and SBS, but the number of detainees has not yet been confirmed. The broadcasters described the police operation as the largest in Melbourne since the World Economic Forum was held in the city in 2000.

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese meanwhile called for police officers to be “respected at all times”. “You don’t say you’re opposed to defence equipment by throwing things at police,” he told Australia’s Channel Seven.



No idea if this is accurate, but I missed this story entirely. Mahmood OD, yesterday, says there's been talk of some sort of attack from Egypt.


Seems like more signs of rising tensions between Israel and Egypt.

If Egypt ends up occupying Gaza, maybe they'll treat the Palestinians better.


Death toll in Israeli attack on school rises to nine

A spokesperson for the Palestinian Civil Defence has said that at least nine people, including women and children, have been killed in Nuseirat camp in central Gaza Strip.

Israeli jets struck an UNRWA-run school-turned-shelter for the internally displaced known as al-Jaouni.

The Civil Defence said its teams are still recovering bodies and looking for survivors.

We’re gathering more information and will update you shortly.

White phosphorous attack reported in southern Lebanon

Lebanon’s state-run news agency NNA is reporting an Israeli strike on the southern town of Khiam using phosphorus, a chemical substance dispersed in artillery shells, bombs, and rockets that ignites when exposed to oxygen.

The use of white phosphorous by Israel has been documented by watchdogs including Human Rights Watch.

Under international humanitarian law, the use of this type of incendiary ammunition is unlawful in populated areas and does not meet the legal requirement to minimise civilian harm.

Hezbollah claims four attacks on Israeli military sites

Lebanon’s Hezbollah armed group has said its fighters targeted a group of Israeli soldiers near the Raheb military site near the Lebanese-Israeli border with rockets, without elaborating on the results of the 08:30am (05:30 GMT) attack.

In a separate statement published on Telegram, the group also claimed to have attacked the Ruwaisat al-Qarn military site in the occupied Lebanese Shebaa Farms at 10:25am (07:25 GMT) with rockets. It did not say what the results were.

The third Hezbollah attack of the day came at the same time and the same area targeting the Zabadin barracks in Shebaa Farms.

At 12:25pm (09:25 GMT), the group hit a bunker where Israeli soldiers were positioned in the Matla military site “with appropriate weapons”.

There was no immediate comment on the attacks from the Israeli army.

Israeli forces detain Red Crescent crew in Tulkarem

Israeli forces have detained five members of the Palestinian Red Crescent Society’s (PRCS) ambulance crew in the Tulkarem camp in the occupied West Bank, according to Al Jazeera Arabic.

Citing the PRCS, AJA added that the group has lost contact with the crew now.

The incident comes as the Israeli military continues an offensive in the north of the occupied West Bank. The assault targeting Jenin, Tulkarem and Tubas began on August 28 and is the military’s largest assault on the occupied territory since the second Intifada in the early 2000s.

‘Belt of fire’ in southern Lebanon as Israeli jets drop bombs

Lebanon’s National News Agency (NNA) is reporting that Israeli jets carried out more than 15 air attacks on southern parts of the country, targeting forested areas and orchards between the towns of Zebqin, al-Shaitiya and al-Qleila.

The bombings caused a “belt of fire” stretching between the towns, the agency reported.

ICC prosecutor seeks ‘urgent’ arrest warrants for Netanyahu, Gallant, Hamas leaders

The chief prosecutor of the International Criminal Court has called on its judges to issue arrest warrants for the Israeli leaders as well as Hamas’s Sinwar and Mohammed Deif “with utmost urgency”, according to legal filings.

Karim Khan cited “the worsening situation in Palestine” in his renewed appeal.

Khan had first sought the arrest warrants in May, accusing Netanyahu, Gallant and the Hamas leaders of committing war crimes and crimes against humanity. But the case has been beset by various procedural delays, including the court’s decision to let the United Kingdom submit observations on the court’s jurisdiction over the case.

The British government ultimately opted not to file those observations.

Khan had also initially sought an arrest warrant for the late Hamas chief Ismail Haniyeh, but said he was withdrawing the case following the politician’s assassination in Tehran in August. The prosecutor also said he would withdraw the request for Deif, the Hamas military commander Israel claimed to have killed earlier this year, if his death is confirmed.

Israeli settlers set fire to olive trees in West Bank’s Burin

Israeli settlers from the illegal outpost of Yitzhar have damaged dozens of olive trees belonging to a Palestinian farmer in the village of Burin, in the occupied West Bank, the Israeli watchdog Yesh Din has said.

Video footage published by the organisation, which campaigns against settler violence, showed five masked individuals holding chainsaws leaving the olive grove as fires engulfed several trees.

“We demand that the military properly prepare to prevent violence against farmers and damage to the trees, and to ensure the harvest takes place,” the organisation said.

The incident occurred at about 6am [03:00 GMT]. In a second post on X, it said settlers later returned to the area and set fire to more trees.


Israel says soldier killed in West Bank truck-ramming attack

Israel’s military has confirmed that a soldier was killed when the driver of “a Palestinian truck” rammed into “forces conducting operational activity” in the occupied West Bank.

The suspected assailant was “neutralised” by Israeli forces “and an armed civilian” at the scene of the attack near the Jewish settlement of Givat Assaf, north of Ramallah, an army statement said.

It later identified the dead soldier as 24-year-old Staff Sergeant Geri Gideon Hanghal.

Biden concern over activist’s killing ‘desperation’ to win Arab, Muslim votes

Biden’s condemnation of Israel’s killing of Turkish-American activist Aysenur Ezgi Eygi in the occupied West Bank has come too late, an analyst says.

The comments will have no impact unless the US stops supplying weapons to Israel, according to Sultan Barakat, professor of public policy at Qatar’s Hamad Bin Khalifa University.

“He’s condemning the attack, but then he’s leaving it open for the Israeli army to investigate. So he knows exactly that nothing is going to happen,” he told Al Jazeera.

“So it’s really soundbites. [He’s] desperate in this time of elections, I think desperate to win the Arab and the Muslim vote in the United States.”

Israel ‘contradicts’ itself by claiming Nuseirat attack targeted Hamas
Tareq Abu Azzoum
Reporting from Deir el-Balah, central Gaza

It was a massive strike that hit a very densely populated area of the Nuseirat refugee camp that the Israeli army has designated as “a safe zone”.

The grim reality is that the Israeli army is bombing the UN-run shelters under the pretext of them being used as control and command centres by the Palestinian armed groups.

Israel’s Defence Minister Yoav Gallant just two days ago said that Hamas as a military formation does not exist any more as the Israeli forces managed to eradicate the vast majority of its military capabilities.

Now, the question is, if these capabilities have been diminished in a considerable manner, who is Israel attacking at the moment?

Australian police use ‘serious weapons’ on pro-Palestine protesters: Report

Earlier, we reported there were clashes between pro-Palestine demonstrators and police outside an arms fair in Melbourne.

The national co-convenor for Students for Palestine Jasmine Duff said the police were to blame for the violence.

“They used serious weapons on peace activists that should be banned for use on demonstrators, including pepper spray, which is classified as a chemical weapon,” Duff said in a statement, according to the AP news agency.

“They hit us with batons, including hitting one man so hard he had to go to hospital and they shot us with rubber bullets,” she added.

The organiser of the convention, AMDA Foundation, said it would not comment on protester activity.

Israel intensifies attacks on Lebanon along with its rhetoric
Zeina Khodr
Reporting from Marjayoun, southern Lebanon

Israel is intensifying its attacks on southern Lebanon. Its officials are also increasingly using inflammatory rhetoric, making warnings and threats that they intend to move the focus from Gaza to Lebanon.

A few days ago, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said he instructed the army to prepare the situation along the border.

This is rhetoric that we have been hearing for months now, but Israel may be using this to pressure Hezbollah to agree to pull back from the border.

