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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internets about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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These kinds of people are literally just black chuds, they worship "black owned businesses", they have their own black version of schizo-tier race science (Yakub), are religious extremists (just Muslim instead of Christian), are often antisemitic, homophobic, etc., and essentially just want a Fourth Reich but in Africa ("Pan-Africanism"). Basically take any /pol/ talking point but replace "Jews" with "whites" and "Europe" with "Africa". There's a reason the American Nazi Party regularly attended Nation of Islam conferences.
How do you get them to realize they have a lot more in common with the white proletariat than the black bourgeosie?
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So what's the political counter to "codifying people" ?


You cannot. Until these uyghurs will actually get shredded 4 long enough in stupid identoid wars they would never ever want 2 see themselves as humans & not fucking uyghurs or chingchongs or wh@ever. something something dialectical materialism or some shit
Also, don't ask mr. Lemmin on the "pan-" faggotry question or else these shitskin bourg simps will hang & you will get thrown in jail by the former slaveowner families 4 disordering their diversity of conflict‒their greatest strength.

>ma massa blacq

>ayooo bixnood hyperuyghea kangz slaves (wiet) n shieeeeeet


you are consistently the worst poster on this site


Still not worse than the schizo who fills threads up with walls of garbage.


Dont you dare talk about Eugene like that.



From Democracy Now!:
After nearly two decades of obstruction by the U.S. military, The New Yorker has obtained and published 10 photos of the aftermath of the 2005 Haditha massacre, when U.S. marines killed 24 Iraqi civilians in revenge for an IED bombing that killed a service member. The graphic images show dead Iraqi men, women and children, many of them shot in the head at close range. The victims ranged in age from 3 to 76. Release of the photos came only after producers of the investigative podcast In the Dark sued the Navy, the Marine Corps and U.S. Central Command to force them to turn over the photos and other records. "What the photos clearly show is that these were innocent people who do not appear to be doing anything threatening at the time of their deaths," says Madeleine Baran, host and lead reporter of the podcast. Four marines were charged for the killings, but the charges were dismissed in three cases, and the last ended with a plea deal that did not result in a single day in prison. Baran says the survivors of the massacre, who cooperated with producers to get the photos released, are still waiting for justice. "What they want is the world to know what happened to their family, to know that their family were good people, not insurgents, and they want justice," she says.


Will Americans ever face the consequences? I wish a 9/11 every single day for them.


>Will Americans ever face the consequences?
Well the Bush-junior era neocon Wars on of Terror, wasted a lot of money on blowing shit up in the middle east, and that led to funding deficits that harmed a large part of the US population. So there were consequences but it definitely affected the wrong people.

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 No.361470[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

This thread is for posting any form of /lefty/ videos files ranging from .webm or .mp4, or other
The last thread hit the bump limit, so post new or old videos here.
Link to the last thread here: >>201250
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you may not like it, but this is how modern apitprop will look like


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name of the song?


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Remember when people thought this guy was some kind of lefty?


Huh? Redpill me on this, I thought he was cool? He took pictures with Hugo Chavez and Fidel Castro and the Pink Tide stuff.


Brazilian supreme court just finished affirming the ban of Twitter (after another social media site) and fines against anyone who tries to access it over VPN. And he supports it with the same bullshit rhetoric against "misinformation" being used to crack down on speech in Anglo countries right now.


He is a lefty you fucking leftoid cuck. Now go on & enjoy your leftism (liberalism) some more, faggot.


show me a leftcom state

 No.476326[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

The nuclear threat is back. But we don't see any nuclear panic like in the 1980s. Why is that? Why does nobody care?

I am not some prepper retard but even I am getting nervous.

