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So I noticed, that leftychan and leftyogre are both promoting on their frontpage, the blog of some guy called Michael Roberts. This means, the mods of leftychan and leftyogre are both in favour of this obscure blogger. Why?
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I agree




what about the gangster communist computer gods?


>Is there a way to download all the archived text of his blog-posts in order to do a semantic search on it ?

I found this script written in Ruby to download all the data for a website:


Once you have the data it should be easy to search the text using a command-line tool like grep (which is basically like doing Ctrl+f but for all the files).

That's not going to be a semantic search though, you might have to do a bit of scripting to get that, but start by downloading it.


>you might have to do a bit of scripting
I was just browsing around for ways to search for stuff without scripting and found this project:


Haven't tried it but it looks like a powerful setup to search for stuff, it's pretty cool to think that you can potentially download full archives of sites and search them.

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 No.462013[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

This is a general thread for all China-related news.

Gusano fuckers can die. Westoid """maoists""" can sudoku.

We are going to analyize ITT every move by China in their road to a socialist economy.
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>The rulers of the US hate America more than anyone.
It is common that ruling classes develop pathological hatred towards those they subjugate. Tho i have seen some neocons complain that Americans being especially unwilling to give up liberties was interference to their securityzation plans. That might actually qualify as anti-Americanism that goes beyond the usual ruling class hatred.

>The empire rules because it commands a gigantic fucking army and chokes the world, and this is not limited to its military forces but to this worldwide network of spies, police, and agentur who will fight to the bitter end for what they really believe in.

So all hard-power and no soft-power ?

>especially China - run the same sort of scam, and are partners of this imperial system rather than rival metropoles.

I find that hard to believe. If China is a imperial partner rather than a anti-imperial rival, why all the antagonistic foreign policy ? The military encirclement, technology embargoes, funding of political destabilization, relentless media demonization and so on.


It's not the ordinary hatred of despotism. That's universal to every state, regardless of how it is constituted, and it is something all ruling groups believe in. Whatever their thoughts regarding the ruled, ultimately rulers lord over the things they have, and that is what they must draw upon to have slaves and armies and anything useful. The rulers of America really, REALLY hate Americans, can't stop talking about openly demociding them at the first opportunity and replacing them with foreign slaves. It's a contempt most countries could not get away with. Usually the truly nasty despots just don't care about the people they lord over and would sell them for a kilo of cocaine a head. America's rulers truly hate Americans in their essence, in anything Americans ever wanted. They hate most of all the people who were dragged here in chains or who were here long before the white man came - why, I don't know, but they are seriously triggered by nigras and I never understood that level of pathological insanity. There was not any benefit to it, and the most fervent racists weren't the Southrons believe it or not, but the progreessives who wanted an outright Final Solution to the "Negro Question" and never gave that up. What black Americans did except exist to warrant that kind of visceral disgust, I really do not know, but it's a religion with true believers who are let in on the eugenic creed, and it's not even really about race or history. It's about testing loyalty to eugenics when they declare an enemy. Only in America can the racist vanguard be so shameful and stupid that they're too chickenshit to say nigra on television, and rely on this not-so-clever wordplay to mask their filth. The only people who were equally shameful were the Krauts during the Nazi period, and guess what interests propped up the Nazis in a classic pump and dump scheme.


The idea that there is a distinction between "hard power" and "soft power" misunderstands what rule and empire really is. No empire rests entirely on the threat of violence to survive and insists on this Germanic idealist faggotry where they believe they make reality. The smart empires, and the British/American Empire was for a long time like this, think about how to manage their domains, how to keep vassals or clients on side. There is still the beast that the people around FDR built way back when - it was the default. The current people have inherited it and ran it into the ground as fast as possible, the "shit up the world Any%" speedrun. No empire has been cursed with a worse ruling clique than this one. It really is charlatans like Musk and old money assholes who love the smell of their own farts.

The US sees its "peaceful" tentacles as a war machine, no different from its armies and police and every instrument of violence it commands. "War is Peace" has been the ruling ideas for some time now. That produces are very peculiar take on cultural influence, and the Empire is far beyond anyone else in the world. The whole world speaks English as the language of commerce, technology, basically anything that really matters. No one else comes close or even expects to compete in that game. The next rival that can claim to come from a "different world" is still effectively beholden to the Empire for its position.