The Lebanon front is really linked to what is happening in Gaza, and Hezbollah keeps saying that it will continue firing at the Israeli military positions as long as the war on Gaza continues.

Many expect more intense confrontations in the hours and weeks to come.



Kikes purposefully target palestinian children because ritual murder of babies and infant is a crucial part of their death cult

They are evil incarnate unironically


Over 90% of jews are zionists who want to exterminate Arabs and Persians in the name of Moloch, you cuck


Ok Mossad.


Go to b, mossad is celebrating jewish slaughter of palestinian babies there, jews can't contain their innate bloodthirst and vileness, I'm just a regular guy


>Over 90% of jews are zionists who want to exterminate Arabs and Persians in the name of Moloch,
If that's true, I guess that means that i'll only count the other 10% as real Jews. There are lots of Rabbis who have been arguing that Judaism is incompatible with Zionism, even before the creation of the Zionist state of Israel by the historic British empire. Since those are the ones that preach be nice to people rather than extermination-rants, I'm considering their version as the correct one.

>you cuck

You don't get it.

The Zionists don't care if you say "Jews bad". They'll use you as the boogieman to attempt to justify the horrors that Israel is committing.
If you say they're not real Jews that bugs them a lot more.


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South Africa to submit memorial in ICJ case against Israel

South Africa will file a memorial in the genocide case against Israel at the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in October, the presidency says in a statement.

“South Africa intends to provide facts and evidence to prove that Israel is committing the crime of genocide in Palestine,” it said. “This case will continue until the court makes a finding. While the case is in progress, we hope that Israel will abide by the court’s provisional orders issued to date.”

The remarks come amid reports that Israeli diplomats are lobbying members of the US Congress to pressure South Africa into dropping the case.

“The case represents a growing global effort towards ensuring peace in the Middle East,” the statement added.

Nicaragua, Palestine, Turkey, Spain, Mexico, Libya and Colombia have joined the South African case against Israel.

US grants Egypt $1.3bn in military aid citing Gaza peace efforts

The US government is overriding human rights concerns by providing $1.3bn in military aid to Egypt, a State Department spokesperson says.

The announcement comes as Washington has relied heavily on Cairo – a longstanding US ally – to mediate so far unsuccessful talks between Israel and Hamas on a ceasefire deal to end the bloody war on Gaza.

“This decision is important to advancing regional peace and Egypt’s specific and ongoing contributions to US national security priorities, particularly to finalize a ceasefire agreement for Gaza, bring the hostages home, surge humanitarian assistance for Palestinians in need, and help bring an enduring end to the Israel-Hamas conflict,” the spokesperson said.

Fatally shot activist’s family denounces US leaders for no phone call

The family of slain Turkish-American activist Eygi, 26, criticised the Biden-Harris administration for a lack of communication and reiterated its demand for an independent investigation.

“Let us be clear, an American citizen was killed by a foreign military in a targeted attack. The appropriate action is for President Biden and Vice President Harris to speak with the family directly, and order an independent, transparent investigation into the killing of Aysenur, a volunteer for peace,” the family said in response to a statement by President Biden earlier.

The International Solidarity Movement, the group Eygi volunteered for, said it has “no confidence in any Israeli investigation, given the Israeli army’s longstanding practice of using investigations as exculpatory coverups”.

“We continue to demand a transparent and independent investigation,” it said.

Israeli forces release detained Red Crescent crew

The Palestine Red Crescent Society (PRCS) says Israeli soldiers released paramedics it detained in the occupied West Bank city of Tulkarem.

We reported earlier that emergency workers were arrested while transporting a patient from Tulkarem refugee camp.

Death toll of Israeli attack on UNRWA school rises to 18

We’ve been reporting on an Israeli attack. The Government Media Office now says at least 18 people, including women and children, were killed in the air attack on a school-turned-shelter in central Gaza Strip.

The attack on the UNRWA school in Nuseirat refugee camp killed at least two staff working for the UN agency that provides relief to Palestinians, the civil defence agency added.

At least 20 people were wounded. It is the fifth time the shelter has been bombed by Israeli forces since the war on Gaza began last October.



>not all j00s

When over 90% of them are baby killing torturous deranged psycho zionazis it's understandable to abhor this group

Judaism maybe was merely a religion once, today is a genocidal colonialist cult, literally nazism against arabs, persians and other mena people


6 UN staff among the dead in Israel’s Nuseirat school attack

The United Nation’s Palestinian refugee agency says six of its staffers were killed in two Israeli air strikes in central Gaza’s Nuseirat refugee camp – the “highest death toll among our staff in single incident” during the war.

Hamas says its ready to implement ceasefire without new conditions

The group says negotiators reiterated readiness to implement an “immediate” ceasefire with Israel in Gaza based on a previous US proposal without new conditions from any party.

Hamas said in a statement its negotiation team – led by senior official Khalil al-Hayya – met mediators including Qatar’s Prime Minister Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman Al Thani and Egypt’s intelligence chief Abbas Kamel in Doha to discuss the latest in Israel’s bloody war on Gaza.

The previous proposal put forward by US President Joe Biden in June laid out a three-phase ceasefire in return for the release of Israeli captives. Talks have so far failed to reach a deal to end the 11-month-old war.

CIA Director William Burns, the chief US negotiator on Gaza, said on Saturday a more detailed ceasefire proposal would be made in the next several days.

UN denounces Israeli attack on its school in Gaza

The United Nations condemned the deadly Israeli air raid on a UN school being used as a shelter in central Gaza.

UN spokesperson Stephane Dujarric told reporters it was the fifth bombing of the same school in the Nuseirat refugee camp since Israel’s war on Gaza began. “We condemn all air strikes that target civilians and those that also target UN facilities,” Dujarric said.

“Our policy is clear: UN premises should never be targeted, nor should UN premises be used by any groups or any force from which to launch military activities,” Dujarric added. “UN premises need to be protected. UN premises need to be respected, and that is by all parties to any conflict.”

More from UNRWA on killing of 6 staff members in Israeli school strike

Among those killed was the manager of the UNRWA shelter and other team members providing assistance to displaced people, it said.

“This school has been hit five times since the war began. It is home to around 12,000 displaced people, mainly women and children. No one is safe in Gaza. No one is spared,” the UN agency for Palestinian refugees said.

WHO evacuates nearly 100 wounded, sick Palestinians out of Gaza

The World Health Organisation (WHO) removed 97 sick and severely injured patients and 155 health professionals from Gaza in what its chief says is the largest medical evacuation since October 2023.

Patients were transported via Karem Abu Salem (Kerem Shalom) to Ramon Airport in Israel for onward travel to Abu Dhabi for specialized care, said WHO Director-General Tedros Ghebreyesus.

“Patients included 45 children and 52 adults with a wide range of diseases including cancer, cardiovascular disease, congenital anomalies, blood and liver diseases and trauma/injuries,” he said.

Ghebreyesus said the WHO wants evacuation corridors to be established via all possible routes. “Ultimately, the best care for all patients is a ceasefire,” he said.

London protesters demand end of arms to Israel

A pro-Palestine rally in the British capital protested Israel’s bloody war on Gaza, now in its 11th month.

Demonstrators gathered outside the prime minister’s office on Downing Street, carrying Palestinian flags and shouting “Stop the genocide” and “Stop arming Israel”.

The calls came after the recent Israeli air strike on a declared “humanitarian safe zone” in southern Gaza. Dozens of Palestinian civilians were killed and wounded in the attack.

Russia condemns killing of US-Turkish activist Aysenur Ezgi Eygi

Russia’s Foreign Ministry denounced the recent killing of US-Turkish activist Aysenur Ezgi Eygi, who was fatally shot in the head by Israeli forces during a protest in the occupied West Bank.

“This is a tragic incident. This shows the need to reduce tension in the Gaza Strip and find a solution,” the ministry’s spokeswoman, Maria Zakharova, said, adding that “humanitarian aid must be urgently provided to the residents of Gaza who are suffering from the blockade”.