Just look at this shit
A time of unprecedented danger: It is 90 seconds to midnight
>This year, the Science and Security Board of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists moves the hands of the Doomsday Clock forward, largely (though not exclusively) because of the mounting dangers of the war in Ukraine. The Clock now stands at 90 seconds to midnight—the closest to global catastrophe it has ever been.
>As UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres warned in August, the world has entered “a time of nuclear danger not seen since the height of the Cold War.”

and also this
US Nuclear Test Raises Concerns of New Arms Race With Russia

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his name sounds like Donald Trump


Douglas MacGregor thinks Isreal might try to use "tactical" nukes in Lebanon

It seems like a pandora's box problem. If somebody gets away with it, it won't go back in the box. The majority of world governments would probably find it acceptable to destroy the Israeli state to put the nukes back into the box.


I take MacGregor's takes with a whole shaker of salt, but this is far from the least likely one. I doubt that Israel would do it right away, but whenever Netanyahu is actually cornered, he will. His ideal is to maintain a long, brutal war which continues to slowly escalate (on all fronts except Palestine, where it's constantly at a fever pitch) and drags the US in fully behind him, and then from that position he can conquer a bunch of land while also saving himself from prosecution. He could resort to nukes much faster, though, it's possible.


>His ideal is to maintain a long, brutal war which continues to slowly escalate
Isreal will loose a pounding match against Iran and Lebanon, Israeli military generals have confirmed as much.

>drags the US in

The US will only send air-power. The Israeli will loose the ground war and then they're screwed anyway.

>he can conquer a bunch of land while also saving himself from prosecution.

0% chance of conquering land.
Netanyahu probably ends up in exile in the US if he goes full retard. If the Arabs catch him, he'll be toast.

>Netanyahu is actually cornered, he will

I concur with that.
There is a small chance that he'll get cooped if he tries to go nuclear.
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new US nuclear strategy dropped
it's pretty ominous


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Was Bordiga right?

I have to admit some of his arguments are compelling. It certainly does seem to be the case that an unprincipled "popular front" just leads to liberals taking control of your revolution and directing it away from anticapitalism. At the same time history seems to have been very unkind to his strategy. Every time he split his support got smaller and smaller until he was ultimately pushed out and marginalized by those with all the power. Bordiga seemed very satisfied in interviews towards the end, that he had remained ideologically pure throughout his long life. Unfortunately it also seems like he accomplished very little after his expulsion from the Italian Communist Party in 1930.

Maybe there's no effective answer to the problems he identified? Are we supposed to just kick back in our armchairs and wait for capitalism to devour itself in the end?


Was it liberals who took over?
As a… as a not-well-versed-in-Bordiga guy, I always associated him with, like, opposition to the more authoritarian ML "state capitalism" or whatever-you-wanna-call-it branch of socialism which kept the state but added a bunch of public services. I take it Italy was different?

My view… and maybe it's a weird view, but I come from a perspective where Marxism maybe brings this on itself to an extent. There's a major gap, specific to Marx, which creates a lot of room for interpretation in terms of just what will emerge from revolution. Where previous revolutions in Marx's time had failed from not being statey and defensive enough, it seems reasonable that Marx would say "ok, we need to develop a workers' state to protect the gains of the revolution before we get to a stateless communist state," but when that happens and it drags on, it inevitably becomes a betrayal to all those who were on board hoping to get a sort of peaceful post-capitalist anarchy rather than a huge, protracted "workers' state" with a monopoly on force. As soon as that happens once, you inevitably get guys like Bordiga, and even Trotsky (despite him being for a lot of the stuff Bordiga hated) who had a lot of valid points! but really ultimately may not have accomplished much else beyond correctly critiquing MLism as it existed. A big part of why it turned out that way probably is that a straight reading of Marx can produce both "the revolution needs a strong protective state to defend against bourgeois infiltration" and "the revolution will produce a stateless society where workers own the products of their labor."


Maybe we could try both at the same time.

Have an ML state that organizes high intensity defense, infrastructure and heavy industry, and then have anarchic structures for light industry, low intensity people's militias and amusement. You know pick the strong side of each, while avoiding their weaknesses.