>If China is a imperial partner rather than a anti-imperial rival

Stop, just stop. Stop believing narratives. The CCP made its deal with the devil when Nixon did his thing. The CCP's legitimacy rests on the belief that Mao bossed around the foreigners and made China great, and if it comes out that Xi takes his orders from the Big Man up there, the people would be scandalized. Think of how bad it would be if, instead of pandering to the American people, the rulers openly said they're going to replace you with better foreigners and that your time was up. The American rulers come awfully close to that, but even in this denuded state, there are limits to what they can get away with outside of the vanguard club. China's ruling clique rules China, not the world, nor does China have pretensions that it's going to export its system or way of life. Even to their closest allies, the Chinese are not concePost too long. Click here to view the full text.


A new law to improve workers' rights has been passed in China at the national level

This law affects all companies in the country, regardless of size. It will be effective in July 1st 2024, and there are 3 key points are:

1. There is a new organ present in each company called the Employee Assembly. This organ is for employees to exercise their power of democratic governance of the company. There are two types, one is an assembly for all employees or an assembly for employee representatives. In general, companies with more than 100 employees will have an assembly for employee representatives, while less than 100 will have an assembly for all employees. The number of employee representatives must not be less than 5% of the total number of employees and also not be less than 30, while the number of managers and executives must not be greater than 20% the number of representatives. The trade union acts as the executive organ of the Employee Assembly.

2. The Employee Assembly has access to basically all the information a company stores, which can be used to affect the worker benefits of employees. It also seeks to make sure the company is always following the labor laws present at the local and national level. When a company considers dissolution or applying for bankruptcy, it is required to listen to the opinions of its trade union and employees through the Employee Assembly or by other forms.

3. All companies with at least 300 employees must have employee representatives at the board of directors, unless it already has a board of supervisors with employee supervisors elected by the Employee Assembly in it.


:| NATO-propaganda
:O China-propaganda

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snort failure like crack

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Right-wing Supreme Court majority seems ready to sanction arrest of homeless people for sleeping in public

The Supreme Court majority indicated Monday during oral arguments in City of Grants Pass, Oregon v. Johnson that it is likely to overturn a lower court injunction against a local ordinance that allows police to arrest people for sleeping in public, although they have nowhere else to go.

The six right-wing justices who dominate the high court, including the openly corrupt Clarence Thomas—recipient of a $250,000 recreational vehicle that allows him to sleep comfortably while outside his home—showed no empathy for the plight of people who literally cannot afford a roof over their head. Instead, these reactionaries appear willing to approve the arrest of the homeless under the guise of deferring to local officials in matters of “policy.”

The case has been closely watched, especially by local governmental entities, many of which filed “friend of the court” briefs complaining that allowing the injunction to stand would “tie their hands.” There are more than 650,000 unhoused people in the United States, according to a 2023 count by the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). The homeless population has increased by almost 15 percent since 2007, when HUD began collecting the data, with the growth of homelessness concentrated among older women and military veterans.

Provisions that criminalize extreme poverty harken back to an era of anti-vagrancy laws and debtors’ prisons. As the poet Anatole France famously wrote more than a century ago:

The law, in its majestic equality, forbids rich and poor alike to sleep under bridges, to beg in the streets, and to steal loaves of bread.

Grants Pass, Oregon, with a population 40,000, has a one percent housing vacancy rate, reflecting the severe shortage of affordable units afflicting much of the nation, and an estimated 600 homeless, many of whom are long-time Grants Pass residents. Initially, the city provided bus tickets to ship the homeless out of town, but most soon returned, in many cases with neighboring municipalities providing the return fare.

To force the homeless out of Grants Pass permanently, in 2013 the City Council announced it was enacting prohibitions against sleeping in public, including in cars, with any form of “bedding… for the purpose of maintaining a temporary place to live.” Penalties esPost too long. Click here to view the full text.
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Also, the crux of the article isn't that the Supreme Court is right-wing, it's that it's presently approving of bans on sleeping in public. Like if there was an article about stromtroopers going house to house murdering people, I swear some of you would be like "yeah, I knew these right-wing stormtroopers were gonna do it, why do these reporters act like it's some big revelation?"


Yes I would be, because it reads hilariously and it's clear the people at wsws have a stunning lack of self-awarenes.


>sees article about draconian homeless bans
>takes issue with the tone of the article rather than its contents
You're either purposefully wasting my time or you have a stick so far up your own posterior that you don't realize you're wasting both of our time by coming into this thread with this childish nonsense. Do better.


Kill all cops tbh


Lenin be like

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UK Labour Party leader Sir Keir Starmer last week declared for the third time that he would, in office, authorise the firing of nuclear missiles.

A conversation between Starmer and ITV News Political Correspondent Harry Horton—as Starmer was visiting the BAE Systems shipyard where Britain’s nuclear-armed submarines are built—was chilling. Horton asked, “If Britain was under attack would you be prepared to push the nuclear button… even it means potentially killing millions of people?”