Israel’s military said it is “likely” that its soldiers fired the shot that killed Ezgi Eygi, but her death was unintentional.

UN official promises staff in Gaza ‘not going to back down’ after 6 killed in Israeli strike

William Deere, an UNRWA official based in Washington, DC, says Israel’s war on Gaza “has absolutely no bottom to it” after six UN workers were among 18 killed at a shelter for war-displaced Palestinians.

“Six colleagues lost today, that brings the death toll among UNRWA staff in this conflict to 220, which is the highest ever in United Nations history,” Deere told Al Jazeera. “Our staff are on the front lines, and they’re not going to back down, they’re not going to stop doing their job.”

He said a total of 190 UN-run facilities have been targeted by Israeli forces “many of them more than once”, despite the sharing of their GPS coordinates with the Israeli military. Deere also noted a UN convoy going to vaccinate Palestinian children against polio on Monday was stopped for eight hours by Israeli troops with vehicles damaged by bulldozers.

“The longer the impunity prevails over these incidents at displaced shelters, the more international humanitarian law and the Geneva Conventions become irrelevant,” he added.



Just ignore this guy: >>484106
He's just here to do a "hello fellow leftists, boy I sure do hate me some Jews who can relate?" routine. Most likely a Hasbarist in goyface.


>When over 90% of them are baby killing torturous deranged psycho zionazis it's understandable to abhor this group
I find your logic confusing.

I get why you shit on those that are cheering for the baby killing, that is a normal reaction.

But those that don't do that or even oppose the genocide, why are you trying to lump them in with the deranged psychotics ? Their actions are righteous, they don't deserve that.

Why not define them as two different groups ?


I see, i wish i'd seen your post before replying to the hate-bait.

Darn it.


URGENT: YouTube restricts Electronic Intifada from livestreaming

has just placed a punitive freeze on The Electronic Intifada's channel, alleging that several of our previous livestream segments violated their opaque "community guidelines." We vigorously reject this. Our careful reporting and analysis are professional, ethical and factual.

This blatant act of censorship aimed at preventing us from freely discussing the situation in Palestine and the wider region includes banning us from posting videos or livestreaming on our YouTube Channel for seven days. This means we are unable to livestream our program today, 11 September 2024, via YouTube.


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I hope they find their way to a video hosting system that's harder to censor.


NGOs call on UN to take ‘urgent action’ to protect detainees in Israel, Palestine

The interagency statement, signed by 31 organisations – including Save the Children, Human Rights Watch and Oxfam – calls for UN member states to take steps to “protect people deprived of their liberty” in Israel and the occupied Palestinian territory.

“This includes demanding that the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) is granted immediate and unfettered access to all detainees and hostages, to the full extent required by international humanitarian law,” said the statement, which also called for Hamas to release the remaining captives in Gaza.

The organisations also demanded that Palestinian children arbitrarily arrested and detained by the Israeli military be released “immediately and unconditionally”. The statement cited examples of Palestinian minors in Israeli custody being subject to abuse, including “sexual assaults and violent beatings”.

“No child should ever come into contact with a military court, or any court that lacks comprehensive fair trial rights and basic safeguards. No child should ever be abducted,” the groups said.

The Israeli military has detained about 10,000 people – including at least 650 children – in the West Bank alone since October 7.

Israeli lawmaker demands siege on West Bank cities

Almog Cohen, an MP with the far-right Otzma Yehudit party, has said Israel must collectively punish Palestinians in areas of the occupied West Bank where there are “terrorists”.

“A siege must be imposed on the villages or cities from which terrorists emerge,” said Cohen, in comments carried by Israeli public radio.

As we’ve been reporting, Israeli forces have been waging a two-week offensive in the northern West Bank, killing more than 50 people.

Israel has been accused of using collective punishment against Palestinians for decades. Weeks after the Israeli offensive in Gaza, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres spoke against the “collective punishment” of the Palestinian people.

Undercover Israeli forces infiltrate Hebron hospital, arrest injured men: Reports

Undercover Israeli forces dressed as civilian women have entered a medical facility in Halhul, north of Hebron in the occupied West Bank, the Palestinian Information Center and the Al Mayadeen outlets report.

Two injured Palestinian men receiving treatment at the hospital, at least one of whom has been accused of attempting to carry out a car bombing on August 13, were arrested during the raid, according to The Times of Israel.

We will bring you updates on this incident when we have them.

Israeli legislator confronts wounded Palestinian suspect in hospital

A far-right Israeli legislator has posted a video to X showing him entering a hospital room and threatening to have a wounded Palestinian suspect killed for carrying out a deadly vehicle ramming attack in the occupied West Bank.

Zvi Succot wrote on X that he was visiting Jerusalem’s Shaarei Zedek hospital when he discovered that a Palestinian man suspected of carrying out the attack that killed an Israeli soldier was being treated there.

In the video, Succot could be heard saying: “We’ll make sure they kill you. The State of Israel will kill you. We will pass a law to kill you.”

Earlier we reported the Israeli army said one soldier was killed and another injured when a “Palestinian truck” rammed into an Israeli military checkpoint near the illegal Israeli settlement of Givat Assaf.

Israeli forces shot a 58-year-old Palestinian man who was driving the truck, and the military later said it had taken him to hospital.

Stop letting aid into northern Gaza, says former Israeli official

The former head of Israel’s national security council has advocated blocking all aid to northern Gaza in order to defeat Hamas.

“When you completely prevent the entry of supplies, you make thousands of Hamas operatives surrender or starve to death,” said retired Major-General Giora Eiland, according to Israeli public radio.

Aid supply to Gaza has suffered due to increasingly Israeli curbs and attacks on humanitarian workers.

Back in May, the International Court of Justice ruled that Israel must take action to ensure basic food supplies reach Gaza, where it warned famine and starvation were spreading.

Hezbollah claims attack on Israeli military site

The Lebanese armed group said it carried out the attack at 1am local time (10pm GMT) at the Bayad Blida site, which hosts Israeli soldiers on the border with southern Lebanon.

“In support of our steadfast Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip and in support of their brave and honourable resistance, the Mujahideen of the Islamic Resistance targeted … the Bayad Blida site with heavy artillery shells and hit it directly,” it said in a statement.

Israel is yet to acknowledge the attack. There have been no reported casualties.

Pro-Palestine protests in Melbourne enter second day

Crowds of demonstrators protesting Israel’s war on Gaza gathered outside the Land Forces International Land Defence Exposition for a second day running on Thursday.

Protesters marched through the streets of Melbourne’s Central Business District as police again set up barricades around the three-day trade expo, which attracts defence and weapons companies from around the world.

Officers clashed with protesters on Wednesday, deploying tear gas, rubber bullets and pepper spray in what has been described as the largest police operation in Melbourne since the World Economic Forum was held in the city in 2000.

Earlier that day, around 1,500 protesters gathered at the event, with some throwing eggs and water at delegates in a bid to prevent them from entering, according to broadcaster SBS.

Others threw horse manure at mounted police and set dustbins on fire, the ABC reported.

Twenty-seven officers required medical treatment following Wednesday’s clashes, according to Victoria state police. Twenty-two people have been charged for the unrest, while 10 more have been issued infringement notices.

Israeli forces shot Aysenur Ezgi Eygi after protests subsided: Report

The Washington Post is reporting that its investigation into the death of the US-Turkish activist challenges the Israeli military’s claim that she had been shot “unintentionally” during a “violent riot” in the occupied West Bank.

The Post said it analysed 50 videos and photographs and interviewed 13 witnesses to reconstruct events leading up to Ezgi Eygi’s death, on what was her first day protesting against Israeli settler attacks on Palestinians in the town of Beita.

The Post’s investigation found Ezgi Eygi “was shot more than a half-hour after the height of confrontations in Beita, and some 20 minutes after protesters had moved down the main road – more than 200 yards away from Israeli forces”.