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>Marx would say "ok, we need to develop a workers' state to protect
Marx would fucking shoot your faggot ass 4 being a nutsoy cocksucker instead of a communist. You do not "protect" shit you stole from da big bourgs you fucking petbourg uyghur, you eliminate the class of bourgeoisie from human society EVERYWHERE as it is, including you. & if suddenly you now have to protect muh stuff, then…

>Every time he split his support got smaller and smaller until he was ultimately pushed out and marginalized by those with all the power.
Th@'s called "revolution in retreat" you fucking retard. It's a force of nature th@ you are not in any capacity to tamper with, & so, in the world of failed communist revolution one of the productive things you can do is dogmatizing the og theory so th@ no fucking nutsoy faggot could completely degenerate it into another strain of state liberalism with (super-)nazional characteristics ("marxism-leninism").
>Unfortunately it also seems like he accomplished very little after his expulsion from the Italian Communist Party in 1930.
Gee, I wonder why!

>Maybe we could try both liberalisms at the same time.

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Who are you voting for, anon?

So far, the top candidates are:
Jill Stein (Green)
Cornel West (Independent)
Claudia De la Cruz (Party for Socialism and Liberation)
Joseph Kishore (Socialist Equality Party)
and now "Based Chase" Oliver (Libertarian)

and then there are some unserious candidates nobody likes.
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Dems are trying really hard to destroy democracy.


ATLANTA – A judge ruled Monday that four independent and third-party candidates are ineligible to appear on Georgia's presidential ballot, although the final decision will be up to Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger.

The rulings by Michael Malihi, an administrative law judge, would block the qualifications of independents Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Cornel West, as well as the Green Party's Jill Stein and the Party for Socialism and Liberation's Claudia De la Cruz.

Kennedy on Friday had said he would seek to withdraw his name in Georgia and some other closely contested states as he endorsed Republican Donald Trump.

Democrats legally challenged whether all four qualify for the ballot, seeking to block candidates who could siphon votes from Democratic nominee and Vice President Kamala Harris after Joe Biden won Georgia by fewer than 12,000 votes in 2020.

Raffensperger must make a decision before Georgia mails out military and overseas ballots starting Sept. 17. Spokesperson Mike Hassinger said Raffensperger's office is reviewing the decisions and will decide each as soon as possible.

If affirmed by Raffensperger, the rulings mean that Georgia voters will choose only among Harris, Trump and Libertarian Chase Oliver in the presidential race.
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what a farce, Aristotle was right, democracy means rule by the poor, otherwise it's just plutocracy.


>Harris pledges to appoint a Republican to her Cabinet if elected


didnt Abraham Lincoln do this?


Seriously wtf
Is Macron dictator for life now? What's happening? What's going on?


>caring about booj political drama

Ok no I'm just being a dick, I don't know more I wish I did.


>Is Macron dictator for life now?
Definitely not, the military would never back him, because he already betrayed them when he tried to feed them to the meat grinder in Ukraine. He'd be dead in a week if he attempted a dictatorship.

>What's happening? What's going on?

The neo-libs lost power, and they haven't accepted it yet.


>left "popular resistance" coalition nominates another neoliberal for PM who went to the same elite schools as Macron
>Macron rejects them anyway
What can be said? They pissed away their credibility by pushing more banker bullshit when they had the power to push for something leftward. The only way this could work out in their favor now is if they went to the people and said "See, our opponents won't even accept another right-wing neoliberal austerity peddler, they can't be reasoned with!" I highly doubt they're going to do that though.


>The only way this could work out in their favor now is if they went to the people and said "See, our opponents won't even accept another right-wing neoliberal austerity peddler, they can't be reasoned with!" I highly doubt they're going to do that though.
They should though!
I feel like we might actually be at a turning point with this stuff. The pro-Palestine/anti-genocide movement in the US has comparable stuff going on, where the so-called "centrists" keep rejecting absolutely every generous concession and compromise from the people they characterize as "radicals," who actually represent an ever-growing portion of popular consensus. I'm not an optimist, but I think it's sending a message to a lot of people who might otherwise have dismissed it.