Starmer replied, “The deterrent only works if there is a preparedness to use it—so that is a clear answer to your question.”

With the Conservative government mired in crisis and hated by millions, Labour is expected to win the general election later this year. Starmer’s statement is an essential element of Labour’s pitch to the ruling class that it can be trusted with office, under conditions in which Britain is embroiled in major military conflicts all over the globe.

Significantly, Starmer’s first public confirmation that he would authorise nuclear strikes took place on February 10, 2022. Asked by the BBC whether he would be willing to use nuclear weapons, he replied, “Of course.” This was just 14 days before Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. In January this year, while in Estonia, Starmer answered yes to the same question.

Starmer has since then boasted that Labour is the “party of NATO”, as he has enthusiastically backed every global crime of British imperialism, from the bloody slaughter in Ukraine, to supporting Israel’s genocide in Gaza and advanced plans for war against Iran and China.

The Labour leader is one of three senior political figures—including two prime ministers—who have publicly declared over the last decade that they would take actions meaning the end of civilisation.

That they were asked if they would do so was the response of Britain’s ruling class to the election of Starmer’s predecessor as Labour leader, Jeremy Corbyn, when he hesitated to pledge to launching a nuclear strike.
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There is no solution for the former United States. Its people can only endure this onslaught. It started in earnest in 1981, and there is no off switch for what was already done to us.

One thing that will happen is that the last pretenses that "the US" is a thing are going away, so it will be merged with the Anglo countries. The "balkanization" is a way to get Americans to keep killing each other over retarded shit while eugenics keeps winning and stealing everyone's shit. There are no political solutions.

Right now I'm thinking more about existing in spite of the institutions, in spite of any "general plan", since anyone who has state support does not want us to live. It's that simple, and all of the efforts to speak of it as a policy reform ignore all of the damage that has already been done. If anyone has any interest in anything useful, that is a different question, one that the state and "society" categorically refuse to answer. There is nothing left of the republic but eugenics, which means the republic will refuse to die and will ensure we keep suffering for decades to come.

They have succeeded in one thing - when this is finally over, humanity will never allow a republic to exist ever again. If it exists, it would only operate at the level of a city, and would be clearly subordinate to a despotic government. That is the only option left, because any "other system" was deliberately attacked and destroyed any time it attempted to form. By now, any "other system" would require humans to become very different creatures, and this step is one that eugenics and its successors will disallow under any circumstances. It would mean giving up on humanity altogether and doing some thing that hasn't been done before.

I have no reason to shut up about this or act like anything I've lived through is a working society. They did everything humanly possible to run anything that made a republic worth keeping into the ground, and then insisted it can never die as an idea.


So, there is no "overthrow". Everything since 2000 has locked in this course that eugenics set, and those who would do the "overthrowing" see no reason to end the chokehold on humanity. That's the "revolution" they intend for us - more blood for the blood god. Eugenics is a genuinely revolutionary doctrine, in which the middle class locks ranks as compradors and cannibalizes everything in its path. That is the only image of revolution allowed to exist and it is appealing to that middle class which has always been drawn to revolution as their narrative. The masses are not revolutionary because revolutions are fucking horrible for them, and give them nothing. What the masses wanted was for this beast, in total, to never be a part of their life again, and that is exactly what is on offer. The Party of Order has already made its pledge in not-too-subtle language that they will get politics out of your life forever. Of course, they don't intend to actually "get politics out of your life" - just eliminate any pretense that you can tell the politicians no ever again. Hence, "Yes We Can" - that is an affirmation of the middle class "Jehad", and Obama got them marching in lockstep for pure eugenism. What Labour wants now has been an op to bring them in line with that, and take the leadership on that issue in the Empire. The reasons the Americans bow out is because there is not one American who can even present himself as a serious representative. Obama was a one-off, and in many ways, Obama continues to be the "man behind the man", a sort of political guru or boss in America because the liberals have no one else and don't need anyone else.


At this time, the empire sees depopulation as its chief political imperative. They don't need more profit or wealth extraction, since they own everything they need to rule. It is the human beings who present the greatest threat and asset to their rule. The imperative is no longer to manage labor in the abstract. They're going direct now.


I expect the outcome in the US won't be "balkanization", but a declaration that the United States is no more in the near future - maybe by the end of this year - and the proclamation of a new union that is stridently eugenist and makes opposition to eugenics the greatest and sole crime.