It said the Israeli military declined to answer questions about why its forces fired towards the demonstrators so long after they had retreated, and from a distance where they posed no apparent threat.

NYC museum fires three employees for wearing keffiyeh head scarves

The Noguchi Museum said the employees’s decision to wear the keffiyeh – a symbol of solidarity among supporters of Palestinian self-determination – violated its dress code.

“While we understand that the intention behind wearing this garment was to express personal views, we recognise that such expressions can unintentionally alienate segments of our diverse visitorship,” it said.

The art museum, founded in New York City by Japanese-American sculptor Isamu Noguchi, had announced last month that employees were barred from wearing anything expressing “political messages, slogans or symbols”.

But one of the three gallery attendants who was fired, Natalie Cappellini, accused the museum of weaponising the term “political” against Palestinian activism.



Israeli air strike kills 2 in southern Syria: War monitor

An Israeli strike has hit a vehicle near the Syrian town of Khan Arnabah in the occupied Golan Heights, killing at least two people, according to the UK-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights war monitor.

AFP, citing a local security source, said “two charred bodies were removed” from the targeted vehicle.

The attack comes days after raids blamed on Israel killed 18 people in the central province of Hama, according to Syrian authorities.

The Syrian Observatory said those strikes killed 27 people, including six civilians, and targeted a “scientific research area” and other sites in the province’s Masyaf area.

Israel has not commented on any of the latest strikes in Syria.

Israel has killed 41,118 Palestinians since October 7: Health Ministry

Israeli attacks in Gaza have killed at least 34 people and injured 96 over the past 24 hours, according to the enclave’s Health Ministry.

The ministry also reported that there are additional victims trapped in areas inaccessible to ambulances and civil defence crews.

The latest casualties bring the total number of people killed in the enclave since October 7 to 41,118, with 95,125 injured, the ministry added.

Qatar calls for UN investigation into Israeli attack on UNRWA school

Qatar’s Foreign Ministry has “strongly condemned” Israel’s bombing of the UNRWA-operated al-Jaouni school.

In a statement shared on X, the ministry called the attack a “horrific massacre” that confirms Israel’s “criminal approach and its disregard for the principles of international humanitarian law”.

“We reiterate the call for an urgent international investigation, including the dispatch of independent UN investigators to ascertain the facts regarding the occupation’s continuous targeting of schools and shelters for displaced persons,” said the ministry.

Airlines suspend flights as Middle East tensions rise

Several international airlines have suspended flights to the Middle East due to security concerns.

Air France – KLM cancelled all flights to and from Tel Aviv until October 26.
EasyJet stopped flying to and from Tel Aviv in April and will resume flights on March 30, 2025, a spokesperson told Reuters.
Lufthansa resumed flights to Tel Aviv on September 5 while flights to Beirut will remain suspended through September 30.
Swiss International Air Lines, also a part of the Lufthansa Group, separately said it had suspended flights to Beirut until the end of October.
Ryanair cancelled flights to and from Tel Aviv until October 26.

Turkey investigating killing of US-Turkish activist in West Bank

Turkey will conduct its own investigation into the killing of US-Turkish activist Aysenur Ezgi Eygi in the occupied West Bank, the country’s justice minister has confirmed.

“Turkey has opened an investigation,” Justice Minister Yilmaz Tunc said. “We will continue to defend the right of our sister Aysenur and our Palestinian brothers.”

Tunc also said Turkey would bring Aysenur’s case before the United Nations and push for the body to launch an independent inquiry.

“We will work to ensure that the (UN) special rapporteur on extrajudicial and arbitrary executions takes immediate action, and that an independent commission of inquiry is established and prepare a report,” he said.

On Tuesday, Israel’s military said it was “highly likely” its forces shot Eygi “indirectly and unintentionally” while they were aiming at a “key instigator” of a protest she was taking part in, near the West Bank city of Beita.

However, a Washington Post investigation revealed that Egyi was shot “more than a half-hour after the height of confrontations” and more than 200 yards (182 metres) away from Israeli forces, where she and other demonstrators posed no apparent threat.



>The art museum, founded in New York City by Japanese-American sculptor Isamu Noguchi, had announced last month that employees were barred from wearing anything expressing “political messages, slogans or symbols”.
The only way to comply with that is to be naked.

The only way to make clothing a-political is to not have a dress-code. If you have a dress code all clothing becomes political. Because clothing can either comply-with or defy a dress code, that in of it self is political.


>NGOs call on UN to take ‘urgent action’ to protect detainees in Israel, Palestine
The difference between a prison and a concentration camp is basically this


US aircraft carrier in the Middle East is heading home

According to United States officials, the USS Theodore Roosevelt is heading home, ending the Pentagon’s rare move to keep two US Navy aircraft carriers in the Middle East over the past several weeks.

US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin had ordered the Roosevelt to extend its deployment for a short time and remain in the region as the USS Abraham Lincoln was pushed to get to the area more quickly. The administration of US President Joe Biden beefed up the US military presence there to help defend Israel from possible attacks by Iran and its proxies and to safeguard US troops.

The decision to bring the Roosevelt home comes as the war in Gaza has dragged on for 11 months, with tens of thousands of people dead, and international efforts to mediate a ceasefire between Israel and Hamas repeatedly stalled as they accuse each other of making additional and unacceptable demands.

US officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss troop movements, told AP news agency that the San Diego, California-based Roosevelt and the USS Daniel Inouye, a destroyer, are expected to be in the Indo-Pacific Command’s region today.

US ending aircraft carrier’s deployment in Middle East is ‘a message’

Elijah Magnier, a military analyst, says one of the reasons the USS Abraham Lincoln aircraft carrier is being sent back to the United States after an extended deployment in the Middle East is to send a message to Israel.

“It’s a message to the Israelis that we don’t have any appetite to escalate in the Middle East and that the response, the retaliation from Iran, is not imminent, and you do not create retaliation against the Iranians or start a war with Lebanon,” he told Al Jazeera, adding that the US is not willing to “accommodate” Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to “continue endless war”.

“Aircraft carriers are not just warships, but they are mobile military bases capable of projecting power across vast distance,” he said. “The mere fact that the US is recalling its aircraft carrier, carries multiple layers of messages.”

UN investigators call on Israel to stop attacks on West Bank journalists

UN experts have condemned rising violence, intimidation and obstruction of journalists working in the occupied West Bank.

“We strongly denounce the attacks and harassment of journalists in the illegally occupied West Bank, which are nothing but crude attempts by the Israeli army to block independent reporting on potential war crimes,” the experts said.

The experts include Irene Khan, special rapporteur on the right to freedom of opinion and expression, and Francesca Albanese, special rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Palestinian territory occupied since 1967.

Four killed in car blast in Israel in suspected gang-related attack

Four people were killed and eight others injured when a car exploded in central Israel, an incident under investigation but initially described as gang-related.

Israel’s emergency medical service Magen David Adom said the vehicle “exploded while parked on the sidewalk near a store and residential building” in Ramla. Located east of Tel Aviv, Ramla is a mixed city that is home to both Jews and Arabs.

“As a result of the explosion, several passersby were injured by the blast and shrapnel,” rescue worker Benny Cohen said in a statement. Liat Cohen, another paramedic at the scene, said the unconscious victims included a month-old infant and a 50-year-old woman.

Israel’s far-right National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir visited the site of the explosion and said police would “continue to fight this crime with all the tools at its disposal”.

Israeli opposition leader Yair Lapid criticised Ben-Gvir. “There have been incompetent ministers before him, but he’s the first to turn failure into a profession,” he wrote on X.

Hamas brigade in Rafah ‘dismantled’, Israel’s army says

The Israeli military says it has completed the destruction of Hamas’s brigade in Rafah, the southernmost city of Gaza.

Israeli forces killed 2,000 fighters and destroyed 13km (8 miles) of underground tunnels dug under the area, it said in a statement.