>I feel like we might actually be at a turning point with this stuff. The pro-Palestine/anti-genocide movement in the US has comparable stuff going on, where the so-called "centrists" keep rejecting absolutely every generous concession and compromise from the people they characterize as "radicals," who actually represent an ever-growing portion of popular consensus.
What i found noteworthy was how surprised and befuddled the ruling classes were when they got so much shit for supporting a genocide. They appear to have mentally disconnected from the population. That's probably why they're rejecting every compromise that's offered to them.

Their blunt imperial smash strategies don't work either anymore, and they don't appear to be accepting that either.

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How does the left deal with the fact we've completely lost the online sphere as well?
>All social media/forums taken over by establishment bootlicking Neolibs.
>Young male content all alt-right adjacent
>Tankie has become a mainstream insult against anyone left of Obama/Blair
>Basic left wing positions are now claimed to be wrecking/unrealistic by majority of "progressives" that supported them just 4 years ago.
>Left wing outlets censored from social media, journalists arrested or blacklisted.
>Left wing forums completely overrun by insane idpollers who worm their way into mod positions and ban anyone who doesn't bow down to their libshit
>Dirtbag left media ecosphere is dead
How does the left deal with this? Online is incredibly important for information dissemination but the left has been effectively pushed out of the Online sphere as well. Dead IRL and dead online, don't know how the left will crawl back from this tbh.
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Please stop


No you shut the fuck up.
Im sick and tired of imageboard users whining about bullshit allegations of radicalisation of male youth.
Im sick and tored of imageboard users with their minited vocabulary of buzzwords and they get upset at me for disagreeing.


>Please stop
You said
>Young male content all alt-right adjacent

which is a blanket statement, and you just want everyone to accept this?


Isn't there legitimate data on the phenomena at this point?


Enough about things that haven’t happened

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How does solitary confinement fit into the larger prison industrial complex? It seems to me like it would be rather unprofitable to keep your slaves confined for years at a time, unable to do any productive labor.


Thats what K-12 education is, yet everyone still defends it


>How does solitary confinement fit into the larger prison industrial complex?
In the US the private prison complex is a remnant from the defeated slave-society. Stuffing a slave into a crate/box was a type of punishment/torture. That's probably what "solitary confinement" was derived from. It's probably just as ineffective as torture.

>It seems to me like it would be rather unprofitable

Yes, but private prisons in general are dubious from an economic perspective. Hiring somebody as a worker is more productive than forcing that person to be a prison-slave and worker-housing costs significantly less than imprisonment.

You're correct it's not rational.


Can that really be true? There's clearly an economic incentive for prison labor. Why else would Whole Foods for example seek out prison labor when they could be paying real wages to un-prisoned workers? I think prison labor exploiters usually aren't paying for the imprisonment; instead the state is paying for that.


>Can that really be true?
Given how broken the world is, why is it so surprising to you that shit's not efficient.

>There's clearly an economic incentive for prison labor.

It costs like over 60k a year to imprison somebody in the US. It costs less than half to hire somebody for minimum wage. So a hard NO on that one.

Just compare the physical realities, of a commercial space where people work, plus the homes they live in, to prison facilities.

Regular work places don't need all the stuff to keep people locked up, they don't need sturdy cells, guards, elaborate security perimeters, a search helicopter on stand by and so on. To hire a worker just post a job-listing. To get a prison-slave it requires a bunch of police officers to catch one, and a bunch of legal theater to make up excuses for snatching somebody from the streets and locking them up. It requires bribing politicians for fake laws to keep up a veneer of justice and legitimacy.

Prisons are also a lot less productive, than regular work-places. It's basically random snatched up people that are being made to work what ever productive forces the private prison labor camp happens to have. There is no skill matching. Since there is no pressure to upgrade the production equipment, the tools are obsolete tech that are really labor intensive and have low output.

The only reason why anybody's making money off this is because the costs are socialized and the revenue is privatized.

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