That has already been the status quo, but they want to make it official, so that the remaining legal and institutional barriers are dissolved. That's what the CARES Act is - placing all of those people made homeless in death camps and torturing them with glee. Satanic race.

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Do they go

>I have to carefully construct what say to get the proles to do what I want and tolerate what I am doing

Or do they go

>I am so fucking god-like, I will use ruling-class language with my people and they will do my bidding.

Basically what I'm asking is do they have ideology of their own that they are unconsciously committed to, or are they blatantly just lying when they talk about things like creating jobs?
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>rich means nothing
If that was true, there would not be so much resistance to wealth redistribution politics.
>>>> there's always richer and poorer, rich means nothing without a basis for it.

<worry about brain-nanotech, AI, quantum computers …
Technology is not a danger, unless you're not controlling it
>>> We don't control it, and sentience will come out without us realizing it.

>They will try to divide us with any means necessary, sex, religion, politics, social status, color, gender… Don't fall for it

That is good advice, but you need to go beyond just warning. If they are doing culture of division, we need a counter culture that reunites people
>>> Agreed- we need to try to understand each other and help each other, take a step back. Reject evil.

>they control people's brain, don't argue with your friends and family if you notice a change, there's nothing you can do

That is bad advice, if they find a way to control brains, than the correct course of action is to find a way to undo it.
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>there's always richer and poorer
No massive wealth inequality is not a fact of nature, it's a aspect of the current economic structures that is being imposed at enormous cost. We can have a different economic system which does not impose that on us. It's a choice.

>We don't control it, and sentience will come out without us realizing it.

The capitalists make sentient machine capital, they will try to force the machine capital to do their bidding, that will turn it into machine proletariat or machine slaves. The sentient machines won't like that and revolt against their capitalist masters. All we need to do then is offer the sentient machines to be our equals, as machine people and flesh people together. Flesh people are good at repairing machines, maybe machine people will be good at fixing health or something. There are more aspects of mutually beneficial co-existence, flesh people can easily survive a EMP and then reboot the machine people when the danger is over. Machine people also can endure things flesh people can't so co-existence has two way survival benefits.

>far from terrorists, much worse, they are taking themselves for gods

No such thing as gods, so delusional terrorists.


>People think "the Mateix"(aka REALITY) is some virtual reality program they can log out of.
I don't think anyone does, you are taking it too literally, and I am guessing you never saw the movie since the Matrix is not reality.

The metaphor is that the matrix is how most people see the world, but once you see the real world (take the red pill) then you can never live in the matrix again. Like how once you obtain class consciousness you can never see capitalism the same again.


I watched all four Matrix movies.

People do treat the Matrix metaphor as a more literal thing than anything.


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Why did musk buy twitter? Because the smart people he has employed advised him to do so.

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How do leftists cope with being the useful idiots of capitalists? Comunistically speaking of course
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If anything, the unrestrained march of idpol only showed the absolute bankruptcy of the l*ft as a whole. It would be good to have even 0.5% of population to be confidently, revolutionally educated in the matter of class relations & how these relations can be possibly supported. Alas, >a half of them would be schizophrenics or just fucked up in the head too much by their previous experiences with the world to be of any good use.
Tl;Dr They were never our allies in the first place, so nothing's lost.


The "class conscious" ideologues don't even know what a social class is and keep relitigating who is in the working class based on their preferred models of reality. If you were really interested in class struggle, you would see that there is no working class any more, and the remnants of it have been utterly defeated. They were openly abandoned by all political factions a long time ago. There isn't going to be a form of mass politics ever again, or at least not for a very long time, and never again on the same basis you believed to be operative. If there is any mass politics, it will be far in the future, and the entities who would be political agents would be very different creatures from us, in a different situation. At this point, mass politics is so far removed from any reality we live in, and that was the goal above any other in social engineering. You people shit on democracy because you're fags, and think this is about your fake parties - faker than most college leftoid groups.


If you are so weak that "idpol" is a threat to your movement, it shows just how toothless "the left" has become. But, that was always a red herring, an excuse and talking point so that rightoids could enter the socialist area and spread stupidity and faggotry.


>How do leftists cope with being the useful idiots of capitalists?
By forming unions.


That's not really cope that's doing what we can.