It wasn’t possible to verify the Israeli claim, and there was no immediate response from Hamas. Israel began its attack on Rafah in early May, forcing more than one million Palestinian civilians to flee the city.



Turkey to seek international arrest warrants over killing of US-Turkish activist

Turkish Justice Minister Yilmaz Tunc said the country had evidence regarding the Israeli military’s killing of Aysenur Ezgi Eygi in the occupied West Bank last week and will be seeking international arrest warrants for those responsible.

Earlier, we reported that Turkey has announced it will conduct its own investigation into Ezgi Eygi’s killing and will bring the case before the UN and push for the body to launch an independent inquiry.

Tunc said the Ankara chief prosecutor’s office is investigating “those responsible for the martyrdom and murder of our sister, Aysenur Ezgi Eygi”.

On Tuesday, Israel’s military said it was “highly likely” its forces shot Ezgi Eygi “indirectly and unintentionally” while they were aiming at a “key instigator” of an anti-settlements protest she was taking part in.

US approves potential sale of tank trailers to Israel

The State Department approved the sale of the heavy-duty tank trailers and other equipment in a deal that, if it proceeds, will be worth $164.6m, the Pentagon announced on Thursday.

The principal defence contractor on the deal would be Leonardo DRS, the Pentagon release added.


Interesting to see the two approaches right next to eachother like that.


School hit by Israel this week was a polio vaccination centre: UNRWA

Senior Deputy Director of UNRWA Affairs in Gaza Sam Rose told the BBC this morning that the al-Jaouni school in Nuseirat, which was bombed by Israel on Wednesday, had recently been used to vaccinate children against polio.

“This time last week, the school that was hit on Wednesday in Nuseirat was being used as a polio vaccination centre”, the UN’s Palestinian refugee agency (UNRWA) wrote on X.

The attack flattened part of the al-Jaouni school and killed six workers from the UNRWA, which runs the school. The agency said it was the highest death toll among its team in a single incident in its history.

Rose told the BBC that UNRWA staff “are themselves grieving because, yet again, their colleagues have been killed”.

The Israeli attack, which killed at least 18 people, led to global outrage this week as Israel continues its pattern of attacking schools used as displacement shelters in Gaza.

Autopsy report indicates Aysenur Ezgi Eygi killed by direct Israeli hit

An autopsy report prepared by the Palestinian Authority and obtained by Turkey’s Anadolu news agency indicates American-Turkish activist Aysenur Ezgi Eygi was killed by a direct hit, casting doubt on Israel’s inquiry into the incident.

Earlier this week, the Israeli army said it was “highly likely” the 26-year-old activist was “hit indirectly and unintentionally by [Israeli military] fire which was not aimed at her, but aimed at the key instigator of the riot”.

US President Joe Biden told reporters that “apparently it was an accident” as the bullet “ricocheted off the ground”.

Anadolu said the autopsy report found the damage on Ezgi’s skull indicated she was directly shot in the left side of her head by a bullet that had travelled in a nearly straight path.

HRW calls for sanctions on Israel’s Ben-Gvir

The Human Rights Watch has called on Western governments to do more to end Israel’s abuses in the occupied West Bank, including by imposing sanctions on government ministers responsible for the unlawful use of lethal force in the territory.

These include far-right National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir, who has been distributing weapons to Israeli settlers and directing police not to enforce laws against violent settlers, the group said.

“For months, the world’s eyes have been on Gaza, but atrocity prevention is needed in the West Bank too,” said HRW’s Director of Crisis Advocacy Akshaya Kumar.

Father of slain US-Turkish activist welcomes Turkey’s probe into her death

Mehmet Suat Eygi said he was pleased to hear Turkish authorities have opened an investigation into Aysenur Ezgi Eygi’s death, saying he “hope[s] that the American government does the same”.

Speaking to The Associated Press, Mehmet described the Israeli military’s killing of Aysenur at a protest in the occupied West Bank last week as “arbitrary murder”.

He said his daughter has lived in the US for virtually her whole life, with the family having moved there from Turkey when she was 10 months old, as he called on US authorities to investigate.

“She studied in the schools there, she grew up with freedoms there. She is a citizen of that country,” he said. “I hope the American government will show the same sensitivity [as Turkish authorities].”

Earlier, we reported that Turkish authorities will be seeking international arrest warrants for those responsible for Aysenur’s killing.

Israeli settlers poison Palestinian livestock in occupied West Bank

A Palestinian said Israeli settlers poisoned 50 of his sheep in Arab al-Melahat community near Jericho.

According to the local, who said he was recently harrassed by Israeli settlers who tried to steal his livestock, two settlers returned with a bag near his property late last night.

Farhat Mleehat told Al Jazeera that his losses are estimated at between $10,000 and $12,000.

Settlers, especially those who live in so-called agricultural settlement outposts, are notoriously aggressive; stealing sheep and sometimes slaughtering some is not uncommon – poisoning, however, is rare.

In the past 11 months, the UN has recorded 1,350 settler attacks, including 18 cases in which Palestinians were killed by settlers and about 1,080 that led to damage to Palestinian property.

Since October 7, more than 1,600 Palestinians have been displaced from their land in the context of incidents related to Israeli settlers.

A screengrab from a video circulated on social media and by local Palestinian media platforms shows a number of dead sheep. The footage has been verified by Al Jazeera’s fact-checking unit.

Qatar condemns Israel’s ‘storming’ of Jordan Valley

Qatar’s Ministry of Foreign affairs labelled Israel’s announcement it will build a new border wall with Jordan a “dangerous escalation”.

“[It’s] an extension of provocative policies aimed at expanding settlements and a flagrant violation of international legitimacy resolutions,” the statement said.

Three Israelis were killed on Sunday when a Jordanian truck driver opened fire after he entered the West Bank through the King Hussein (Allenby) Bridge between the occupied West Bank and Jordan.

Visiting the Jordan Valley on Wednesday, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said there are attempts to smuggle “terrorists and weapons” from Jordan into the occupied West Bank and announced a plan to build a stronger border barrier.

Qatar urged Israel to consider the consequences this would have on the “ongoing efforts to reach a ceasefire agreement in the Gaza Strip”.



Chile files request to join South Africa’s genocide case against Israel at ICJ

Chile has filed a formal request to the International Court of Justice (ICJ) to take part in the proceedings against Israel, the court in The Hague says.

South Africa filed its case in December, alleging that Israel was committing genocide in its military assault on Gaza.

Nicaragua, Colombia, Mexico, Libya, Palestine and Spain have filed formal requests to participate in the proceedings and are waiting for the ICJ to grant approval to join the case.

Chile was among a group of countries that had taken the political step of announcing their intention to join the case, but its declarations of intervention had yet to be filed.

The international court said in a statement that it had received the application on Thursday.

Turkey seeks autopsy on Eygi to gather evidence for ICJ trial
Resul Serdar Atas
Reporting from Didim, Turkey

Aysenur Ezgi Eygi’s body has arrived in Istanbul, but it was a long journey. It was taken first to Baku, Azerbaijan because due to the relations between Turkey and Israel, there are no flights between the two countries.

Now, Turkish authorities are trying to convince the family to give permission to conduct an autopsy to gather the evidence that could later be used in the ongoing trial against Israel at the International Court of Justice.

The body is likely to be taken to the city of Didim, her hometown, and tomorrow afternoon her funeral will be held. Here in the city, the general mood is a mixture of pride and mourning.

Activists from across the globe as well as Turkish officials are expected to attend the ceremony.

UN chief’s message to US is ‘it must intervene’

The message conveyed by Guterres to the US in an exclusive interview with Al Jazeera is that it must intervene, Tamer Qarmout, professor at the Doha Institute for Graduate Studies, says.

Guterres is addressing the US as “the only superpower that is enabling Israel to continue its war through funding weapons, arms and providing diplomatic protection”, he said.

The UN chief “says it loud and clear: the US has to intervene”, Qarmout said. “The US administration has been enabling this war to continue for too long.”

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Hezbollah claims strike on Israeli army site in Shebaa farms

The group says the rocket attack targeted the Zabadin barracks in the Israeli-occupied Lebanese region.

It said it struck at 12:48pm local time (09:48 GMT), achieving a direct hit on the army site.

UNRWA confirms its worker killed in occupied West Bank

The sanitation worker was shot dead on the roof of his home by a sniper in the north of the territory on Thursday, the UN’s Palestinian refugee agency says on X, confirming earlier reports.

“This marks the first time an UNRWA staff member was killed in the West Bank in more than 10 years,” it added.

‘These findings contradict the Israeli narrative’
Resul Serdar Atas
Reporting from Didim, Turkey

Aysenur Ezgi Eygi’s body is in Istanbul and we’re expecting it to come to her hometown of Didim, either tonight or tomorrow in the morning, and then in the afternoon, she is going to be buried here.

When talking to the people here, including family members, they say they do not trust the Israeli investigation, that there are lots of ambiguities around that investigation, and is not transparent at all.

The Israelis say they have initiated an investigation, and according to the initial findings, the Israeli army is saying that it was indirect and likely unintentional. But today we have received the forensic report of the autopsy that was conducted in the West Bank, and according to this autopsy, the projectile travelled left to right through her brain in a nearly straight path. So these findings contradict the Israeli narrative, indeed suggesting otherwise.

Killing of Turkish-American activist to have diplomatic repercussions

The killing of Aysenur Ezgi Eygi in the occupied West Bank is likely to have diplomatic repercussions amid a mounting debate over Israel’s claim that the shooting was “unintentional”, Galip Dalay, an analyst at the Middle East Council on Global Affairs, has told Al Jazeera.

A forensic report compiled by Palestinian authorities and obtained by Turkey has cast doubt on the claim that the 26-year-old was accidentally hit by a bullet in her head.

“I think that is going to turn into a major issue between Israel and Turkey,” Dalay said, especially given that Ankara has said it would take the information to the International Court of Justice as part of evidence in an ongoing trial against Israel.

The incident will also “turn into an issue between Turkey and the US”, the analyst said, as Ankara has launched an investigation into the killing and demanded that Washington takes a similar step.

Dalay added that Turkey’s demand comes amid the perception of a “double standard” on the part of the US, which is seen as reacting more strongly to the killing of Israeli-Americans compared with other dual nationals.

New Israeli poll suggests Netanyahu’s party advancing

A new opinion poll has suggested Netanyahu’s Likud would be the largest single party in parliament if an election were held now, pointing to growing consensus after a slump following the October 7 attacks.

The poll, published in the left-wing Ma’ariv daily, showed right-wing Likud winning 24 seats, its highest in the same poll since October 7, but still below its current 32 seats.

Netanyahu’s right-wing coalition, however, would lose an election held now, with 53 seats in the 120-seat parliament against 58 for the main opposition bloc, according to the poll.

Hamas chief Sinwar thanks Hezbollah for support in conflict with Israel

Hamas chief Yahya Sinwar has thanked the leader of Lebanon’s Hezbollah, Hassan Nasrallah, for his group’s support in the conflict with Israel.

“Your blessed actions have expressed your solidarity on the fronts of the ‘axis of resistance’, supporting and engaging in the battle,” Sinwar told Nasrallah, according to Hezbollah’s al-Manar broadcaster.

In the first reported comments since Sinwar became Hamas’s leader in August, he is reported to have sent a letter to Nasrallah, as well one to as Algerian President Abdulmadjid Tebboune to congratulate them on his re-election.

Hezbollah has been engaging in mostly low-level exchanges of fire with the Israeli army since the outbreak of the Gaza war. Hezbollah has said that its attacks on Israel will stop once a ceasefire has been established in the Strip, while Israel has stepped up threats of an invasion of Lebanon and expanded its attacks from the south of the country to as far as its capital, Beirut.

Gaza polio vaccination drive a ‘massive success’: WHO

The WHO chief has hailed the success of the first phase of a giant polio vaccination campaign in war-ravaged Gaza after more than 560,000 children received their first dose.

“This is a massive success amidst a tragic daily reality of life across the Gaza Strip,” Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said on X.

The first phase of the campaign, which first brought vaccines to children in central Gaza, then the south, and finally to the hardest-to-reach north of the territory, wrapped up on Thursday.

“We admire all the health teams, who conducted this complex operation,” he said, voicing gratitude to the families for turning out in droves to get their children vaccinated against polio.

Pro-Palestinian supporter shot by pro-Israel demonstrator in the US

A widely circulated video has captured the moment a pro-Palestinian protester was shot by a pro-Israel demonstrator in Newton, Massachusetts, on Thursday night.

The incident took place as a small group of pro-Israel demonstrators stood on one side of a street while a man wearing a pin with the Palestinian flag was on the other.

He could be seen yelling at the demonstrators before running and tackling Scott Hayes, 47, who pulled out a gun and fired, striking him in the abdomen, as they wrestled on the pavement.

Local newspapers reported Hayes is a former soldier who served in Iraq. He was arrested and charged with assault, carrying a dangerous weapon with a legal permit, and violating the victim’s constitutional rights, causing serious injury.

The man who was shot is receiving treatment at a local hospital.


Pope Francis condemns Gaza children killings in Israeli attacks

Pope Francis decried the deaths of Palestinian children in Israeli military strikes on Gaza, calling bombings of schools – on the “presumption” of striking Hamas fighters – “ugly”.

The pontiff also expressed doubt that either Israel or Hamas, now at war for 11 months, are seeking to end the conflict. “I am sorry to have to say this, but I do not think that they are taking steps to make peace.”



Friend of killed activist: ‘War criminals can’t investigate themselves’

Britaniya Giday is a friend of slain American-Turkish activist Aysenur Eygi.

She said she doesn’t trust the investigation being conducted by Israel. While Israel says her death was “indirect and unintentional”, Turkish officials allege her killing was premeditated.

“I am inclined to believe those on the ground who witnessed what occurred,” Giday told Al Jazeera. “I am deeply concerned … war criminals can’t investigate themselves. It’s important that President Biden acts and orders an independent investigation to bring Aysenur’s killers to justice.”

Giday said described her friend Aysenur as “a deeply compassionate, empathetic human”.

“She served so many roles in the community – she’s a wife, a daughter, an auntie. She loved to cook, she wanted to go to law school. It’s a great tragedy… I was deeply moved by her commitment to justice.”



Turkey buries US activist killed by Israel in occupied West Bank


Janta Ka Reporter analysis on current Israeli pressure on the US congress to threaten the South African foreign minister over the ICJ genocide case.


It just means that the likes of Netanyahu can't travel to countries that signed the Rome statute. Threatening the South Africans and the ICJ judges is not reasonable


You're thinking the ICC, not the ICJ. The ICJ has jurisdiction over the entire UN.


good catch
i stand corrected


Israeli police arrest 15 protesters in Tel Aviv

Israel’s Ynet News is reporting that police have arrested 15 protesters in Tel Aviv on charges of disorderly conduct after they tried to block roads and light bonfires.

Seven of the protesters were arrested with flammable substances, Ynet reported.

The police also said all roads have been opened to traffic now.

Israeli army says missile that ‘landed in open area’ came from Yemen

In an update on X, the Israeli army now says a missile that “landed in an open area” in central Israel, was “launched from Yemen”.

“Explosive sounds heard in the last few minutes” were caused by Israeli systems intercepting the missile, the army added.

Missile from Yemen fell near Israel’s Lod: Report

Israel’s Ynet News is reporting that the missile fired from Yemen fell in an agricultural field near the central Israeli city of Lod.

Shrapnel from interceptor missiles also hit a train station, causing damage, the outlet reported.