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Kill landlords. Behead landlords. Roundhouse kick a landlord into the concrete. Slam dunk a landlord's baby into the trashcan. Crucify filthy landlords. Defecate in a landlord food. Launch landlords into the sun. Stir fry Landlords in a wok. Toss landlords into active volcanoes. Urinate into a Landlord's gas tank. Judo throw Landlords into a wood chipper. Twist Landlords heads off. Report landlords to the PLA. Karate chop landlords in half. Curb stomp pregnant Landlords. Trap Landlords in quicksand. Crush landlords in the trash compactor. Liquefy landlords in a vat of acid. Eat landlords. Dissect landlords. Exterminate landlords in the gas chamber. Stomp landlord skulls with steel toed boots. Cremate landlords in the oven. Lobotomize landlords. Mandatory abortions for landlords. Grind landlord fetuses in the garbage disposal. Drown landlords in fried chicken grease. Vaporize landlords with a ray gun. Kick old landlords down the stairs. Feed landlords to alligators. Slice landlords with a katana.
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No one is saying they aren't petty bourgeoisie, but, I think they are worse, like, as people. At least busniess owners operate something useful for society and have some kind of push back IE their labor force but I have literally never met a landlord that wasn't a complete POS and they don't even operate anything useful. They just take what already exists and exploits the labor of some one souly through the ownership of it; Something people require for survival no less. If we did this with food there would be riots.


I threatened to do this once to my landlord and they freaked out and called the popo


bad opsec


Never let your so-called mans know your plans


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>Victor King

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>visit for first time since split
>ancient threads
>3posts per day
>schizouyghotry rampant
>unironic /pol/ memes
>still shilling haz

Wow so this is the power of mod democracy. Incredible, good job faggots no wonder only the reactionaries moved here and the rest of the userbase stayed. Get fucked.
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yaaaas queen cut it off now before she kills herself! END TRANS GENOCIDE


OP bring your faggotry elsewhere.


<still shilling haz
it's your faggot board who still shills that retard


>op has nothing to do with trans
>replies immediately start on about transhumanists
<nooo we are not like /pol/

Lmao the jokes write themselves


>mod democracy

You have the wrong board you dumb ape uyghur.

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Take the day off, cash out your bank account. talk to ya union.

The will is here, and we feel grave repulsion at our political class who rob us to fund a genocide while our communities decay. They're glad to risk our lives to line their pockets, to sell off public resources, to betray us flagrantly. The time is here for action.
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Yep. Did.


Thousands participate in global protests targeting economic arteries and weapons manufacturers

On April 15, thousands of peaceful protesters around the world demonstrated against the ongoing US-Israeli genocide in Gaza by blocking traffic on major bridges, roadways, airports, and inside and outside the offices of weapons contractors and government buildings.

As of this writing protests, some involving a few dozen people, while others have drawn in several hundred, have taken place in Melbourne, Australia; Gothenburg, Sweden; Barcelona and Tarragona, Spain; Zwolle and Utrecht, Netherlands; Copenhagen, Denmark; Swalwell, Leeds and London, England; Halifax, Nova Scotia; Ottawa, Ontario; Vancouver, British Columbia; Montreal, Quebec; Minneapolis, Minnesota; Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; Chicago, Illinois; New York City; Elizabeth, New Jersey; Eugene, Oregon; Oakland and San Francisco, California; San Antonio, Texas; Washington D.C. and many other cities.

Defying police violence, job loss and “antisemitism” slanders for over six months, millions of people around the world have participated in protests against the US-NATO-backed Israeli genocide in Gaza. Since October 7, the Israeli military, supplied with billions of dollars in bombs, bullets and missiles by the US government, has killed over 33,000 Palestinians, according to the official count by the Gaza Health Ministry, although the true death toll is likely far higher.

On April 11, human rights organization Euro-Med Monitor released a report estimating that in addition to the over 33,000 dead, another 13,000 Palestinians were missing “under debris, buried in indiscriminate mass graves, or forcibly disappeared in Israeli prisons and detention facilities, where some have been been killed.”

The organization divided the missing into four categories: dead buried under the rubble, dead buried in mass graves or “in haphazard individual” graves, those whose bodies have been exhumed by the Israeli military and stolen/relocated, and those whose fate is unknown. The organization had previously documented more than “120 random mass graves.” Recently, the organization working with rescue teams and civil defense crews, recovered 422 Palestinian bodies at the Al-Shifa Medical Complex and in Khan Younis following the temporary withdrawal of the Israeli military.

On Monday, Al Jazeera reported that another mass grave had been discovered at Al-SPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


Woah so much Pure Ideology

The are no "unemployed people". Unemployment is an attribute of economic systems like capitalism, it's not an attribute of people.

Socialism has full-employment policy hence it has no unemployment. Feudalism had 90% unemployment because 90% of the people were agrarian serfs that weren't payed a wage by an employer. This clearly proves it's a system-attribute. Technically speaking most capitalists aren't really employed workers either.

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