The attack caused no casualties. But five people were “lightly injured” while rushing to take shelter, it reported.

Drone attack reported in northern Israel

Israel’s Ynet News is reporting that a drone attack on northern Metula caused no casualties but damaged property there.

We’ll bring you more on this soon.

The attack follows a missile attack on central Israel. The Israeli military said the missile was fired from Yemen, and it landed in an open area, causing no casualties.

Fires in northern Israel amid rocket barrage

Israel’s military says some 40 projectiles launched from Lebanon crossed over into the Upper Galilee and the occupied Golan Heights earlier this morning.

Some of them were intercepted, while the rest fell in open areas, it said on X.

“Firefighters are extinguishing fires that broke out following falls in the open areas,” it added.

Earlier, Hezbollah said it fired Katyusha rockets at Israel’s Rawiya barracks in the Golan Heights.

Israel recruiting asylum seekers from Africa for Gaza war

Israel is recruiting asylum seekers from Africa to take part in military operations in Gaza in exchange for residency rights, Israeli media outlet Haaretz reports.

The report is based on testimonies of asylum seekers who were offered permanent residency status in exchange for joining the war effort in Gaza.

Haaretz quoted unnamed military officials saying the programme was being carried out in an “organised manner” under the supervision of “defence establishment” legal advisers.

So far, none of the asylum seekers involved in the war effort has been granted official status, the report said, adding that about 30,000 asylum seekers reside in Israel.

Houthis likely used ballistic missile in attack on Israel

The dispute over whether the Houthis used a ballistic or hypersonic missile in their attack on Israel on Sunday is significant, according to David Des Roches, a professor at the National Defense University in Washington, DC.

“The Houthis, Iran, Russia, China, North Korea, have all claimed to have developed hypersonic missiles. The standard for that is that it goes very fast … and that it can manoeuvre,” Des Roches told Al Jazeera.

“The speed itself is actually pretty easy to achieve. Most ballistic missiles have that ability, and this missile probably travelled fast, but the manoeuvrability is hard.”

If it were a true hypersonic, it would be very difficult to intercept, he added.

“This was intercepted. So I think what you have is the classic parabola trajectory of a ballistic missile, where instead of being intercepted up high, it was intercepted close to the objective.”

The missile was likely an Iranian one “with a Houthi paint job on it”, he said.

“What we don’t know is, in the past, they’ve imported missiles in shipping containers that were cut into sections and welded them together. It could have been imported in sections.”

Israeli attacks on Sunday kill at least 20 in Gaza

That includes the four killed in the attack in Sheikh Radwan, in Gaza City.

A reminder that more than 41,000 Palestinians have been killed in Israel’s war on Gaza since October.

Columnists resign from Jewish Chronicle as Gaza fabrications controversy deepens

The resignations of four prominent columnists from the British newspaper, which is one of the leading voices for the country’s Jewish community, is a sign that the controversy engulfing it is not going away.

The newspaper was forced to delete nine articles written by a contributor after questions over their authenticity emerged.

The articles were supposedly written by a former Israeli soldier, who claimed to have exclusive details about Israeli intelligence on plans by Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar to flee to Iran, among other reportedly fabricated claims.

It has been claimed that the reports were part of a pro-Netanyahu disinformation campaign.

“The latest scandal brings great disgrace on the paper – publishing fabricated stories and showing only the thinnest form of contrition – but it is only the latest,” said columnist Jonathan Freedland. “Too often, the JC [Jewish Chronicle] reads like a partisan, ideological instrument, its judgements political rather than journalistic.”

The Jewish Chronicle has faced criticism, including from within the United Kingdom’s Jewish community, for its full-throated support for Israel’s war on Gaza, and the perception that it is closely aligned with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

Houthis ‘well-prepared for a long war’ with Israel

Hussain al-Bukhaiti, a pro-Houthi Yemeni journalist and political analyst, has said that the Houthis have not yet used their latest, most advanced missiles against Israel.

Speaking to Al Jazeera from Sanaa, al-Bukhaiti said: “They have three to four upgraded [missiles] ready and I think [the Houthis] could also launch more missiles against [Tel Aviv] and I believe it can also target the gas platform on the coastline.”

He mentioned that Israel had targeted Hodeidah port, saying: “The Yemeni army declared today that the attack on Israel is to show the support to the Palestinian people and is not the retaliation of the attack on the port,” which took place in July.

“I believe Israel could retaliate in the coming hours,” al-Bukhaiti added.

Satellite images show displaced families evacuating due to rising tide levels

Satellite images captured between August 28 and September 13 reveal the evacuation of dozens of displaced people’s tents in the western areas of Khan Younis, in southern Gaza, due to rising tide levels and heavy rainfall.

Activists and journalists have shared photos and videos showing the flooded tents and the struggle of displaced families to protect their remaining shelters as winter looms.

The United Nations says the humanitarian situation in the besieged and bombarded territory continues to deteriorate due to restrictions on basic aid and repeated forced displacements due to evacuation orders. In August alone, the Israeli army issued 16 evacuation orders, forcing Gaza residents to flee – after many of them had already been displaced multiple times.




BadEmpanada on October 7th history

Probe finds ‘high probability’ three captives killed as a result of Israeli air raid: Army

We earlier brought you reports that the Israeli army has confirmed killing three captives held in Gaza in an air raid last year.

We now have the official army statement with the summary of its probe into the deaths of Nik Beizer, Ron Sherman and Elia Toledano.

“The findings of the investigation suggest a high probability that the three were killed as a result of a byproduct of an [Israeli army] airstrike, during the elimination of the Hamas Northern Brigade commander, Ahmed Ghandour, on November 10th, 2023,” it said.

The statement added that the assessment “is based on the location of where their bodies were found in relation to the strike’s impact, performance analysis of the strike, intelligence findings, the results of the pathological reports, and the conclusions of the Forensic Medicine Institute”.

“The investigation indicates that the three hostages were held in the tunnel complex from which Ghandour operated. At the time of the strike, the [Israeli army] did not have information about the presence of hostages in the targeted compound,” it added.

“Furthermore, there was information suggesting that they were located elsewhere, and thus the area was not designated as one with suspected presence of hostages,” the statement continued, noting that the bodies of the three men were recovered on December 14 “following precise intelligence received” regarding their location.

Israel’s army has previously killed its own citizens

The Israeli military’s announcement that there is a “high probability” three captives held in Gaza were killed by an Israeli air raid is not the first time Israel has admitted to killing its own citizens.

Previously, on December 15, the Israeli military said that its troops killed another three captives when it mistook their cries for help as a ruse by Palestinian fighters to draw them into an ambush.

The military concluded that the soldiers acted rightly to the best of their understanding.

The three men – Yotam Haim, Alon Shamriz and Samar Talalka – were in the Shujayea area of Gaza City and had removed their shirts as one of them was waving a white flag when they were killed.

Meanwhile, an investigation by the Israeli newspaper Haaretz found in July that the army had deployed its so-called Hannibal Directive, which allows it to use all necessary force to prevent the capture of soldiers, on October 7 following the Hamas-led attack in southern Israel.

This resulted in the loss of both civilian and military lives, Haaretz said.

It also found that Israeli commanders ordered the protocol’s deployment without any caveat or further clarification during a chaotic response to the events of October 7, when Hamas fighters attacked army outposts and surrounding villages in southern Israel.

Israeli military strikes another school-turned-shelter in Beit Hanoon

Palestinians have published footage documenting an Israeli military strike on Ghazi al-Shawa School in Beit Hanoon, in the northern Gaza Strip.

The Israeli military confirmed it carried out an air raid at what it claimed was a command room.

“We executed a precise strike on a former school in Beit Hanoon used by Hamas as a command and control centre,” it said in a post on X.

This is the third school that Israel’s army has attacked in five days.

Yesterday, we reported that at least five people were killed in an Israeli air attack on Shuhada al-Zeitoun School in Gaza City. On September 11, at least 18 people were killed in another air attack on a school-turned-shelter in the central Gaza Strip.

More from Hamas’s Osama Hamdan

The senior Hamas official has said the group has ample resources to continue fighting Israel despite losses sustained over more than 11 months of war on Gaza.

“The resistance has a high ability to continue,” Hamdan told AFP during an interview in Istanbul.

“There were martyrs and there were sacrifices … but in return there was an accumulation of experiences and the recruitment of new generations into the resistance.”

Hamdan also said that a missile attack by Yemen’s Houthi rebels targeting central Israel showed the limits of Israel’s ability to defend itself.

“It is a message to the entire region that Israel is not an immune entity,” he told the news agency.

“Even Israeli capabilities have limits, and the possibility of developing resistance action against the Zionist entity is a serious and real possibility, not a fantasy.”

Palestinian farmers in Gaza begin date harvest amidst Israeli assault

Despite the ongoing Israeli assault, Palestinian farmers in Deir el-Balah, in the central Gaza Strip, have begun the season of date harvesting.

Journalist Hassan Eslayeh documented the harvest in a video posted on X.


At least one killed in Israeli strike on water vehicle

According to the Palestinian Civil Defence, at least one person was killed and several others wounded when the Israeli military struck a truck carrying water in the central Gaza Strip.

Mahmoud Bassal, the Civil Defence’s spokesman, said the strike occurred in al-Hasayneh, west of Nuseirat refugee camp.



A recap of developments from 09/14/2024
Here’s a quick look at yesterday's news:

Israeli forces arrested 23 Palestinians trying to return to their workplaces in Israel at a checkpoint near Ramallah, in the occupied West Bank, our colleagues at Al Jazeera Arabic report.
Israel’s Channel 13, citing an unnamed senior official, reports that Prime Minister Netanyahu is planning to launch a major attack on Hezbollah in Lebanon soon.
Mahmoud Basal, a spokesperson for the Palestinian Civil Defence, says that at least 26 people have been killed today.
Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas has offered condolences to the family of Aysenur Ezgi Eygi, the US-Turkish activist killed by Israeli forces during a protest in the occupied West Bank.
The United Arab Emirates says it will not support Israel in its “day-after” plan in Gaza unless a Palestinian state is established.



Israeli army warns residents in Lebanon to evacuate ‘immediately’

We earlier reported that the Israeli army dropped leaflets in southern Lebanon, warning residents to evacuate.

Wazzani, Lebanon’s Mayor Ahmed al-Mohammed has now shared with AFP news agency a picture of the leaflets that have a map of the region with areas for evacuation marked in red.

“To all residents and refugees living in the area of the camps, Hezbollah is firing from your region. You must immediately leave your homes and head north of the Khiam region before 4pm (13:00 GMT). Do not return to this area until the end of the war,” the leaflet read in Arabic.

“Anyone present in this area after this time will be considered a terrorist.”

Asked about the incident, an Israeli military spokeswoman said the leaflets had been dropped by drone in an area from which rockets had been fired into northern Israel.

“This was an initiative of the 769 Brigade, it was not approved by the Northern Command. An investigation has been opened,” she said.

Demonstrators in London call for end to war in Gaza

Thousands of people have taken to the streets of London again to call for an end to the war in Gaza.

People were seen waving Palestinian flags and holding banners that read “Ceasefire Now” and “Free Palestine”.

Multiple pro-Palestine demonstrations have taken place in the British capital since the war on Gaza began about a year ago.



Another great catch by KernowDamo - according to this, the US, which is putting new sanctions on Iran over alleged supplying of Russia, has itself been indirectly supplying Russia through the Israelis.


>the US
>has itself been indirectly supplying Russia through the Israelis.
kek what a shitshow

Since they're not going to sanction that, i guess we can drop all the other sanctions, since it's all arbitrary anyway.


>“To all residents and refugees living in the area of the camps, Hezbollah is firing from your region. You must immediately leave your homes and head north of the Khiam region before 4pm (13:00 GMT). Do not return to this area until the end of the war,” the leaflet read in Arabic.
>“Anyone present in this area after this time will be considered a terrorist.”

The new definition of terrorism
<continue living in an area

In retrospect "terrorist" is statistically synonymous with "innocent civilian", if you consider all the innocent people that have been murdered in the name of combating terrorism.



"Tense exchange between @rania_masri
& @Ruwa4Georgia
about Jill Stein at @adc’s #ArabCon.

“When our people in Palestine are refusing to raise the white flag of surrender, when our people in Palestine are refusing to accept crumbs, why are you?

And if you want to hold on to the genocider, please at least do not attack those of us who refuse to bow down to the Democratic presidential candidate.”"


Electronic Intifada analysis on a recent Australian Broadcasting Corporation article acknowledging use of the Hannibal Directive on October 7th, 2023.


Israeli settlers attack school in West Bank

Israeli settlers have attacked a school in the Muarrajat area, northwest of Jericho, Wafa is reporting.

Students and teachers were assaulted by the settlers during the attack on al-Ka’abneh Bedouins School, injuring several people before they were detained.

According to the report, the Palestine Red Crescent Society said its workers attended to three wounded people, who were taken to a hospital.

At least 704 people, including 159 children, have since been killed and more than 5,700 injured in Israeli raids and settler attacks across the occupied West Bank since the war on Gaza began.

Residents of Lebanon border village ‘refuse to submit to Israeli threats’

Lebanon’s National News Agency (NNA) is reporting the residents of the southern village of Wazzani refused to flee after an Israeli drone dropped leaflets in the area ordering “immediate” evacuations.

“Indeed, most of the displaced Syrians left the town, while its residents remained steadfast in their homes,” the agency added.

The report came as the Anadolu Agency published photos of several families packing up and leaving the area following the Israeli notices.

As we’ve been reporting, Israel’s military has clarified that there are no evacuation orders for south Lebanon and said that the leaflets had been distributed without permission. It said it has opened an investigation into the incident.

The leaflets marked the first time that Israelis had told residents of south Lebanon to evacuate in 11-months of cross-border fire with Hezbollah.

Houthis claim downing third US drone in a week

The military spokesman for the Houthis says the group has downed another MQ-9 Reaper drone of the US military.

Yahya Saree said in his latest prerecorded televised address that the aircraft, which costs more than $30m, was shot down over the Dhamar governorate. This marks the third such claimed downing in a week, and the 10th since the start of the war on Gaza.

“Our operations will not stop until the aggression stops and the siege on the Palestinian people in Gaza is lifted,” the spokesperson added.

Israeli army arms citizens in the north with 9,000 assault rifles

The Israeli army and the defence ministry have finished arming citizens in the northern part of the country with some 9,000 IWI Arad assault rifles.

This is on top of the 5,000 weapons provided at the start of the war on Gaza, according to a ministry statement cited by The Times of Israel.

Eyal Zamir, director-general of the ministry, reportedly said this is part of an ongoing project to “strengthen civilian defence squads that fought bravely on October 7”.

The assault rifles were bought for 50 million shekels (about $13m) and distributed among 97 communities in the north.

Israeli military report on captives puts pressure on Netanyahu

The decision by the Israeli army to acknowledge that its strikes killed three captives in Gaza in November should be understood within the context of current rifts in Israeli society and military, according to Hassan Barrari, professor of international affairs at Qatar University.

“I would say it has been politicised and the release of the investigation is political now given the fact that Gallant is supported by the army and trying to do something different from Netanyahu,” he told Al Jazeera in reference to Israel’s defence minister and the PM.

Barrari added that Gallant is backed by the army chief of staff Herzi Halevi and other commanders, who have been increasingly at odds with Netanyahu as the war has dragged on.

“I think the timing is also important and they want to put more pressure on Netanyahu to kill the idea that the military push will release the captives. Now it’s obvious that the more the Israelis will fight, the riskier it will become for the captives.”


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